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  2. News
  3. Demo 1.02 Patch Notes

Demo 1.02 Patch Notes

Hi again everyone,

We're putting out another patch to address another bug one of our players found, as well as some very minor improvements and tweaks to the game's balance. As always, please reach out to us on our Discord if you encounter any other issues.

[h3]Balance Changes & Improvements[/h3]
  • Taunt-cancel fire/alt-fire now resets the stamina regen delay - We received feedback that this taunt-cancel option might be a little too strong, we're still considering increasing its stamina cost but that would require more time on our end to implement and test due to some spaghetti code, so for now we've made it less spammable with this change.
  • The info section on taunting in the tab menu has been updated to include info about countering.
  • Tiamat's health pool has been buffed slightly - A good number of players seem to be able to defeat her without seeing her full moveset, so we've made her slightly beefier to extend the fight's duration by a bit.

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug where taunt-cancel melee attacks would trigger pickups twice, allowing you to dupe some items.

Have fun!