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Northgard News

Northgard join the Spring Sales

Ohoï Vikings!

Northgard and its clans are part of the Spring sales!
For the occasion, the base game is 80% off its original price!

In honor of Shiro Unlimited new release, you have access to an exclusive bundle to get Northgard as well as Ale Abbey in the Ales & Axes bundle

[hr][/hr][h2]Get the base game at 80% off its original price![/h2]
And lead your clan to victory

https://store.steampowered.com/app/466560/Northgard/ [hr][/hr]

[hr][/hr][h2]Ales and Axes Bundle[/h2]
Build and expand your monastery, craft recipes and brew holy ales in this unique brewery tycoon!


[hr][/hr][h2]Share the Starter pack with your friends![/h2]
Including three additional clans with diverse gamestyle


[hr][/hr][h2]Complete your collection with the Viking Age Edition[/h2]
Cross of Vidar | Clan of the Turtle not included



Beta Patch Notes for 06/03/2025


Greetings Vikings!

Thanks for your return on the new Dragon path and their rework.
Again they are really appreciated. With all your feedback we will propose to you this week some changes to try to make it even better.
Let’s find what we tried this week just under this :)
Clan of the Dragon

[h2]Adding choice in the military path[/h2]
We agreed that the new path was a bit straight forward without having choice and it was a little bit annoying, so instead of changing the legion path with the new one (we felt that not a really good solution because the path has one more level and both guardian and Leadership are not the best for this clan) we prefer to propose further choices on each level except the first and last one.

Concerning the fact that the first level does not give a bonus, we think that with the other changes on the clan, adding another little buff will be too much, in addition, this new path gets one more level so we find that compensates for this.

  • 2nd level → 500 xp choose between:
    • Draconics unit gain 10% move speed
    • Whirlwind forge gain 10% more chance to trigger, and Battlecry forge gain 100% range
  • 3rd level → 1250 xp choose between
    • Reduce the base cost of Draconic Unit by 20%
    • Draconic Nightmare doesn't cost draconic essence
  • 4th level → 2000 xp choose between
    • Draconic Nightmares absorb 30% of damage done to Dragonkin (without triggering all forge of all Draconic Nightmares)
    • Whirlwind deal 100% of damage
  • 5th level → 3000 xp
    • New ability on Surtr
    • Cost 5 essence to increase attack power by 30% during 5 seconds for all other draconic units in the zone.

We made a little change on Blood, Sweat & Tears, let us know what you think of it.

Concerning Draconic Frenzy, the nerf in early game is effectively too problematic, so we are proposing you something new, where the bonus decreases the more units you have on a same tile to zero. We think that it could give more versatility to this knowledge during all the game and be used more in the idea to be specific situational.

  • Thrall now produces lore and fame when assigned to Longship Dock.
  • Thrall cost formula : change the formula to buy Thralls from a flat amount to a percentage

  • Fame 200 : You now gain fame depending on the unit captured.

  • Blood, Sweat & Tears : You can assign 1 extra Thrall to production buildings. If the building is upgraded, Thralls increase specialized workers production by 15%
  • Draconic Frenzy : Give 100% attack for a unique unit. For each unit on the same tile as another, the bonus is divided by 2. (Once 6 unit are on a same tile the bonus will be set at 0%)
  • Draconic Rage : Allow all Draconic unit on the same tile as Surtr to capture unit

[h2]Military Path[/h2]
This path is all about your Warchief and being able to clear more easily so we didn’t agree on the fact that all units should give 2 military experience because the other path did that (except Ox, but I mean, they have other tools for that). This path will earn military experience by clearing so that is why we want to keep the passive gain at 1 for each unit, but we agreed that not having at least 1 military experience just by having the chief alone wasn’t fair.

Giving attack and defense for each forge was a little bit too much, but having more survivability with life looks like to be enough and fit well with the fundamentals of this path so we will keep this.

  • 1st level → 50 xp
    • The Warchief will produce 1 military experience alone on a tile

  • 2nd level → 500 xp
    • Each forge will give 5% more life

Following some feedback concerning the balancing for mono army against mix army we want to roll back the way cost units increase to see if this change can bring back the mono army into the ring.

Concerning Kingdom, we tried on our side to share the upgraded bonuses, but as expected this is an enormous buff for the kingdom, let us explain why. When a viking clan can upgrade 6 military camps, Kingdom can upgrade 12, not sure if we have to explain more than that why it’s not a good solution for them. However, we agreed that the kingdom needed something, and after thinking about it, they are missing one thing that we think will make the difference : a break armor effect. So we want to try to introduce a new military forge replacing the slow forge with this one.

  • Krown cost for military unit will increase at the same amount for each kind of unit (so after converting your first warrior, the next axe thrower will cost 36 instead of 33)
  • New Kingdom military forge
    • Break 15% of defense and projectile defense for 2 sec
    • 20% occurence change
  • Building - Fixed Destroyed upgraded military building granting upgrade bonus a second a second time

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]
  • Dragon - "Thrall trade" knowledge description is not accurate
  • Dragon - Notification for the new military path are not working


Road Map Early 2025

Ohoï Vikings!

