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Survive the Nights News

Hotfix - 1.37.2

We’re releasing a quick hotfix today to our default branch. Please check against the changelog below and report any issues directly to the team in game or via Discord. *Please note: world save data will be wiped

[h3]Patch Notes - HOTFIX 1.37.2[/h3]

  • Sleeping bags can now be removed again.
  • Fixed arcade machines not being able to be placed.
  • Fixed lock hovers.
  • Light bulbs can now be placed in light fittings again.
  • Database increment (world save data will be wiped)
  • Attached parts should go missing from vehicles less frequently.

Scenario Fixes
  • Night of the Living Dead scenario now working again.
  • Nazi Zombies scenario working again.

Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

X: https://xcom/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

1.37 (Arcades | Improvements | Lighting++)

We’re pushing the 1.37 build right out to default, we’re just crazy like that! This update was quick, also a lot of fun. We got some great fixes in and something I’ve personally (JB) wanted to mess with for some time arcades! We’ve spent quite some time checking over reported issues (thank you all) and taking care of some annoying issues. Check the changelog below for a more detailed explanation on just what we’ve been up to as the blog is only a faction of what we’ve accomplished with 1.37.

You’ve seen them in-game for quite some time—arcade machines scattered across the world, teasing with their "coming soon" hover UI. Well, the wait is finally over! This update marks the introduction of our first fully functional arcade games, thanks to Andre’s hard work this cycle. To kick things off, players can now enjoy 3 classic games to challenge your reflexes and pass the time between survival runs.

Pong – A timeless classic. Battle against the AI or your friends for dominance.
Meteors – Inspired by Asteroids, dodge and destroy incoming space debris!
Snake – The original "just one more try" game—how long can you grow your snake?

This is just the beginning. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce Workshop integration in Update 1.38, allowing players to create and add their own arcade projects. Get ready to unleash your creativity and bring custom arcade experiences into the world of Survive the Nights!

In addition to working arcade machines, we’ve also added dedicated arcade buildings across the map. There are four in total, strategically placed for easy access. You can find them marked on the map, so be sure to check them out!

We’d love to see your high scores, so don’t forget to share them in our Discord community! Who will claim the top spot?

Arcade in the rain

Pong, Snake and Meteors!

Something comforting about the neon-glow of a retro-arcade!

Fitting name?

Even zombies like arcades!

[h3]Street lighting, Strip Mall and Ring Road[/h3]
In Update 1.36, we introduced island-wide power, bringing the power plant system to life. However, some towns and roads were still left in the dark. This update focuses on expanding street lighting, we were sure to hit all the towns along with the ring-road around the island. To enhance the atmosphere, we also introduced a dynamic flicker effect to select lights in and around towns. You’ll also find this creepy flicker effect at most of our strip malls. This subtle yet eerie addition adds to the overall tension and immersion, making nighttime exploration even more unsettling.

Additional Electrical Changes:
  • Ceiling fans now spin when power is active—because nothing says "normal civilization" like sitting under a working fan while zombies roam outside.
  • Electric breakers & meters now start in the correct positions, reducing setup hassle when restoring power.
  • Strip mall signage now lights up when power is active, adding to the immersion.

Police station lighting

More town lighting

Power plant glowing!

A false sense of calm

[h3]In-Game Updates![/h3]
Exciting news—many of you are likely reading this directly in-game! Over the years, I’ve written countless updates, and while I hope those who find them enjoy reading them, they often get buried by patches or missed entirely.

With this new in-game update viewer, you’ll always have access to the latest changes, fixes, and upcoming features without having to check external sources. This ensures more players stay informed about what we’re working on and what’s coming next.

We hope this makes it easier to stay connected with Survive the Nights as we continue to improve and expand the game. Thanks for being part of the journey!

In-game changelog and updates!

[h3]UI/Inventory Improvements[/h3]
We've made some important quality-of-life improvements to the UI and inventory system:

Popups now auto-close when you move the cursor away from the selection window, reducing clutter and making interactions smoother. Interaction UIs with only one option no longer display a redundant right-click "options" menu. If there’s only one thing to do, why force an extra click? Item descriptions now occupy the full left page of the inventory, improving readability. Item weights under 1lb now display correctly, making weight tracking more precise.

Some small changes that actually make a huge impact when regularly playing STN! Please continue to let us know what needs improving via our Discord!

[h3]Farming Improvements[/h3]
We've made several fixes and improvements to farming and planting, ensuring a bit more stability and persistence in the entire mechanic.

  • Functional Plant Pots – Previously, spawned plant pots had issues with proper functionality. They now work as intended, allowing you to grow crops without hassle.

  • Growth Progress Display – You can now track the progress of your plants with a visible growth percentage, making it easier to plan harvest times.

