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  3. Weekly Dev Log for March 3rd, 2025

Weekly Dev Log for March 3rd, 2025

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s Tower Unite Dev Log!

[h2]February 2025 Art Contest[/h2]

The vote is finished and the results are in! There were 126 votes this time!

The winners this time are:

1st Place - 1,000,000 Units - @Talismak
2nd Place - 750,000 Units - @gnat
3rd Place - 500,000 Units - @Zorakas

Close Contenders, each winning 100,000 units, were:

@bulkybun @nephco @VIBERRY @ThurDoDinok

All other participants will get 75,000 Units! Thank you guys so much for participating, and we'll see you in the next contest! Units will be distributed soon.

You can check out all of the submissions via the link below:
February 2025 Art Contest - PixelTail Games Forums

[h2]Upcoming New Items[/h2]

Nuclearxpotato continued working on a bunch of new items, including even more food.

[h3]Upcoming New Items: Cooking Items[/h3]

Baked Bread, Croissant, Kulich, Cinnamon Roll, Brownie Square, Swiss Roll, and some jars / food display.


macdguy worked on adding a new customization and expression feature Player Sprays, which allows players to unlock in-game spray images at the XxF3RR3TxX’s Customization Station. Sprays can be sprayed in any game (and Condo owners can disable them).

Wheezwer worked on the actual spray images themselves.

[h3]Sprays WIP[/h3]


Johanna continued working on the Plaza, including a new store.

Joshua continued working on the Condo pets and items.

Lifeless continued working on the Condo tutorials, as well as fixing some issues with Escape.

macdguy worked on fixing bugs (bowling and arcade physics) that were shipped in the update released last week.

Sketchman continued working on optimizations and bug fixes.

wheezwer worked on the art contest and the development update for February.

[h3]Condo Pets: Bed[/h3]

[h2]That’s a Wrap![/h2]
Thank you for reading and we’ll see you all next week for more!


Note: Devs that don't appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn't need to be detailed.


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