1. Catacomb Kids
  2. News
  3. 0.2.10d Patch Notes

0.2.10d Patch Notes

  • Erasing game data now asks for confirmation, and allows you to be more selective with what you want to delete
  • Trap doors can be broken open with Break, to make them more consistent with normal doors
  • The game now prompts you to save when you quit from the esc menu in Generous mode, and warns you about losing your progress in Permadeath and Continues modes
  • Made some improvement to the behaviors of vampiric thralls
  • Made dropkick much more accurate against small creatures and rolling foes

  • Crash: Tutorial crashes
  • Crash: Game sometimes crashes when killing things with soul-weapons
  • Crash: Several crashes related to vampiric thralls
  • Goof: Some blocks have extra debug numbers all over them (that I forgot to turn off)
  • Bug: Externally-loaded encyclopedia entries aren't rendering line breaks properly
  • Bug: Trap floors sometimes generate without a proper entrance and spawn the player in walls or ceilings
  • Bug: Sometimes the name of enchanted equipment ends with an extra "and"
  • Bug: Sometimes when jumping up onto a ledge the player clings to the ground strangely
  • Bug: Enemy footwear wasn't generating as the right type
  • Bug: Pressing [delete] prompts the "are you sure you want to delete this file?" dialog even when no selected file exists
  • Bug: Defeated Bosses display the wrong icon on the timeline for the Tank and Bear
  • Bug: Shop door passwords aren't always consistent between level seeds/saving and loading
  • Bug: Grumbuls in the Tank Fight will sometimes contantly generate "?"s above their heads
  • Bug: Issues with controllers and keyboards stealing each others' input in co-op
  • Bug: Campfires in Grumbul Forts draw behind the walls of the forts
  • Bug: Weapons sometimes spawn as default templates 'small weapon', 'cutting weapon' etc.
  • Bug: Equipment with telepathic enchantments is missing the "of empathy/telepathy/sensing" part of the name
  • Bug: Shop passwords are sometimes too obscured by background elements to be of any use
  • Bug: Doing a Daily Run after a normal run won't reset the internal floor/run time, making the timeline weird
  • Bug: Quitting in Generous mode on Floor 1 creates a save summary with the wrong class name and hp
  • Bug: Catacoins earned in the Daily Run aren't added to ones Catacoin total
  • Bug: Overwriting another save when saving a recovered game in Co-op doesn't work
  • Bug: Shopkeeper doesn't target player upon being lit on fire
  • Bug: The wrong level music plays after loading games, sometimes
  • Bug: View focus on breaking ice barriers is weird and impacts performance poorly
  • Bug: Armor of reflection doesn't properly deflect plague flies
  • Typo: The loading screen subtitle for the twins has an errant "#" in it
  • Typo: Armors "of the Ghost" were misnamed "of Dreams"