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Northgard News

Beta Patch Notes for 09/01/2025

Hello everyone!

Before the imminent arrival of the turtle in Ranked, we wanted to tackle some feedback we seen concerning the trading victory as well as a few adjustement coming with the Turtle
[h3]How to test the changes?[/h3]
To not affect the game, the following changes are available in the Public beta branch! You will be able to test them and send us feedback before it reach the actual game next week.

↓How to join the public beta branch↓

You can find the public beta branch by going in the steam option for the game


If you want to send your feedback, you can use the channels dedicated to it on our discord or use the dedicated Open Beta forum on Steam!

Steam discussion | Discord


The Turtle Clan will be available in ranked multiplayer soon. To be sure this happens in the best conditions, we invite you to come and test the latest modifications in the open-beta and provide feedback about the balancing of the clan and the overall game.

The beta has its own ranked leaderboard. Feel free to try climbing this one as well!

[h2]Global Change[/h2][hr][/hr]
We’ve seen a recurrent feedback for some time now asking for easier ways to turn specialised workers back into villagers without having to assign them to Houses or the Townhall. This can be a tedious process for some clans like Rat, wanting to repair the Caravans of the Turtle Clan deployed on distant zones, or other specific situations.

To try to address those issues, we’re testing the addition of a button to turn back any specialized worker into a villager at any point. This might have some pretty big impacts on the game so this really an early test to get your impressions and feeling on the change, before we consider making the change definitively.

  • UI - A new button is now available on all specialized workers to un-assign them and turn them back into villagers instantly.

We’ve also changed the befriend rules of Jotunn and Gayant factions so they now offer a Champion to all clans befriending them and not just the first ones to do so (similar to how the Dwarf faction offers Operatives to all friendly clans). This change is intended to again reduce a bit the strength of clans that can easily befriend neutral factions like Turtle and Squirrel; And also to avoid some weird situations when several clans had befriended a Jotunn faction to 100%, and only one could receive a new Champion when the previous “first” clan to have gained it was eliminated.

  • Neutral Faction - Jotunn / Gayant factions now offer a Champion unit to all clans befriending them, and no longer just the first ones.
[h2]Trade Victory[/h2][hr][/hr]
Based on feedback from players we’ve made slight adjustments to how much influence is earned when befriending a neutral faction. To slow down a bit the clans that can easily befriend neutral factions, as well as making still interesting for more aggressive clans to eliminate neutral factions even after they’ve befriended another clan.

  • Miklagard - When befriending a faction, a clan now earn 100%>50% of the influence they have with Miklagard.

[h2]Clan of the turtle[/h2][hr][/hr]
  • Njörd dodge chances have been decreased (30% > 15%)

[h3]Quality of Life[/h3]
Based on the feedback you’ve provided we’ve made changes to increase the quality of life playing the Turtle clan.

  • When giving the order to a Caravan to deploy on a zone, a pre-visualisation of the placement is now displayed on the position until the Caravan deploys to help keep track of where it is going.
  • A counter of current and max number of Caravans is now displayed with the other resources of the clan to help keeping track of Caravans.
  • The tooltip displayed on the villager recruitment button now also displays the current Pop-Growth bonus to make the impact on villager price decrease easier to understand.
  • When packing a Caravan on a zone that would lead to buildings or units loss, a warning pop-up is now displayed.
  • A new option is available in in the settings to enable or not all warning pop-ups (previously mentionned caravan warning, as well as woodcutter warning when not enough wood).


Patch notes for 09/01/2025


Balancing for the turtle and trade victory is now available in the public beta branch.

Check how to join the beta

  • Cross of Vidar - Fixed multiple spawn of Advisor when starting a mission
  • Cross of Vidar - Fixed torch not working when loading a save or checkpoint in mission 6 (If you have a save on that mission, you'll need to restart it for the fix to work)
  • Turtle - Fixed infinite villager spawn when the Town Hall tile is under attack
  • Wolf - Fixed Plunder healing military unit when an ally tile is decolonized
  • Bifrost - Fixed reward not showing the same on objective tiles for all players
  • Bifrost - Fixed invite button clickable even if no slot were up
  • Hounds - Fixed Berserker not counted as a Warchief in Age of Vampire conquest mission
  • Hounds - Fixed convert cost when sending more than 2 villager fight
  • Conquest - Lynx and Kaïja can be summoned from Shaman camp in Age of Vampire conquest Mission
  • Achievement - Fixed Megastore not being unlocked by other clan
  • Bifrost Fixed portal objectives reappiring when done once (may not affect saves from previous version of the game)
  • Menu Fixed issues due to the Expeditions tab of the main menu

[h2]Known Issues[/h2][hr][/hr]
  • Localisation - Missing some localisation
  • Menu - Crashes when opening the multiplayer tab may still happens (investigating for next patch)
  • misc - Previous Known issues not mentioned here


Happy new year!

Happy new year vikings!

It is now the end of 2024, and it is now time to reflect on the year that passed.
We recently made a recap of every update made this year during the Steam Award period, if you missed it I invite you to have a read by clicking here!

For the year to come, we will as always share the yearly community survey, tell us what you think of Northgard and the releases made this year! The answer you provide will be read and compiled for us to have an understand of what you want us to prioritise.
If you have a few minutes to spare, fill the survey and share your opinions!

