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  2. News
  3. "Pre-Early Access" Demo Update

"Pre-Early Access" Demo Update

Dear ladies and lords,

We are performing an update for the servers and then release an update to the client, so for a few hours, demo games will be unavailable.

Remember that you can always check if the servers are running on our page:
https://feudums.com/forum (look for the "Server Availability" box on the left)

After the update, new games will be hosted again. Thank you for your patience!

This is a fully transparent development - our demos are always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. Just remember, we are pre-early access: many features are not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.

If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, please bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.

Join our community on Discord to chat, get more info about the game and participate in pre-EA testing!

Support the development of Feudums on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums