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Combat Air Patrol 2 News

2 recent updates - v813.4 & 5

v813.4 & 5 were uploaded to the BETA and VR BETA channels recently. Work was focused on A/G weaponry. Updates included:

AGM65 IR Maverick
Target Lock
Flight routine
Launch FX

STRS MFD Display

HUD Displays
Cage/Uncage display
A/G Guns & Rockets
CCIP display
CCIP offscreen indication, reflected cue

Graphical 'tweaks'
Cockpit mirror improvements

Bug fixes included:
VR Pilot view black screen when using OpenVR/SteamVR
Glitching cockpit shadows
Flicker when using MFD containing a 3D Display

The next couple couple of minor updates (v813.6/7) will continue with A/G work. These will include:

Heat based rendering rather than the current gray scale (which gets dark at night :) )

HUD FLIR display
with the 24hr rendering FLIR display becomes much more useful

HARM display of detected emitters/threats
updated HARM flight code

TDC (Target Designator Control)
finalising TDC use and assignment between Radar MFD/ HUD/ IRMAV/ TPOD
removal of target pod slew controls
uses TDC when it is assigned to TPOD

Weapon release tone
enabled via TONE option in STRS
volume set via rotary control on ACNIP panel

Improved cockpit illumination

AV8B cockpit updates

After the final A/G weapons/Avionics updates are released we'll move on to the v814 series updates which will add the in-mission tactical display. After that we're on to single missions.

Here are some screenshots of v813.4/5

Updated STRS (Stores) MFD display:


IRMAV locked:

Cockpit mirror reflection:

Cockpit glass reflection:

Miscellaneous shots from v813.5 build:

Gratuitous Shot of cockpit glass and helmet visor reflection:

Stay tuned for loads more updates over the next few weeks! Happy flying ːsteamhappyː

Full Day/Night Cycle Is Here! A Campaign Pre-Requisite

v813.0 has been published to the BETA channel. This update has the full day/night sequence implemented. This is needed for the upcoming campaign mode as that runs minute by minute throughout the full 24 hour day. You'll be flying missions at various TOD and through transitions from light to darkness.

To model the day/night transition the atmospheric rendering has been massively improved. The pictures below show features such as:

Accurate sky rendering due to atmosphere modelling

Moon Display
  • Accurate rendering
  • Atmospheric fx during 'moon rise' & 'moon set' (red tinge)
  • Moon phases
  • Accurate orbital motion, speed

  • Accurate rendering through atmosphere
  • Accurate motion

Sun Display;
  • Atmospheric attenuation


  • Generally improved environmental lighting from Sky rendering
  • Improved aerial perspective (eg distant terrain and objects lighting,
  • Attenuation and in-scatter)

You can dynamically change the TOD during free flight & training missions so give that a go to see the update in action.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here are ~15,000 words!:

Happy Flying ːsteamhappyː

v812.1 Available now!

v812.1 is available now. We are enabling some more artistic camera modes and grabbing some new eye candy over the next few days which we will add to this article so check back regularly. There's some campaign news towards the end of this article so be sure to scroll down if that's what interests you :)

As well as hundreds of bug fixes and any previously reported crash fixes, here's the bulk of the feature improvements we've made:
  • Animated cockpit controls
  • Full control of interior & exterior lighting
  • Ability to set Bingo fuel level, select displayed fuel value
  • HUD reject level switch implemented to declutter HUD displays
  • HUD brightness rotary
  • Upfront Display brightness rotary
  • RWR Volume rotary
  • Seat adjust switch (left side of cockpit) actually moves the seat forwards & backwards, adjusting your cockpit viewpoint
  • Autopilot switches work as per AV8B manual. There are now three modes: off, AFC on & AFC with altitude hold. If the autopilot is engaged with the aircraft outside of ~5deg of pitch or roll it is held at that pitch or roll, otherwise it'll settle at wings or nose level
  • As per the AV8B manual there are now four HUD modes, VSTOL, NAV, AG & AA. Select by clicking the Master Mode buttons to the left of the main panel. For inflight refueling click the AAR switch on the lower left panel to extend the probe and trigger refueling help
  • Updates to targeting pod displays and operation
  • LGB's added and functioning
  • Internal updates to weapon collision code
  • Added targets to Chocolate Mountain Range
  • Updated Harrier cockpit and fuselage
  • Added V-22 Osprey and P-3 Orion
  • Added static deck crew
  • Depth of Field option added to renderer

