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  3. Weekly Dev Log for March 10th, 2025

Weekly Dev Log for March 10th, 2025

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s Tower Unite Dev Log!

[h2]March 2025 Condo Contest - 80s[/h2]

Hey everyone!

The theme of this month’s contest is The 80s!

So, base your condo around 1980s culture and style, capture the feeling of life in the 80s, or make a general homage to something from that time period!

Your submission can be a regular Condo or a Workshop Game World Map. The submission should be something that was made after the contest was announced.

The submission period ends on March 20th, 2024 at 11:59 PM CT.

Be sure to look at the prizes and follow the rules found on the forum post below!

March 2025 Condo Contest - PixelTail Games Forums

[h2]Upcoming New Items[/h2]

Nuclearxpotato continued working on a bunch of new items, including even more food and cooking related items.

[h3]Upcoming New Items: Cooking Items[/h3]

Honey and Maple Syrup Bottle, Frosted Cookie, Creme Sandwich Cookie, Oatmeal Cookie, and Gelatin

[h2]Condo Rental Store[/h2]

macdguy worked on the Condo Rental Store that we've mentioned in the past, where you can see and explore popular and new Workshop condos via the Condo Lobby. Last week, he worked on adding Game World Map support to the store.

[h3]Condo Rental Store WIP[/h3]


Johanna worked on various polishing passes on Ball Race, getting it ready for 1.0.

Lifeless continued working on the Condo tutorial.

macdguy finished fixing various networking desyncs across the entire game, such as Sprinting, Crouching, Jetpack, Potions, sliding in SDNL, Knight Sprinting and Dragon Jumping in LC, among others. He also fixed lots of desyncs in Accelerate regarding boosting, powerups, and speed adjustments, making Accelerate way more playable for those who are not the host. These changes affect the entire game and lead to way better networking feel throughout the game.

wheezwer finished the art contest, started a new condo contest, and continued working on the Player Sprays.

[h2]That’s a Wrap![/h2]
Thank you for reading and we’ll see you all next week for more!


Note: Devs that don't appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn't need to be detailed.


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