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  2. News
  3. Patch notes for 09/01/2025

Patch notes for 09/01/2025


Balancing for the turtle and trade victory is now available in the public beta branch.

Check how to join the beta

  • Cross of Vidar - Fixed multiple spawn of Advisor when starting a mission
  • Cross of Vidar - Fixed torch not working when loading a save or checkpoint in mission 6 (If you have a save on that mission, you'll need to restart it for the fix to work)
  • Turtle - Fixed infinite villager spawn when the Town Hall tile is under attack
  • Wolf - Fixed Plunder healing military unit when an ally tile is decolonized
  • Bifrost - Fixed reward not showing the same on objective tiles for all players
  • Bifrost - Fixed invite button clickable even if no slot were up
  • Hounds - Fixed Berserker not counted as a Warchief in Age of Vampire conquest mission
  • Hounds - Fixed convert cost when sending more than 2 villager fight
  • Conquest - Lynx and Kaïja can be summoned from Shaman camp in Age of Vampire conquest Mission
  • Achievement - Fixed Megastore not being unlocked by other clan
  • Bifrost Fixed portal objectives reappiring when done once (may not affect saves from previous version of the game)
  • Menu Fixed issues due to the Expeditions tab of the main menu

[h2]Known Issues[/h2][hr][/hr]
  • Localisation - Missing some localisation
  • Menu - Crashes when opening the multiplayer tab may still happens (investigating for next patch)
  • misc - Previous Known issues not mentioned here