  • Persistent Dug Ground – Dug ground will no longer vanish after a server restart, preventing unexpected crop loss and ensuring your hard work in the fields is preserved.

Plant pot with percentage

[h3]STN+ and the Batcave[/h3]
We’ve used this little area for testing since we released the first alpha back in the day. With the addition of STN+ we wanted to share the space with our + members!

  • Added secret underground developer bunker
  • Added Batcave keycard
  • Batcave developer area access keycard added
  • Craftable and placeable arcade machines added

Extra points if you recognize that logo!

Batcave entrance exterior

We’ve tested here for years, now you can have a go!

Staff room

[h2]Patch Notes - 1.37[/h2]

[h3]New Features[/h3]
  • Added dynamic streetlight flickering
  • Added weapon break notifications (now appear on-screen)
  • Added weapon break sound effect
  • Added in-game changelog/update viewer
  • Added working retro arcade cabinets (Workshop support coming soon)

[h3]Arcade Features & Fixes[/h3]
  • Added controller and WASD support for arcade games
  • Fixed snake food spawning outside of the play area
  • Fixed camera sway issues, glitchy camera movement, and camera shake problems
  • Arcade machines can only be used if standing directly in front of them
  • Added names to arcade machine drops

[h3]Improvements & Changes[/h3]
Environment & Locations
  • Added new retro arcade building
  • Added Arcade neon signage
  • Added Arcade-exclusive lighting
  • Removed pool cue and balls from pool table prop
  • Added arcade building to 26
  • Added arcade building to 36
  • Added arcade building to 57 (for the army dudes to relax)
  • Arcade buildings now show on the map

Item Placement
  • Improved item placement in the prison bus
  • Keycard pickups are now larger

Consumables & Vitals
  • Consuming drinks is now blocked when hydration is already full
  • Consumables now display their positive and negative stats in green/red
  • Player vitals are no longer shown on the inventory landing page

Item Descriptions & Weight Display
  • Item descriptions now occupy the full left page; spacing improved for clarity
  • Items with a weight below 1 (lb or kg) now display as x.xx instead of .xx

UI Behavior
  • Moving away from the click window when selecting items now closes the popup
  • Interaction UIs that only have one option no longer show the right-click "options" drop-down

Lighting & Power
  • Stripmall signs are now lit when global power is active
  • Improved street lighting around Oldtown with various flickering lights
  • Added street lighting to Sage Creek
  • Added street lighting to Union Point
  • Added street lights to the entire ring-road
  • Ceiling fans now rotate when power is active
  • Added functionality for certain electric breakers and meters to have all parts and start in the on position

Farming & Planting
  • Spawned plant pots now work correctly
  • Plant pots/plants now show growth percentage
  • Dug ground no longer despawns on server restart, preventing crop loss

  • Crafting from the recipe page is now working

  • Weapon wear config option is now tied in
  • Weapon condition updates in real time in the stats menu
  • Crossbow arrows now stick in dart boards
  • Arrows no longer disappear from the crossbow when aiming down sight

Miscellaneous & Other
  • World save now clears when closing the play tab

[h3]STN+ Exclusive Items[/h3]
  • Added secret underground developer bunker
  • Added batcave keycard
  • Batcave developer area access keycard added
  • Craftable and placeable arcade machines added

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
Vehicle & Movement
  • Fixed flickering UI while in a moving vehicle
  • Fixed vehicle inputs working while in the main menu
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “stuck” notification to appear incorrectly

Network & Disconnects
  • Fixed network error when a player forcibly disconnects

Traps & Placement
  • Traps with visible wire now display correctly in placement mode

  • Reviewed and fixed achievements so that all should now be attainable

UI & Logs
  • Fixed an error that caused excessively long logs
  • Fixed an error in the quit menu when pressing “cancel”
  • Fixed quit menu position issue

  • Removed water harvest point from a well that was unreachable
  • Fixed crafted items’ weights so produced items aren’t heavier than the items consumed

Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

X: https://x.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

Hotfix - 1.36.1

We’re releasing a quick hotfix today to our default branch. Please check against the changelog below and report any issues directly to the team in game or via our Discord.

[h3]Patch Notes - Hotfix 1.36.1[/h3]

  • Fix for steam turbine model having holes in it
  • Added notification when power shuts down
  • Fixed floating car lifts
  • Assigned new power station notification
  • Fix for flickering material on electric pole at power station
  • Added LEDs on map for power station switches
  • Fixed drowning at the military base
  • Fixed issue causing loot to get lost when turning on 'No loot respawn' config option

Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

Winter Event 2024

[h3]Town Tree Event[/h3]
Find big town trees in center of the islands towns. Below the tree you'll notice a breaker panel and an electric meter. If the you place a generator and provide power to the tree, you can hit the big red button to start the challenge. Keep in mind this challenge can only be done at night and it doesn't stop your nightly horde from arriving :)

Once the challenge starts, you'll need to survive 3 separate waves of zombie hordes. Surviving the challenge will result in presents, duh! This year, as mentioned above, we've upped loot rates. You'll also no longer need a lighter for the firework presents and we’ve included the new flare gun and flare rounds, so go crazy! The event will be active until new year's eve and should automatically disable itself.

