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Feudums News

Pre-Early Access (In-Development) Demo Updated

Dear ladies and lords,

We've updated our Pre-Early Access (In Development) Demo!

I hope you'll appreciate and enjoy these changes - many of which we've made in response to your feedback and requests. Hop in on our discord if you don't want to miss these conversations & make sure you click on Follow us (if not already) to stay in the loop here :)

Have fun trying out the new build!

[h3]New Guide![/h3]
One of our players has created a new "Beginner's Guide", available right here on Steam. If you found the game a bit hard to grasp at first sight, maybe this is all you need to give it another go!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • We have spent the past month fine-tuning the labourers, victory conditions, terrain and tile improvements, morale and population, seasonal features and so on. There are a lot of changes even just compared to our TactiCon settings!
  • Raid updated: raids should be a lot more rewarding and more customizable now.
  • Population Growth updated: added more granular data for feudum's growth and also updated the underlying calculations so things like Food Rations can now affect the result more severely.
  • Auto-trade logic updated according to the discord poll. It'll now allow players to buy and sell stockpiles beyond the set threshold - the threshold will now just act as a trigger but will be ignored as a safety check.
  • Players can now also start a game with the auto-trade set to any specific default state for them.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Players can now set their renewal preferences on each unit through the Manage Unit command. Lances can be forced to extended service or be auto-disbanded at the end of their service time, and squads can set to be released when their contracts end or be re-hired.
  • Manage Units: you can now also move a unit by long pressing it's portrait and you can allow certain actions to happen to every unit in the source company by holding the [Shift] key while issuing an order (like move to the other company or to disband).
  • Reorganized and extended tooltips for Units in a Company, so you can see the relevant information at a glance.
  • The expiration warning on units now immediately states the amount of time left and the set renewal preference.
  • Removed color-coding by value from the morale indicator, so health and morale are now harder to mix up.
  • Raid losses are now summed on the targeted feudum (from same player).
  • Raiding powers can now be adjusted in a more relaxed range in the rulebook
  • Creating additional feudums is no longer a fixed price command but can scale up with the amount of feudums a player already has.
  • Merging tiles into a region now has incremental price based on the new size of the target region.
  • Updated pathfinding so companies might be less dumb to walk into garrisons
  • Added some missing tooltips on the Map scene, including the one that tells players where the game menu is :)
  • Added a warning to the Unsubscribe action on the Worlds screen to warn people they won't be able to rejoin the same game once they have given up.

  • Fixed an error where multi-tick battles weren't properly updated.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to see the Fatigue of hostile companies.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented to rally multiple units using a single slot.
  • Fixed an issue where Fog of War not always updated on abandoned tiles.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented to cancel commands without a one tick delay if those were already acknowledged by the server.
  • Fixed an error where local production towards major needs wasn't properly reported on the feudum card's morale tooltip.
  • Fixed an error where the grace period marker wouldn't be correctly updated (and removed)
  • Fixed an error where Merge Tiles could be submitted when empty
  • Fixed an error where raiding would ignore some labourers' output.
  • Fixed a rare case when food consumption could overflow
  • Fixed an issue where a multi-state construction command wouldn't remove tile marker when canceled.
  • Fixed a rare issue where claim commands would get stuck if multiple player has claimed the same tile in the same tick and then either side has used companies to block the process.
  • Fixed a visual glitch on company cards with 10+ units filling the same unit roster.
  • Fixed an error on the abandon tile command.
  • Fixed repositioning after a battle to avoid companies being placed... on water (religion is not yet implemented, sorry!).
  • Several other fixes.

  • Various updates and some fancy new features on the backend

Feudums' development is meant to be fully transparent. Our demo is always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. We always invite you to play our early in-development demo and give us some feedback you have afterwards, but please remember, we are pre-early access: many features of the game is not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.

If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, that is completely fine. Please follow and bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.

Join our community on Discord! https://discord.gg/QgERDnU

Support the development of Feudums! https://www.patreon.com/feudums

Coming Soon: "Pre-Early Access" Demo Update

Dear ladies and lords,

This is just an early notice that as soon as the current game ends - about ~24 hours at the latest, or a bit sooner if a player reaches an immediate victory condition - we will update the servers and then release an update to the client.

During this process - which may take a few hours - demo games will be unavailable.
We'll post an update as soon as everything is back online.

I hope you will like the changes and fixes!

Feudums follows a fully transparent development - our demos are always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. Just remember, we are pre-early access: many features are not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.

Join our community on Discord https://discord.gg/QgERDnU

Support the development on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums

Pre-Early Access (In-Development) Demo Updated

We've updated our Pre-Early Access (In Development) Demo!

