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Combat Air Patrol 2 News

v810.7 - Live in all branches now

Ok, after a short run of updates, v810.7 is now live in all branches. Here's the entries from the Dev Sit Rep detailing the changes if you missed them:

16th Nov:
Hi All

v810.5 was uploaded this morning followed a few hours later by v810.6 (you wait ages for a bus...)

v810.5 was mostly a bug fix build, notable changes include:

Controls: Control and shift on mapped control keys are now saved.
Controls: OEM keys are labelled correctly.
Controls: Added default mappings for keyboard, gamepad, joystick.
HARM: firing crash fixed.
HARM Mission: mission starts.
Terrain LOD: settings bug fixed. You can select Low, Medium, High, Ultra.
Flight model: fix for a drag calculation.
Time Of Day controls: added to adjust current time and environment lighting.

We've also produced this useful graphic outlining the current keyboard default controls. We will be adding this to our quick-start guide shortly and updating it as we move through EA.

V810.6 added fixes for fullscreen monitor selection. When in fullscreen mode, changing the selected output monitor is immediate. Also the monitor label has an index added to distinguish between identically named monitors (generic pnp display...)

While working on default controls I realised none of the controller manufacturers seem to use the correct USB usage codes for controller buttons or axes/sliders which have a specific function. There are codes defined for controls such as throttle, chaff, flaps, trim etc. It'd be great if they used them where relevant as auto mapping a controller would be pretty simple. Anyway, I'm adding default settings for common controllers which will be included in coming updates. I've also begun work on the axis response curves UI.

The TOD/lighting controls are pretty cool. Give them a try, you'll probably find yourself constantly tweaking the light levels. Once the updated day/night sky shader is complete you'll be able to adjust the full 24hr cycle, plus advancing mission time will be added.

The terrain LOD settings fix/update improves the appearance of distant lights popping into view and fixes an issue where extra scenery was being drawn.

Update pace should be pretty good going forward as there are lots of smaller updates (mostly mission related) in the pipeline.

17th Nov:
v810.7 is live in all branches now.

The debug keys for time shifting and cloud regeneration are available in Controls->Misc
You can accelerate time from 4x to /32 (decelerating 32x was useful for testing things like gear animations)

A crash on starting Hawaii free flight is fixed.

You can now add your own cockpit photo. There's a directory 'Mods - Examples' in the game folder which details how to add your photo.

v810.7 - Live in all branches now

Ok, after a short run of updates, v810.7 is now live in all branches. Here's the entries from the Dev Sit Rep detailing the changes if you missed them:

16th Nov:
Hi All

v810.5 was uploaded this morning followed a few hours later by v810.6 (you wait ages for a bus...)

v810.5 was mostly a bug fix build, notable changes include:

Controls: Control and shift on mapped control keys are now saved.
Controls: OEM keys are labelled correctly.
Controls: Added default mappings for keyboard, gamepad, joystick.
HARM: firing crash fixed.
HARM Mission: mission starts.
Terrain LOD: settings bug fixed. You can select Low, Medium, High, Ultra.
Flight model: fix for a drag calculation.
Time Of Day controls: added to adjust current time and environment lighting.

We've also produced this useful graphic outlining the current keyboard default controls. We will be adding this to our quick-start guide shortly and updating it as we move through EA.

V810.6 added fixes for fullscreen monitor selection. When in fullscreen mode, changing the selected output monitor is immediate. Also the monitor label has an index added to distinguish between identically named monitors (generic pnp display...)

While working on default controls I realised none of the controller manufacturers seem to use the correct USB usage codes for controller buttons or axes/sliders which have a specific function. There are codes defined for controls such as throttle, chaff, flaps, trim etc. It'd be great if they used them where relevant as auto mapping a controller would be pretty simple. Anyway, I'm adding default settings for common controllers which will be included in coming updates. I've also begun work on the axis response curves UI.

The TOD/lighting controls are pretty cool. Give them a try, you'll probably find yourself constantly tweaking the light levels. Once the updated day/night sky shader is complete you'll be able to adjust the full 24hr cycle, plus advancing mission time will be added.

The terrain LOD settings fix/update improves the appearance of distant lights popping into view and fixes an issue where extra scenery was being drawn.

Update pace should be pretty good going forward as there are lots of smaller updates (mostly mission related) in the pipeline.

17th Nov:
v810.7 is live in all branches now.

The debug keys for time shifting and cloud regeneration are available in Controls->Misc
You can accelerate time from 4x to /32 (decelerating 32x was useful for testing things like gear animations)

A crash on starting Hawaii free flight is fixed.

You can now add your own cockpit photo. There's a directory 'Mods - Examples' in the game folder which details how to add your photo.



v810.3 available now

V810.3 is now available in the beta branch.

Terrain ‘pool filtering’ has been applied across all regions and MCAS Kaneohe Bay is now flat.

We’ve obtained the latest OSM data across all regions and improved the OSM parser to filter out unrequired entities such as quarries.

OSM object alignment with satellite imagery is improved.

Radar issues where targets would be lost are now fixed.

Several crash bugs that appeared in v810 have been resolved.

We’ve improved the harrier flight model. Roll inertia, pitch authority and stall handling are improved. Also excessive sideslip/yaw leads to roll hesitation/reversal and possible departure. As a result of these improvements the transition from wing-borne to jet-borne flight is more hazardous.

We’ve also rectified cannon lethality.

The F5 external view has been updated to prevent a potential transition across 100’s of kilometers and subsequent trashing of the terrain cache.

There are numerous other smaller bugfixes and updates.