VR updates include:
  • Updates to latest API versions
  • VR specific gamma control
  • VR specific optimisations
  • Mirror screen improvements (OpenVR only)
  • MSAA changes applied immediately (OpenVR & standard renderer)
  • Mission planner drawn in VR (renderer is not yet optimised, may show hourglass in VR)

The next few small updates will include:
  • Re-enable Gulf civilian traffic
  • Re-enable Fleet defenses
  • Updates to HUD & radar display as per AV8B references. These include updates to Gun and sidewinder displays, auto acquisition modes, boresight, AIM9 SEAM modes etc.
  • Enable 'Single Missions' in the Gulf
  • Display 'In Mission' tactical view
  • Updates to aircraft AI

Campaign News

After those updates it's time to work on the campaign mode. There'll be multiple campaigns. First to be implemented will be smaller campaigns/operations with objectives such as neutralizing Island bases and threats. Think this: Operation Praying Mantis[en.wikipedia.org]. The wider scale campaigns will follow.

From a technical standpoint the campaigns are simulated minute by minute with acceleration as required for times such as lulls in combat. You'll set which events will disable acceleration such as new radar contacts, enemy proximity to assets, distress calls etc.

From the main campaign screen you'll be able to switch to a 3D view of any of your assets (carrier/aircraft/ships/drones) at any time. During flight you'll be able to switch to the Tactical view & your AC will enable autopilot with Alt hold till you return. You'll have a limited no. of airframes; return to the ship with damage and that airframe will be unavailable for a length of time based on damage level.

We've had (and answered) some interesting questions on the campaign since releasing this news. This is great and its helping shape the game, you can get involved here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/347170/discussions/0/154642447927175939/?ctp=33

Development is changing to more gameplay based elements now, heck we might even start publicizing it soon!

Stay tuned ːsteamhappyː

v11.1 - Available now in the beta branch!

So, v811.1 is in the Beta channel now, updates include:

Fix for the video mode selection. Also correct frequency should be selected, previously it defaulted to 60hz

You can now land on the QE (or any other ship but that's not recommended)

You can takeoff from the QE using the ski-jump. It's surprising how much this helps you get airborne with a heavy load. There's a UK free flight mission starting from the QE deck.

The MFD map display has been updated. It now uses a generated map of the area. It shows terrain, road, rail, locations, waypoints etc. Very handy for knowing where you are, or going. Just like a map...

The target pod display has been updated. The next update should see it fully functional.

LGB's are added and available via a preset loadout. They will be fully function in the next update in tandem with the target pod display.

In control settings you have an option to disable the hardwired cursor key mappings if you'd rather map them differently.

In graphics options you can adjust the display saturation (all the way to black & white if you're feeling 'arty')

3d models for runway & taxiway edge lights added.

OSM building generation fixes & improvements.

General scene lighting improvements using a PBR approach.

The next update should be relatively minor, completing pod displays, fixing bugs etc so I'd expect it within the week.

v11.1 - Available now in the beta branch!

So, v811.1 is in the Beta channel now, updates include:

Fix for the video mode selection. Also correct frequency should be selected, previously it defaulted to 60hz

You can now land on the QE (or any other ship but that's not recommended)

You can takeoff from the QE using the ski-jump. It's surprising how much this helps you get airborne with a heavy load. There's a UK free flight mission starting from the QE deck.

The MFD map display has been updated. It now uses a generated map of the area. It shows terrain, road, rail, locations, waypoints etc. Very handy for knowing where you are, or going. Just like a map...

The target pod display has been updated. The next update should see it fully functional.

LGB's are added and available via a preset loadout. They will be fully function in the next update in tandem with the target pod display.

In control settings you have an option to disable the hardwired cursor key mappings if you'd rather map them differently.

In graphics options you can adjust the display saturation (all the way to black & white if you're feeling 'arty')

3d models for runway & taxiway edge lights added.

OSM building generation fixes & improvements.

General scene lighting improvements using a PBR approach.

The next update should be relatively minor, completing pod displays, fixing bugs etc so I'd expect it within the week.