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  3. Pre-Early Access (In-Development) Demo Updated

Pre-Early Access (In-Development) Demo Updated

We've updated our Pre-Early Access (In Development) Demo!

We hope you will appreciate and enjoy the changes. The development of Feudums is fully transparent and we update our "in-development" demo regularly, so make sure you click on Follow us to stay in the loop :) Have fun!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • Grace Periods: we have added new settings that would allow games to run with Economic and/or Warfare grace periods. If the setting is active, by joining a game, a new persona automatically receives these effects and they last for a specific interval or until specific commands are issued (you can find the details in the tooltips). Feudums are economically stagnant during the Economic Grace period, so players can have a more relaxed start; while Warfare grace period prevents battles and raiding (by or against the given player).
  • We have updated the Steam Login SDK integration according to Valve's latest recommendations.
  • Based on your feedback, we have rebalanced a several things in the default Rulebook (including multiple labourer definitions) and updated the victory conditions.
  • Town guards were moved from Lances to Squads and are now the cheapest "professional" military company.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Removed Garrisoned label from the Tile Card as tiles have their own Company Card for details.
  • Added the Coat of Arms of the leader of the attacker and defender sides to the Battle Log Timeline (with other subtle UI improvements) for extra clarity during battle replays.
  • Grace Periods are shown for every participant. You can find it on the detail cards for every participant, and also right below the tick time counter for your own status.

  • Fixed market transactions incorrectly shown in the group Decays.
  • Fixed several issues that could lead to the "Request Prematurely Aborted" error during tile merges.
  • Fixed an error where resolving company queue command targets could fail in competitive scenarios (led to the game world being suspended)
  • Fixed an error where train unit target could fail in competitive scenarios (led to the game world being suspended)
  • Fixed an error where merging tiles between feudums could sometimes led to incorrectly merged construction commands (of those tiles).
  • Data Transport: Empty Command Queues are now removed on cleanup.
  • Fixed a server error where attrition processing could fail when a player retires (led to the game world being suspended)
  • Fixed some server related errors related to logging
  • Fixed some visual issues with Discord Bug Report integration
  • Fixed / Optimized various layouts on the Backend
  • Fixed a few things about Atlas and Placement generation.
  • Fixed snapshot title resolve issue.
  • Several other fixes.

The full changelog is also available here:

Feudums' development is meant to be fully transparent. Our demo is always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. We always invite you to play our early in-development demo and give us some feedback you have afterwards, but please remember, we are pre-early access: many features of the game is not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.

If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, that is completely fine. Please follow and bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.

Join our community on Discord to chat, get more info about the game and participate in pre-EA testing!

Support the development of Feudums on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums