Reawakened Demo update #2
Hey folks,
First off, a huge shoutout to everyone participating in the Puzzle Jam or just experimenting with the editor for fun! The Reawakened workshop already has more submissions than The Talos Principle Classic did in an entire decade, and Reawakened isn’t even out yet!
We’ve been receiving your bug reports and are working hard to address them as quickly as possible. With that in mind, we’ve prepared another patch. Here are the changes:
We’re actively working on fixing crashes in the Puzzle Editor, but some of the solutions aren’t quite ready yet. In the meantime, if you’re experiencing freezes or crashes while using the editor, the following workaround may help alleviate the issue until we release a proper fix.
You can use either of the two methods below:
Second Method
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
First off, a huge shoutout to everyone participating in the Puzzle Jam or just experimenting with the editor for fun! The Reawakened workshop already has more submissions than The Talos Principle Classic did in an entire decade, and Reawakened isn’t even out yet!
We’ve been receiving your bug reports and are working hard to address them as quickly as possible. With that in mind, we’ve prepared another patch. Here are the changes:
- Fixed various crashes related to using the Gameplay Rewind feature.
- Fixed the bug where entering and exiting Photomode while moving through the air (falling or being moved by a Fan) would make the player lose all velocity.
- Fixed the bug where an item could start uncontrollably rotating and moving around after being dropped from a Platform on which they were carried.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to Use various items (Terminals, Switches) through Fences.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to jam devices through fences and doors.
- Fixed the bug where the Mine would sometimes be placed at an incorrect location after using Gameplay Rewind.
- Fixed a bug where using Gameplay Rewind after resetting the level in a puzzle could sometimes cause disorienting camera movements.
- Fixed a bug where the Hexahedron would not activate a Pressure Plate when dropped onto it from a height.
Puzzle Editor
- Added Tetrominos to the list of Devices. Tetrominos can perform most of the same functions as Stars, including being used in Arrangers, displayed on signs, and triggering events
- Added the ability to scale placed meshes.
- Added an option to play the current "Level Music" while editing a level.
- Added an option to adjust "Camera Sensitivity" while editing a level.
- Added an option to preview the currently edited Terminal page contents. The preview displays text with all styling tags and most text events applied.
- Added a button to the Pause menu that opens the Workshop page of the episode you are currently playing.
- Added the ability to switch between vector values using the Tab key.
We’re actively working on fixing crashes in the Puzzle Editor, but some of the solutions aren’t quite ready yet. In the meantime, if you’re experiencing freezes or crashes while using the editor, the following workaround may help alleviate the issue until we release a proper fix.
You can use either of the two methods below:
- Go to Gameplay Settings and set “Enable Developer Console” to “On”.
- Open the Developer Console by pressing the tilde (~) key.
- Enter the following command and press Enter:
r.AsyncCacheMeshDrawCommands 0
Second Method
- Close the game.
- Right-click the game in Steam, then open Properties.
- In Launch Options, add the following string:
-ExecCmds="r.AsyncCacheMeshDrawCommands 0"
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
- Fixed various focus issues in the Puzzle Editor UI.
- Fixed a bug where spawning inside water would not properly activate the death sequence.
- Fixed a bug where setting Plasma Barriers' height to 1.0 would reset its size after finishing a playtest..
- Fixed a bug where triggering multiple "On Screen Message" triggers would display all messages at once.
- Fixed a bug where a Mine would sometimes fail to blow up an Auto-Turret if multiple turrets were within its detection range.
- Terminal: Fixed Glitch events (%g0 - %g5) not working.
- Terminal: Fixed an issue where Terminal text would turn white after using the Clear event (%c).
- Terminal: Fixed incorrect text behavior when using style tags (e.g., text).
- Terminal: Fixed incorrect text behavior when a line break occurred within a styled text piece.