1. Project AURA
  2. News
  3. Patch 1.1.9 Released

Patch 1.1.9 Released

Greetings Community!
We are bringing to you a new patch today with some re balance, fixes and updates.
We have included also an update on the Russian language, as always thanks to Dorado for his last work!


• We have introduced a new random-factor for climate threats where, during some periods, they may or may not appear. (Instead of periodically “always” appearing).
On low difficulty levels climate threats have also been delayed a bit more.
• Probability to produce food in superior quality has been lowered for all dishes.


• A new upgraded version for the interface management comes with this version. It should make the performance of the game improve a few FPSs.
• We have corrected the typos reported by the community.

What is next?

To summarize it all, we are working in a new game project based on Project Aura where we are tweaking many aspects from the background story to playability. Our goal is to quit all the bad, leave the good and add new features like multiplayer, modding support in a totally new world context with pve/pvp.

For this new project we are also moving from micro-management to management, involving:
no org charts.
no directors.
no colonists stats/complex health.
no building templates.
No colony expansion (instead you can control new colonies/strategy posts).

We will soon startup new site and forums to discuss features with players and, later on, the first game alpha version.

As always, thanks for reading and your interest in Project Aura ;)