We hope you will appreciate and enjoy the changes. The development of Feudums is fully transparent and we update our "in-development" demo regularly, so make sure you click on Follow us to stay in the loop :) Have fun!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • Grace Periods: we have added new settings that would allow games to run with Economic and/or Warfare grace periods. If the setting is active, by joining a game, a new persona automatically receives these effects and they last for a specific interval or until specific commands are issued (you can find the details in the tooltips). Feudums are economically stagnant during the Economic Grace period, so players can have a more relaxed start; while Warfare grace period prevents battles and raiding (by or against the given player).
  • We have updated the Steam Login SDK integration according to Valve's latest recommendations.
  • Based on your feedback, we have rebalanced a several things in the default Rulebook (including multiple labourer definitions) and updated the victory conditions.
  • Town guards were moved from Lances to Squads and are now the cheapest "professional" military company.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Removed Garrisoned label from the Tile Card as tiles have their own Company Card for details.
  • Added the Coat of Arms of the leader of the attacker and defender sides to the Battle Log Timeline (with other subtle UI improvements) for extra clarity during battle replays.
  • Grace Periods are shown for every participant. You can find it on the detail cards for every participant, and also right below the tick time counter for your own status.

  • Fixed market transactions incorrectly shown in the group Decays.
  • Fixed several issues that could lead to the "Request Prematurely Aborted" error during tile merges.
  • Fixed an error where resolving company queue command targets could fail in competitive scenarios (led to the game world being suspended)
  • Fixed an error where train unit target could fail in competitive scenarios (led to the game world being suspended)
  • Fixed an error where merging tiles between feudums could sometimes led to incorrectly merged construction commands (of those tiles).
  • Data Transport: Empty Command Queues are now removed on cleanup.
  • Fixed a server error where attrition processing could fail when a player retires (led to the game world being suspended)
  • Fixed some server related errors related to logging
  • Fixed some visual issues with Discord Bug Report integration
  • Fixed / Optimized various layouts on the Backend
  • Fixed a few things about Atlas and Placement generation.
  • Fixed snapshot title resolve issue.
  • Several other fixes.

The full changelog is also available here:

Feudums' development is meant to be fully transparent. Our demo is always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. We always invite you to play our early in-development demo and give us some feedback you have afterwards, but please remember, we are pre-early access: many features of the game is not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.

If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, that is completely fine. Please follow and bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.

Join our community on Discord to chat, get more info about the game and participate in pre-EA testing!

Support the development of Feudums on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums

"Pre-Early Access" Demo Update

Dear ladies and lords,

We are performing an update for the servers and then release an update to the client, so for a few hours, demo games will be unavailable.

Remember that you can always check if the servers are running on our page:
https://feudums.com/forum (look for the "Server Availability" box on the left)

After the update, new games will be hosted again. Thank you for your patience!

This is a fully transparent development - our demos are always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. Just remember, we are pre-early access: many features are not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.

If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, please bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.

Join our community on Discord to chat, get more info about the game and participate in pre-EA testing!

Support the development of Feudums on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums

Recap & Status Update

So... we've been one of the upcoming games at TactiCon 2023. We participated unsure of our results, but were blessed by an awesome response and left in a daze among the most popular games. Thanks to an unbelievable audience, we appeared on the first page of Popular Upcoming titles since the first day of the event, and we were proud to represent our beloved "Grand Strategy / 4X" subgenre in it's top 10! It was a humbling experience in the best possible ways.

We owe it all to you! If you were in that crush of gamers joining our little project, we want you to know that we appreciate you! And of course thanks to the organizers, Hooded Horse and Firesquid, who found us suitable to participate in such a heavily curated event.

[h3]Of hiccups[/h3]
The success we saw at TactiCon was so sudden that we were taken a little by surprise and had to scramble to create additional test games, each bigger than the one before. This meant that our capacity for hosting new test games was being stretched. We sincerely apologize if you have had any inconvenience regarding joining a new game, even though waiting is still always better than joining an empty multiplayer session. :)

Our Discord is integrated with the game and new games always get announced there, so in case you didn't get a chance to try it then, want to see how we're doing or be the first to know about updates and new game worlds, we recommend you joining it!

[h3]On What's Next[/h3]
With the rush of new players, we also received -among a host of suggestions - a bunch of feedback about missing instructions and tutorials. Though this is a pre-early access demo, we heard those criticisms loud and clear and are working to create something to help with those first steps. We and our community are working on some additional guides, as well as an in-game advisory system, which will be included in the demo before the next big feature group, diplomacy. The last thing we want is to turn you off from the dream we're working on!

Thank you again for this wonderful experience! See you in-game!

Join our community on Discord to chat, get more info about the game and participate in pre-EA testing!

Support the development of Feudums on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums