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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen News

March Dev Update – PvP COMING APRIL 2

[h3]Pantheon Development Update[/h3]

Hello Pantheon fans, and welcome to another Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Update letter. Grab a slice of pineapple pizza, put your feet up, and let’s get started.

In case you missed it, the highly anticipated Druid class launched last week and has quickly become one of Pantheon’s most played classes. This healing class boasts a nature-based arsenal of magic, leveraging Verdanfire for some incredible spells. And don’t forget Hirode, your faithful fox companion, who will not only keep you company but also assist you and your party in your adventures. For a sample of what the Druid can do, check out the updated Druid page.


[h3]What’s next for Pantheon?[/h3]

PvP is being re-enabled on April 2 after its hiatus during the Early Access launch. In addition to more bug fixes and addressing some of your top feedback from PvE experiences, PvP servers will be added for those seeking an extra challenge. But be aware! Pantheon’s PvP servers are not for the faint of heart. It is raw PvP. Here’s what you can expect:

  • PvP is only available on PvP servers and will not be enabled on existing servers.
  • There is no class balancing for PvP. Some classes will feel more powerful than others in PvP. You decide how you want to play.
  • This is a lawless land. There will be no GM support for contesting content. It is up to you to shape this world. Order or chaos? Your PvP community will decide.
  • PvP can only be engaged within 5 levels of each other.
  • PvP combat begins at level 5.
  • General inventory can be looted from player corpses by other players; equipped gear cannot.
  • The in-combat state between players will end after 10 seconds of not taking PvP damage.
  • Damage and healing in PvP combat will be scaled differently from PvE content.
  • There is no friendly fire between players in the same group or guild.
  • Players not in your group or guild will default as an offensive target. You can CTRL + Left Click to target them defensively.
  • After dying in PvP combat, players will receive a buff that makes them immune to PvP combat for 90 seconds.
  • Server shard selection is disabled on PvP servers.

Play at your own risk!

Looking for how to play Pantheon?

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is available for Early Access on Steam.

If you previously pledged to the project, which includes a playable copy of Early Access, you can download the game patcher and view instructions here.

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Game Update 0.16.89

  • You can now create Druids. Enjoy!
  • Reduced the amount of fog a bit during rainy and foggy weather.
  • Steam players who /quit (or alt-F4 or whatever other means to quit out of the game without doing the 30 second camp timeout) will now get "Failed Steam login" until 153 seconds have elapsed.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where bags or boxes couldn't be larger than 24 slots.
  • Fixed monk animations not playing for the Dark Myr monks.
  • Fixed some issues in Halnir Cave where NPCs weren't able to path and were stuck evading.
  • Fixed an issue where some crafted items would sometimes have higher stats than they were supposed to (such as was happening with some items made with jewel-crafting).
  • In the interest of stability, we've disabled FSR2 until we can use an engine version that fixes the crashes that are currently happening for some graphics cards.
  • Fixed an issue where player corpses sometimes weren't appearing when they should have.
  • Fixed fog interactions between zones and specific weather types
  • Fixed pet equipment not rendering properly
  • Fixed rebound strafe keys not working properly while sprinting
  • Fixed UI player stat rendering issue when swapping some equipment types
  • Fixed an issue where the chat input line wasn't updating its color after you changed a chat channel color.
  • Fixed a bug where chat channel colors would sometimes be set to black instead of staying the color the player had chosen.
  • Fixed duplicate abilities in codex
  • Fixed bind stone confirmation dialogue popping up again when clicking Yes/No
  • Fixed several missing skills in character panel for various classes
  • Normalized Weakened and Vulnerable state enablers to 30 second cooldowns
  • Writ of Combat added at level 22. Writ of Battle added at level 32. These new spells are available on Cleric scroll vendors.
  • Energize is now instant cast.
  • The Attack and Spell Power bonus of Inspire Allies has been increased to 30 from 15. The bonus amount now scales with player level.
  • The base amount healed with Arc of Light has been increased. The amount of healing now scales with player level.
  • Interlocking Stones mana cost changed to 16 mana (flat)
  • The spawn chance for NPCs involved in the quest "Lieutenants of Greed" has been slightly increased.
  • Iceclaw Bears, Snowpaw Howlers, and Hibernal Ratta should now appear more often in snowy areas of Avendyr's Pass.
  • Marked Prey now expires on near death
  • The description for Defender's Vambraces now correctly identifies the armor type.
  • Drop rates for wolf claws, large wolf claws, wolf fangs, and wolf fur have been increased for wolves in Thronefast and Avendyr's Pass. Wolves in other areas will be adjusted in a future update.
  • Drop rates for bear fur, thick bear fur, bear blood, grizzleback claws, and iceclaw fangs have been adjusted for bears in Thronefast and Avendyr's Pass. Bears (and Owlbears) in other areas will be adjusted in a future update.
  • The drop rate for scorpion stingers has been slightly increased.
  • The stat bonuses provided by many dropped accessories have been slightly increased.
  • The description of the Essence of the Golem now correctly identifies its beneficial effect.
  • The drop rate of Dark Ichor has been increased.
  • The quest “Whispers of the Brineclaw” may now be repeated more than once.
  • The drop rate for gemstones has been slightly increased for asherite, caspilrite, and hardened caspilrite mineral deposits.
  • Nickel Lumps and Silver Nuggets may no longer be refined from Asherite or Caspilrite Ore.
  • Silver Nuggets may no longer be refined from Hardened Caspilrite Ore.
  • Zinc may now be refined from Hardened Caspilrite Ore.
  • The refining rate for obtaining Zinc from Caspilrite ore has been reduced.
  • The refining rate for obtaining Zinc from Tascium Ore has been increased.
  • The refining rate for obtaining Nickel nuggets from Slytheril Ore has been increased.

  • Skill requirements for arrowheads, rivets, plates, and armor scales should now be listed properly on their corresponding schematics.
  • Material requirements for some storage boxes have been adjusted.
  • Schematics for Infused Endcaps, Infused Bow Reinforcements, Infused Fighting Staff Blanks, Infused Cudgel Blanks, Infused Staff blanks, Infused Shortbow Limbs, and Infused Longbow Limbs have been consolidated. If you have duplicated schematics after this change, you can safely sell extra copies back to vendors for a refund of the initial purchase price.
  • Schematics for Runed Endcaps, Runed Bow Reinforcements, Runed Fighting Staff Blanks, Runed Cudgel Blanks, Runed Staff blanks, Runed Shortbow Limbs, and Runed Longbow Limbs have been consolidated. If you have duplicated schematics after this change, you can safely sell extra copies back to vendors for a refund of the initial purchase price.
  • The schematics listed above may now be purchased from any Fletching trainer.
  • Skill requirements for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Fletching and Woodcarving schematics have been normalized.
  • Fixed an issue with using Scaled Hide and Birdskin in the Cured Leather (Bulk 5) schematic
  • You may now learn Jewelcrafting in Availia even if you started your character in Sorhiryth
  • Mahina will no longer offer to teach you Jewelcrafting if you do not have a profession token to give to her.
  • The chance of acquiring Bismuth flakes while smelting Asherite ore has been increased.
  • Newly created Brass Square Settings will now properly work to create Simple jewelry. Please note that Brass Square Settings created prior to this patch will not work.
  • The attribute and stat bonus amounts provided by various jewelcrafting metals have been rebalanced.
  • Pewter, Copper, Nickel, and Silver now provide an additional minor bonus to jewelcrafting items they are used in.
  • Stat bonus amounts for various gemstones have been adjusted.
  • The amount of health, mana, and endurance provided by Celestium Dusts of Health, Magic, and the Tireless has been slightly reduced.
  • The amount of bonus hit rating provided by the Celestium Dust of Precision has been slightly reduced.
  • The material requirements for crafting Novice, Simple, and Standard gemstone amulets have been slightly reduced.