You’ve been expecting it for a while, it is now time to unveil the road map for 2025! This year we want to do things differently, but be sure you’ll still have more information for the next Community Update as well as the next things to come until this summer…
Road Map for next update
This past year has been an eventful one, with three major updates and two DLCs expanding the game in exciting ways. However, as we move forward, we want to take a step back and shift our focus to a more direct approach, tackling one thing at a time to ensure quality and refinement. Our primary goal for this year is to listen to your feedback and prioritise the features and improvements that matter most to you and can be done in time.
We start the year with the "Winds of Fate" season, including a Community Update and a new clan!

[h2]Community Update[/h2]

Our next goal is the Community Update, you can already get a first look by testing it in the current open beta! This update brings significant changes, including a battle system rework, adjustments to certain clans (currently being tested), and the introduction of Turtle Conquest. But that’s not all, new additions are on the horizon, and you might even spot some fresh visual effects and the comeback of a familiar game mode in Ranked! 👀

[h2]A new clan?[/h2]

Clans play a crucial role in helping us continuously work on new updates for the game after so many years. Following the Community Update, a brand-new clan will make its debut. One from a region we haven’t explored in quite some time and that has been quite demanded now…

Further info for the rest of the year will be shared once we’re closer to it and according to your feedback!
[h2]Any more information? [/h2]
You’ve probably heard about the new Kickstarter for the board game expansion. If you haven’t, you can still participate! On top of that, it seems something else from OpenSesame might be on the horizon. Stay tuned and keep an eye on their channels…

The Northgard Team


Beta patch notes for 27/02/2025


Greetings Vikings!

Thanks for all your feedback on the rework of the Military path, forge and upgrade. They help us a lot!
We are near a good version to give to all players but, we still feel that some point of Legion need to be tweaked! The usual feedback posts will stay available even if less considered in future updates.

In this new update we are going to try new things for Legion AND Leadership. These changes are made to reinforce the identity of both paths : Leadership about your Warchief in early and mid game, and Legion about your army around mid and late game!

But this is not the only point we are trying to find a solution. It is time to step into a new phase of the beta, less focused on the global changes and more on specific changes ... Looking at you Dragon!

With the reworked legion path, the clan ends up not fitting to any of the classic military path, that’s why we want to introduce one specific to the clan. At the same time, we also want to modify some knowledge to answer some doubts some of you expressed regarding the Knowledges and Start-With for the clan. That way we hope to make them more useful/used for you!
We let you test all these new changes and give us feedback, nothing is definitive at this point so don’t be too dramatic if you find some changes that aren’t balanced yet :)
Clan of the dragon

[h2]A new military path[/h2]
This unique path will basically work as a normal path.
You will need to gain military experience to unlock new levels. The only difference is that there is one more level.

1st level → 50 xp
  • Thralls population generate military Experience (max 10)
2nd level → 500 xp
  • Draconics unit gain 10% move speed
3rd level → 1250 xp
  • Reduce the base cost of Dragonkin and Draconic Nightmares by 20%
4th level → 2000 xp
  • Draconic Nightmares doesn’t require Essence
5th level → 3000 xp
  • Draconic Nightmares absorb 20% of damage done to Dragonkin

We noticed some specificities of the clan were neither used nor…useful (according to you). For example, the mechanics around the thralls were often abandoned mid-game and those poor souls ended up only gathering food instead of working on your production buildings. We’ll try to address that via some changes to make them more efficient for the clan

[h3]Start With[/h3]
Thralls - Gather 50% of the same resources as the specialized worker of the building they are assigned at.

Fame 200 - You now gain 5 fame for each capture.

  • Blood, Sweat & Tears - You can assign 1 extra Thrall to production buildings. If the building is upgraded, they benefit from the production bonus.
  • Draconic Frenzy - 30% attack power for a military unit with no other unit of the same kind in their zone.
  • Capture has taken Defensive strategy place
  • Military Strategy has taken Capture place
    Old placement
    New placement

[h2]Military Path[/h2]
We agreed on some point that the first and third levels are too strong right now. So here are the changes we want to try.
  • 1st level → 50 xp
    • No more free forge, this doesn’t fit with this path, it doesn't make sense that you can forge while this path turns around upgrading military buildings. Instead the first military upgrade will be free.
  • 3rd level → 1500 xp
    • We revert this change to the previous behaviour except the value will be less efficient due to the change on shared bonuses between all military units. The idea behind that change is to strengthen your army when you reach this level and not allow you to over recruit. So each upgrade will grant 25% more bonuses of the corresponding building.

We agreed that this path may be a little bit below against Legion so we want to add a little change to make it more impactful in early and mid game and strengthen the identity of the path a little more.
  • 2nd level → 500 xp
    • Each forge will give 5% more life, attack and defense to the Warchief

Following some previous feedback, here are some more changes on previous iterations of the Beta

  • Woodcutter camp - The upgrade cost less stone 10 -> 5
  • Warrior forge - break armor reduced 25% -> 15%
  • Kraken - Valkyrie cost decreased : 120 -> 100
  • Lighthouse - Now cost 100 -> 50 (except for Raven)
Known issues

Patch notes for 20/02/2025



  • Military Path - Fixed exploit unlocking multiple military path
  • Server - Added security to minimize lag during multiplayer game
  • Stoat - Fixed crash when placing a Sheepfold on a Duchy tile
  • Turtle - Fixed an issue when trading with caravan
  • Turtle - Fixed an issue with caravan placement preview
  • Horse - Fixed "Excavation" knowledge not working on Gold deposit
  • Bifrost - Added security to avoid portals tile to propose allready own bonuses
