1. The Talos Principle: Reawakened Demo
  2. News
  3. The Talos Principle Reawakened Demo Update #3

The Talos Principle Reawakened Demo Update #3

Hey folks! We've prepared another update for the demo just in time for the weekend. This update includes many of your requested features for the editor, such as light sources, auto-save, a checkpoint system, and various other improvements. Enjoy!

Thank you once again for all the feedback and support!
Full Changelog:

[h3]Puzzle Editor[/h3]
  • Added "Light" to the list of Devices. Increasing the Light’s radius or enabling "Cast Shadows" may negatively impact performance, so be mindful of these parameters and their placement.
  • Added "Checkpoint" to the list of Devices. Checkpoints allow players to save their progress at any location and can also be targeted by Portals in other levels.
  • Added an Auto-Save feature, configurable in Editor Settings.
  • Added an option to toggle fan vertical oscillation.
  • Added horizontal fences to the list of meshes.
  • Search bars and the Mesh Selection tab now remember the last entered text and selected categories.
  • Improved selection of meshes located inside other meshes.
  • Improved performance when resetting the level after stopping a playtest.
  • Decreased the file size of custom levels on disk.

  • The state of the "Enable Developer Console" gameplay option is now saved between game sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where the Recorder Clone Jammer would sometimes lose its target after using Gameplay Rewind.

[h3]Puzzle Editor:
  • Fixed a bug where the player could not use devices after exiting a playtest during the death screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the freeroam camera could get stuck moving in one direction without player input.
  • Fixed a bug where actors intersecting with the ground were sometimes unselectable.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Auto Decorate" feature did not work inside the bounding box of a large background mesh.
  • Fixed a bug where the QR code arrow was visible on thumbnails created in-editor.
  • Fixed a bug where an on-screen message would remain visible after stopping a playtest.
  • Fixed a bug where ladders could be placed in rotations other than "upright," causing issues when trying to use them.
  • Fixed a bug where loading into a level containing a previously collected Tetromino or Star marked as "End Game" would immediately end the level.
  • Removed certain meshes from the list that were not loading properly from the list of meshes.