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In The Shadows News

In The Shadows Soundtrack Issue fixed

Hello everyone

A few days ago I fixed the issues with the soundtrack on the Steam client.

Basically ever since the new Steam soundtrack system replaced the old way of selling soundtracks (they used to be DLCs) there was a misconfiguration on my side and I didn't realized until someone pointed it out to me.

So for anyone who was having issues with the soundtrack it should now download properly and be playable inside of Steam

Sorry for the inconvenience!

And while we are here you should go check out Lombus amazing work on bandcamp!


In The Shadows 5th Anniversary! 90% OFF

Hello everyone!

Its been 5 years since I released In The Shadows to the world, it feels like yesterday. It was October 20th 2017, and it was the end of 3 long years of solo development.

I remember when I only started working on this project way back in 2014. I wanted to make a simple 2D game and I had this one idea about shadow monsters that I wanted to develop. One day I decided to make the jump, left my career behind and started working on these little characters and this story about growing up, facing your fears, moving forward in life. It was kind of meta for me in a way, living through this change of career, traveling, meeting new people, losing some. The story became influenced by events in my life, making it more personal. It was not always easy, making this game was a real struggle at time, but it was also an amazing experience and I am really happy with how it turned out.

I just want to thank everyone who played my game, it was a journey to get here and now looking back 5 years later and still seeing people buying it and playing it makes me very happy.

Thank you everyone!


Update 1.1.1

Hello there,

Small update to let you know that In The Shadows build is now live and fixes the following two issues:

- Mapping issues with keyboard/gamepad, not detected properly/forgotten on restart
- X and B button tool-tips for Xbox360/XboxOne controller were inverted in menus

If you have any issues with the game, feel free to comment!

- Nicolas

In The Shadows v.1.1 Remastered + New Localization

It's been two years already! For In The Shadows anniversary I am happy to release an update that will bring some polish, fix a lot of bug and make the game now playable in 5 new languages!

You can now play In The Shadows in Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Russian! The game is also available in English and French.

I Hope you enjoy this update, lots of little tweaks have been made here and there, new animations, new sound fx, almost every level have been revised in some way!

Here is a list of the important things in the change log for those interested:

  • Fixed falling through platform while climbing ladder and moving left or right at the top
  • Fixed some levels name missing
  • Fixed gamepad buttons work for axies now
  • Fixed menu 'jump' from soundfx to occlusion (invisible menu option)
  • Fixed now remember custom gamepad selection if gamepad detected on game start
  • Fixed custom keyboard/gamepad mapping save properly and apply right away, no restart needed
  • Fixed sometimes getting stuck outside of the level in gravity flip levels
  • Fixed back button showing wrong button icon in menus
  • Fixed the player normalmap flip issue, light hits the player properly when facing left
  • Fixed Fade in/out from black/white, much smoother now
  • Fixed gravity flip level, crate getting stuck on ceilling
  • Fixed 16:10 ratio screen, tiles missing vertically in some levels (outside level boundary)

Tweaks & New Features
  • Added localization in Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese
  • Changed better highlight on drawing in world map (now with contour highlight + light)
  • Added hud for current status of stars collected and secrets found, info in hubs
  • Better macOS Gamepad support
  • Better death animation (small pause then fade out)
  • Player death now flickers, pulse, when respawned with temporary invincibility
  • Falling in holes and touching vapor still kills you tho, even when in temprary invincibility
  • Added 2560x1440 screen resolution support
  • Added some visual clues (wires) in a bunch of levels to help players a little
  • Added some clues in first house. Too many players missed secrets
  • Made kickstarter secret room more interesting to find, new secret
  • Intro music on title screen start properly
  • Added some sound effects here and there
  • Tweaked painted cube fade out visual
  • Added lots of little visual tweaks to environement, animations, to make it feel more alive
  • Music fades out when leaving level, on loading screen, instead of abrupt stop
  • Sound effects fade out as well now
  • Tweaked some dialogs slightly.
  • The build is now 64bit on all platform, dropping support for 32bit
  • Better Load game menu, shows an image of the level in background when selecting save slot

If you have any issues, feel free to comment on the community forum or contact me at:
[email protected]


Patch, Update

Hey everyone,

Here is a small update to patch a couple of issues. The game should update itself to the latest release

More info in the community thread here

And if you have other issues, please report them in that thread link!