Game Update 0.16.35

  • The name of some places will now be shown as a large notification when the player enters them. These are only in a few places in Thronefast so far, but more will be added over time.
  • When new techniques are gained, a large notification will now be shown to help the player realize they have a new ability that can be added to their hot bar.
  • The Iron-Willed trait will no longer include immunity to Knockdowns
  • Added out of range loot icon.
  • The /stuck command will now try to return you to one of your previous locations which should be somewhat nearby where you got stuck in your current zone. If it can't find a valid one, it will return you to bind. You can also choose to just return to bind by supplying the bind parameter, such as "/stuck bind".
  • Class trainers have returned from The Gate to Sohiryth to assist new Halflings and the visiting Elves. Dire Lords, Rangers, Rogues, and Warriors should seek them out to learn more about their place in Terminus.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where items in bags looted from your corpse weren't updating their quest status, so quests that should've been ready for turn in would stay in an incomplete state until the item(s) for the quest got moved around in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't showing the key to press on some of the loading screen messages.
  • Blocked damage now properly reports as mitigation in the combat log.
  • Fixed consider-based Armor and Magic Penetration bonuses not being properly applied. I.e. light blue, green and grey NPCs will mitigate increasingly less physical and magical damage based on their con color.
  • Fixed being able to block and parry from behind.
  • Fixed parry based counter attacks not properly applying damage in all cases.
  • Fixed some water volumes in Wild's End.
  • Fixed items not always properly applying their internal bonuses
  • Fixed unit frame flickering between defensive/offensive targets when selecting some entities
  • Fixed entity mouse click and hover detection not always registering properly
  • Fixed entity corpses sometimes decaying before they can be checked for loot
  • Fixed dead npc mouse click and hover hit detection
  • Fixed bo-staff proc and improved timing
  • Fixed npcs ignoring min distance cast conditions in combat (charge/leap)
  • Fixed npc network interpolation after they use charge or leap
  • Fix for pets not continuing to assist if their master was fighting multiple NPCs and the first one was killed.
  • Fix for damage shields being triggered by DOTs, which could cause a damage shield to break mez on an NPC that had cast a DOT on a player with a damage shield.
  • Fix for some abilities sometimes being shown more than once in the codex.

  • Clerics rejoice! Absorb shields will no longer nullify Readiness gains on shielded targets when they take damage.
  • Each of the currently available ranks of the Awaken line has had its HP bonus increased. Added Awaken Honor at level 28 and Awaken Valor at level 36, available on Cleric scroll vendors.
  • Signet of Korcera added at level 6. Seal of Korcera added at level 16. Symbol of Korcera added at level 24. Korcera's Blessing added at level 32. Korcera's Vow added at level 40. These new spells are available on Cleric scroll vendors.
  • The Invigorate spell is now instant cast, grants a flat amount of Endurance directly when it lands, and increases Endurance regeneration by 100% for 6 sec. Energize added at level 28. Rejuvenate added at level 38. These new spells are available on Cleric scroll vendors.
  • Writ of Refreshing renamed to Writ of Skirmishing, level acquired changed from 16 to 12.
  • Inspire Allies lockout reduced from 300s to 90s
  • Arc of Light should no longer heal players outside of group
  • Cleaned up the ability description verbiage on several abilities. More to come.
  • Skymane's Pact moved to level 14. Attack speed bonus reduced to 10%.
  • Skymane's Bond added at level 24. Skymane's Covenant added at level 36. These spells are available at Shaman scroll vendors.
  • Reptilian Veil added at level 18. Reptilian Cloak added at level 28. Dragon's Cloak added at level 38. These spells are available on the Shaman scroll vendor.
  • Fang line mana cost adjusted (one of the ranks didn't have an increase)
[h3]Dire Lord[/h3]
  • Splatter distance adjusted to 6m (was 10m, should have been 5m)
  • Boil blood threat increased
  • Boil Blood Essence cost reduced to 150
  • Boil Essence added to vendors (level 21)
  • Harmshield Essence cost removed and changed to 10% of health, duration increased to 15 seconds
  • Lifetap essence cost reduced to 200
  • Blood Draw Essence cost reduced to 150, stat contributions increased (100% to 150%)
  • Bloodfiend cooldown reduced to 90 seconds
  • Sanguine Shield Essence cost reduced to 200
  • Splatter Essence cost reduced to 200
  • Essence Harvester wasn't generating Essence, increased amount to 450
  • Runecarver grants 300 Essence if the target is bleeding
  • Devour Dexterity Essence cost reduced to 200
  • Devour Constitution Essence cost reduced to 200
  • Oathfire wrath cost reduced to 300, stat contributions increased (50% to 150%), added a level based bonus to healing
  • Bo staff second strike damage updated
  • Gusting wind pole - Fixed blunt portion working while target was exposed
  • Focus Chi duration increased to 10 seconds
  • Spirit Tap damage increased
  • Arcamental Bond no longer requires you to target your pet
  • Flaming Whip no longer requires you to target your pet
  • Wind Dagger no longer requires you to target your pet
  • Enraged Slam no longer requires you to target your pet
  • Lidded Storage Boxes have increased in size to 20 slots.
  • The quest "A Just Reward" may now be completed by talking to Joclyn Sirion in Availia.
  • Several Jewelcrafting-related quests have been enabled in Thronefast.
  • Several new quests are now in Wild's End, including some not-so-obvious ones!
  • Baker Yezoa will now point you in the correct direction of Wildhive Bees for the "Sweet Harvest" Quest.
  • Mining node spawns have been activated for the Northern Moor'vaki Marshes in Wild's End.
  • Woodcutting node spawns have been activated for the Northern Moor'vaki Marshes in Wild's End.
  • Fiber Harvesting node spawns have been activated for the Northern Moor'vaki Marshes in Wild's End.