Santa hat wearing zombies, so festive!

So creepy!

Santa's little helpers

Toys for all!

Event rules


Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

1.36 Update (Power Plant | Whole Island Power | Future Plans++)

First off, we want to apologize for the delay with this update. Redesigning the entire power plant area and implementing the functionality for powering the entire island was no small task. It’s been a huge undertaking, and we’re thrilled to finally share it with you.

On a more personal note, we also experienced a loss in the a2z family. In October, John Towle—Jay’s stepfather and Jill’s husband—passed away. John was one of the original co-founders of a2z Interactive. Without his support from the beginning, we wouldn’t be where we are today. He’ll be deeply missed, and we appreciate your understanding during what has been a very difficult time for our team.

The past few months have been hectic, to say the least, but we’re so excited for you all to get your hands on this build.

[h3]About This Update[/h3]
This update brings some massive changes to Survive the Nights, and we’ll be honest—our small (and admittedly overworked) team hasn’t been able to test every aspect thoroughly. As always, we appreciate you helping us by reporting any issues you encounter. If (when!) you find bugs, you can report them via the F1 menu in-game or reach out directly in our official Discord.

Power Plant
The original power plant was modeled after a real-world UK power station. While impressive, it was impractical for gameplay. For 1.36, we’ve completely redesigned the area to make it more functional and engaging.

The power plant now features four main structures that need to be activated to restore power to the entire island. Each structure is zombie-infested, so you’ll need to fight your way through to reach the activation consoles.

Powering up!

One of the 4 control panels


Full Island Power
Powering the entire island has always been one of our big goals, and we’re thrilled to see it come to life in this update. Island-wide power is now a server configuration setting. By default, servers will start with power active for a set amount of days (4 days by default). Once the power goes out, it’s up to the player base to bring it back online.

Looking ahead, we plan to introduce new features tied to power, such as temperature control, electrical traps, alarm systems, and more. Stay tuned—it’s going to get even more exciting!

Sage Creek

Addersfield almost seems safe

Power plant all lit up


Who’s paying the electric bills around here?

[h3]What’s the Plan?[/h3]
We plan on hunkering down now and really focusing on quality of life improvements. There are quite a few issues we need to work through to really smooth out the experience. We have most of the core features we wanted in and now it’s time to make everything even better. You can count on us to improve game-play over the coming builds and expand on currently implemented features. Improving everything we’ve added while slowly adding new fleshed out features.

Expand on electrical systems
  • Electrical traps
  • House alarms
  • Heating systems
  • Working stoves
  • More lighting in towns and roadways
  • Light towers
  • Functioning water pumps (water tied to power)

Expand on weapons
  • New weapons
  • Improved handling

Expand on vehicles
  • New vehicles
  • Trailers
  • Light aircraft!!

Expand on player models
  • Character customization

Expand on STN+ and Workshop
  • More furniture
  • Structure painting
  • Holiday lights and decorations
  • Proper Steam Workshop implantation
  • Working arcade’s with API

[h3]STN+ Support Store[/h3]

We’re excited to introduce a new way for you to support Survive the Nights—the STN+ Support Store. Many of you have asked for additional ways to contribute to development, and this is our way of offering that while giving something fun in return.

The store is all about cosmetics—items that let you personalize your experience without impacting gameplay. You can subscribe to STN+ to unlock the full bundle of goodies, or pick up individual store bundles at your own pace.

We’ve always approached these kinds of features with a lot of care because we value fairness and transparency in our community. So, we’re keeping it simple: the store is just there if you feel like checking it out. No pressure—your continued support means the world to us! You’ll find the store as a tab in-game.

Thanks for sticking with us on this journey.

Support Store

[h3]Patch Notes - 1.36[/h3]
  • Power Plant Rework: Fully redesigned power station POI.
  • Island Power System: Activate the power plant to provide power to the entire island.
  • New Config Options: Servers now support global power cut-off settings.
  • Working Streetlights: Lights up the island once the power is restored.
  • Performance Improvements: Optimizations for additional light sources.
  • Crafting UI Update: Hovering over recipe names now shows a preview of the resulting item.
  • Steam Item Store: Cosmetic items available for purchase.
  • STN+ Subscription: Support continued development and gain access to exclusive cosmetics.

Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive