1. Scriptorium: Master of Manuscripts
  2. News
  3. Dev Blogpost no. 3 - New Elements, Scriptorium decor, and an Egg Horse

Dev Blogpost no. 3 - New Elements, Scriptorium decor, and an Egg Horse

Hello everyone,

Well wouldn’t you know? We are now in the year AD 2025. How crazy is that!? We hope you had a wonderful break and a great start to the year. We’ve certainly rested up, celebrated a bit as well, and now we’re back into the full swing of work-life balance. Today, we wanted to show you more of the development process behind Scriptorium: Master of Manuscripts. We've had lots of questions from the community about where we are at with development and when the game will be released. We are working away behind the scenes, as there is still lots of work to be done. The game will not only be a manuscript editor, but a proper medieval scribe experience full of interesting clients, bizarre orders, and challenges centered around your creativity with manuscript creations.

We’ll keep this update short and sweet, but to give you an idea of what’s in progress:

We’re adding more elements to play and decorate with.
Creating a wider variety of tasks and orders that you will get from visiting clients and patrons, and introducing even more unique patrons themselves.
We’re also working on the less glamorous (but equally important!) aspects of the game, like improving gameplay mechanics, adding a save feature, fixing pesky bugs, and enhancing the overall experience and performance.
And finally, to all of you who want a pure manuscript creating sandbox mode, without having to interact with any in-game character - we’re working on that too!

With that said, let’s dive into what we’ve been working on since the last developer blogpost.

[h3]New Elements: The Knights[/h3]

If you caught our last dev blog, you’ll know how we’ve added a slew of elements built around the jobs from the medieval days (last time we included The Bakery and The Farm - check the blog post out!). Today, we’re thrilled to introduce a brand-new profession - The Knights!

Inspired by original medieval manuscripts, these set of elements bring a chivalric flair to your creations. It features majestic horses, different types of detailed knightly armour, a variety of weapons, environmental elements, and even fashionable headpieces for all you medieval trendsetters. And yes, we’ve included the iconic “egg horse” (L'estoire de Merlin, France ca. 1316 (BL, Add 10292, fol. 213r)) requested by many of you medieval enthusiasts - because some classics never go out of style! So all the pieces that you see in that image, you will be able to use, reuse, and re-imagine in any way you like. You’ll be able to treat each element as a layer that you use however you see fit. A knight riding a horse? Easy. Knight riding another knight - also easy (and maybe a bit weird). Knight riding a giant snail?! But of course! You’ll also be able to use each element with any other element you like, move them around on the page, make them smaller, larger, play with the pose, etc etc. All the tools you need to create your very own medieval marginalia masterpieces.

[h3]Enhancements for Your Scriptorium[/h3]

This month, we’ve also been focusing on improving the main hub of the game: your medieval workshop, aka, your scriptorium. As a scribe, your workshop isn’t just a place to create stunning marginalia - it’s also your place for self-expression. Just like the manuscripts that you create, you will also be able to decorate your workshop in a multitude of ways.

Wait, what are those animals doing here?! How did they sneak in!?!

By fulfilling patron orders and earning gold, you’ll be able to customise your scriptorium with different furniture, decorations, and architectural elements. Think walls, floors, sealings, lamps, windows, and more! While we’re keeping some surprises under wraps, above is a little sneak peek at what’s possible.

We hope you liked that little glimpse into what we’ve been up to. Don’t forget to add Scriptorium: Master of Manuscripts to your Steam Wishlist so you never miss any news or updates. We’ve got some exciting announcements on the horizon, so make sure you don’t miss out!

We know that most of you haven’t had the chance to play Scriptorium yet, but we’d still love to hear your thoughts based on what you’ve seen so far. If you have suggestions, ideas, or feedback, let us know in the comments below or reach out to us on social media. We’re building this game together, so your input is worth its weight in gold.

And lastly, you can follow us on social media: Facebook, X/Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Discord, and Bluesky. Join us on your favourite platform (or all of them!) to stay up-to-date and share your thoughts

Thanks for your continued support. Love all the comments and words of encouragement we get from you all.

Speak to you soon,

Your Yaza Games Team