  • The Jewelcrafting Profession has been activated. This profession allows characters to create a variety of useful accessories such as rings, earrings, necklaces, and circlets. Additional jewelcrafted item types will become available in future updates. To learn the profession, speak with Isaac Sirion in Availia, or Mahina in Sorhiryth. You will need to have an apprenticeship token to learn the profssion. Please make sure to post any bugs that you encounter.
  • The schematic for the Shadower's Smallblade now more accurately identifies its components.
  • The schematics for Crusader's Vambraces, Expeditionary's Chain Bracers, Guardian's Vambraces, Stalwart's Chain Bracers, Stalwart's Vambraces, Deacon's Scale Bracers, Temple Ringmail Bracers, Vanguard's Chain Bracers, Defender's Vambraces, Vanguard's Vambraces, Vicar's Vambraces, Enforcers Ringmail Bracers, and Expeditionary's Vambraces now more accurately identify their required materials.
  • The skill requirements and slot sizes for Storage Boxes/Chests have been rebalanced.
  • Schematics for additional, larger sizes of storage chests have been added.
  • The schematic for the medium chest frame now makes the correct component.

Voluntary Testing Program Now Open!

Calling all testers!

We are now taking applications for the new Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Voluntary Testing Program. This program replaces all previous testing arrangements. The new program invites voluntary participation from interested members of the existing Pantheon community to test upcoming content for the game. Here’s how it works:

  • Participation is voluntary and does not constitute employment with Visionary Realms.
  • Fill out the application at https://forms.office.com/r/YARjeUcJ4Q
  • You only need to apply once. Applying multiple times will not increase your chance of being invited into the program.
  • If you are selected, you will be contacted through email.
  • Communication will be done on a private voice server, where only real legal names will be used. No game or Discord handles allowed.
  • Divulging your character name, server or guild in the testing group is prohibited.
  • Divulging your participation in the testing program is prohibited.
  • We will review participation quarterly, removing those unable to participate and filling any gaps created.
  • Every application is individual. Guilds and groups cannot apply as a unit and will not be considered.

We look forward to reviewing your applications and our first test session with you soon!

New Class Unlocked – The Druid

The Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen community has long awaited one of the final classes to be added to the game. The Druid is finally announced to be arriving in an upcoming patch. Check out this short trailer to get the details and be sure to stop by the recently updated Druid class page for the class highlights.