Fill the survey Attention - This year survey is more concise as questions regarding balancing and other specific segments are kept for a relevant period in the development

Thank you to all of those who will answer earnestly and we wish you a happy new year!

-Shiro Games



Winter Sale on Northgard!

Ohoï Viking!

Northgard and its expansions are part of the Winter Sale 2024!
For the occasion, the base game is 80% off its original price!

[hr][/hr][h2]Get the base game at 80% off its original price![/h2]
And lead your clan to victory

https://store.steampowered.com/app/466560/Northgard/ [hr][/hr]

[hr][/hr][h2]Share the Starter pack with your friends![/h2]
Including three additional clans with diverse gamestyle

https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33943/Northgard_Starter_Pack/ [hr][/hr]

[hr][/hr][h2]Complete your collection with the Viking Age Edition[/h2]
Cross of Vidar | Clan of the Hounds | Clan of the Turtle not included



Patch notes for 19/12/2024


Hello Everyone!

Following your diverse feedback on the Clan of the Turtle, here is the first balancing update on it.
We get that right now, the clan is in an odd position. Many of its aspects seem weak, while its support capacity looks too strong to many of you. There are some aspects of the clan that lack clarity.
With this patch, we’ve tried to address as many issues as possible, giving the clan more capacity to sustain itself while reducing the impact it has on team games.

We’ve made several adjustments to make the start of the clan, and its overall gameplay easier, and more permissive.

  • Impact of Happiness on villagers price decrease has been increased. (ie: overall villagers cost less and arrive faster, also Happiness gains like breweries and such are more interesting for the clan)
    • Note: As mentioned in the start-with of the clan, both Happiness and Pop-growth speed already impacted the price reduction of new villagers. We hope this increase will make it felt.
  • We’re considering making it clearer with signs in-game, but the effects are already applied.

  • Shopkeepers now passively produce +0.25 Kröwns when assigned to Caravans from the start. (instead of with Fame 200)

We've seen a lot of feedback about the clan's lack of ability to clear itself in solo settings. Many asked for a warchief buff, but that is not really where we want to take him. Njörd is supposed to be a tank and a merchant sure, but we do not want it to be a self-sufficient unit able to clear entirely by itself.
But we get that in some settings, if Iron to recruit Njörd is not accessible, and the clan has to spend kröwns on recruiting military units early; this can be a big setback.

So, instead of changing the stats of Njörd, we're changing his recruitment price from 150 Kröwns + 5 Iron to 200 Kröwns and no Iron. This, with the early production of Kröwns of Shopkeepers, should allow the clan to more reliably recruit Njörd + 1 or 2 soldiers to go along with him and clear more easily.

In the meantime, we've seen some discussion on the chief move speed, and it was indeed possible to kite almost every unit in the game with it, so we've reduced it a bit (we still like the fact it is faster than most unit) so that it can no longer avoid units like Valkyries for example.

  • Njörd recruitment price is now of 200 Kröwns and no Iron. (150 Kröwns + 5 Iron before)
  • Njörd movespeed has been reduced a bit.


We've seen a lot of confusion and/or frustration with how the knowledge Asset Export worked. It is very powerful in team play, while not following some usual rules about relation gains. Plus, in team settings, it created a positive feedback loop, where gaining kröwns by trading with allies would then lead to even more kröwns selling the gained relation with the relic.
For all those reasons, we've made several changes to the knowledge.

  • Assets Export
    • Knowledge has been reworked
    • Shopkeepers can now send ⅔ of the resources they produce through a gift-route.
    • This gift-route works as usual, clans or factions relation receive the totality of resources sent, and gain relations based on this amount.
    • While they send resources, Shopkeepers no longer produce Kröwns.
    • The fact the Caravan is damaged or not no longer has an impact on the gift-route.


  • Fame 200
    • Shopkeepers no longer gain a passive kröwns production (as this is now a start-with)

As mentioned previously, there was, until now, a very strong loop between Asset Export and the Relic, allowing for the production of a lot of Kröwns in a very short amount of time. In addition to changing how Asset Export works, we've also added back a cooldown on relation sales to stop the possibility of collecting huge amounts of kröwns in an instant.

  • Added a cooldown of 1 month on relation sales


  • Made Njord price cut a passive ability, making it easier to find information on it.
  • Njord price cut effect on the buildings has been reworked
  • Added a tooltip on villager recruitement button displaying how long it will take before the villager "natural" arrival

[h2]To be added[/h2][hr][/hr]
Following this patch, and with the holiday season around the corner, we will take time to read your feedback and make more adjustement to the clan balance and features. For that reason, the Clan will join Ranked in Januray.

Thank you for understanding

  • Add a pre-visulalisation of where caravans are gonna deploy
  • Adjustments to the clan balance and features based on players feedback.


  • Turtle - Caravan can’t colonize objectives tiles in Bifrost
  • Turtle First Conquest Bonus has been changed to be stronger, and offer a more “extreme” and fun version of the clan to experience in this specific game mode.
    • New effect : Price of Villagers and Caravans are reduced by -40%.

[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
  • Kingdom - Fixed faith reward not granted from Miklagard with the second level of relation