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FREEDOM WARS Remastered News

Notice Regarding the FREEDOM WARS Remastered Update of February 19th

Thank you for your continued support of FREEDOM WARS Remastered.
We would like to inform you about the contents of the update released on February 19th, as well as other upcoming updates.

[h3]【About the Update】
▼Applicable Platforms
Steam® versions of FREEDOM WARS Remastered

▼Update Versions
Steam®:1.05 [/h3]

[h3]▼Updated Contents
■Bug Fixes
・Crashes when setting the status to READY while the chat window is open
Fixed the bug causing the game to crash when setting the status to READY while the chat window is open.

・Crashes while obtaining Abductor parts
Fixed the bug causing the game to crash when picking up the parts dropped by the Large Abductors after destroying them.

・Crashes during the operation complete sequence
Fixed the bug causing the game to crash during the sequence that appears right after completing an operation.

・Inability to move past the ranking screen
Fixed the bug preventing players from getting past the League of Panopticons ranking screen when inputting some specific commands.

・Health augmentation bug
Fixed the bug preventing the effects of all sorts of health augmentations from reflecting properly in the game.

・Damage display bug
Fixed the bug preventing the damage reduction effects of the defense augmentations from reflecting properly in the game.

・【Steam®】Inability to open the Online Menu on 24H2 environments
Fixed the bug preventing users from reopening the Online Menu after closing the Online Lobby on computers running version 24H2 of Windows 11.

・Other bug fixes
Fixed other minor bugs.

[h3]■Specification adjustments/changes [/h3]
・Support of character names written in Japanese
It is now possible to write in Japanese when entering character names.

・Voice volume adjustments
Adjusted the volume of the voices to make it easier to hear them in-game.

・Fixed Critical scaling of the gold notch weapons
Fixed the Critical scaling of the gold notch weapons.

・Loosened up the time limits of the CODE 5 & CODE 6 Exams
Extended the time limit of the CODE 5 Exam and the CODE 6 Exam.

Thank you for your continued support of FREEDOM WARS Remastered.

Notice Regarding the FREEDOM WARS Remastered Update, February 7th

Thank you for your continued support of FREEDOM WARS Remastered. 
We would like to inform you about the contents of Update Version 1.4, released on February 7th, as well as upcoming updates.   

[About the Update]   
▼Update Versions 
Steam®: 1.04   

【Update Contents for Version 1.4】 
■ Bug Fixes 
・Unresponsiveness in Multiplayer Lobby 
Fixed a bug where players would become unresponsive in the online multiplayer lobby if another player joined after they had set their status to READY but before deployment.   

・Screen Freezing During Matching in Private Rooms 
Fixed a bug where, under certain conditions, canceling the matching process as the host in a private room would cause the guest's game screen to freeze. 

・Issue with Operation Start Circle 
Fixed a bug where multiple players interacting with the same Operation Start Circle simultaneously in a Co-op Room would prevent them from setting their status to "READY.   

・Items Dropping from Enemies That Shouldn't 
Fixed a bug where items that should not drop were appearing as drops when defeating enemy characters. 

・No Reinforcements in Operation 
Fixed a bug, when playing online multiplayer operation where enemy reinforcements would not appear, preventing the operation from being completed. 

・Inability to Progress Due to Added Sentence for Natalia 
Fixed a bug where the screen would darken, preventing progression, when Natalia’s sentence was added in the solitary confinement scene.   

・Certain Operations Repeating Unintentionally 
Fixed a bug where certain special Operations would not disappear from the Operation list after completion, allowing them to be repeatedly played.   

・Equipping Augmentations Beyond Cost Limit 
If a player equips a augmentation that exceeds the cost limit, the augmentation will now be automatically unequipped.   

・Deadly Sinner Icon 
Fixed a bug where the "Deadly Sinner" icon displayed above a player's head was not visible on other players' screens.   

・Ranking Board Update 
Fixed a bug where, immediately after transferring to a new panopticon, information regarding city-state status and the ranking board would not update.   

・Ally Character Behavior Fix 
Fixed a bug during operations where ally characters would exhibit abnormal behavior while carrying citizens.   

・Other Bug Fixes 
Various other bug fixes have been applied.   

■Specification adjustments/changes 
・[Willonite: Minimum Purity] GDPP Value 
The GDPP value earned upon delivering the corresponding item has been changed. 

・Adjustment to Thorn Gauge Consumption During Revival 
When performing a revival by approaching a character, the Thorn Gauge will no longer be consumed. 
Note: If the revival is done by shooting thorns from a distance, the Thorn Gauge will still be consumed as before.   

・Behavior When Colliding with Obstacles While Carrying Citizens 
During Operations, the staggering behavior when colliding with obstacles while carrying citizens has been shortened. 

・Attack Hitbox for Heavy Melee [Mimas] [Caliburn] Type Weapons 
The attack hitbox for the [Power Attack Charge 1] of the Heavy Melee [Mimas] and [Caliburn] type weapons has been adjusted to ensure that the hitbox now matches the visual appearance of the attack. 

・Power Attack Adjustment During Thorn Connection 
The system has been fixed so that when performing a power attack while connected to the Thorn with the Heavy Melee, instead of triggering a special attack that couldn’t be charged, a normal attack that can be charged will now occur. Additionally, performing a power attack during a Thorn connection will now cancel the Thorn connection for all weapons. 

・After a successful Operation, the chat was previously unavailable until the result screen. 
This has been changed, and chat can now be used during the period between a successful operation and the result screen. 

・Regarding the attack judgment of Dionaea's [Dragon Beam] 
Adjustments have been made to the attack hitbox of the [Dragon Beam] fired by the large Abductor Dionaea. 

・Displaying Equipped Items on the Modular Synthesis Screen 
On the Modular Synthesis screen, all modules currently equipped on weapons will now display the [E] mark to indicate they are equipped.   

・Emote Behavior Changes 
Various adjustments have been made to the behavior of emotes, improving their ease of use.

【Upcoming Update Plans】 
The following bugs/specifications will be fixed in future updates. 

・Japanese Character Name Input 
Character and accessory name entry will be updated to allow input in Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji).   

・Critical Multiplier for Mutated Weapons 
The critical hits for mutated weapons were occurring at an unintended multiplier, so this will be fixed. 

・Damage Display Issue 
We plan to fix a bug where the effect was not reflected in the damage display even though a defensive augmentation was equipped. 

・Health augmentation Issue 
We plan to fix a bug where the effects of [Health Enhancement] augmentations are not being properly applied in-game. 

・Voice Volume Adjustment 
We will adjust the volume balance to improve audibility, as some in-game voices were difficult to hear in certain situations. 

・Improved stability  
We plan to fix a bug that causes crashes and freezes in certain situations.   

・Other Issues 
We plan to fix and adjust various other bugs and specifications.   

Thank you for your continued support of FREEDOM WARS Remastered. 

Notice about the Crash issues

Notice Regarding Current Issues
We have confirmed the following issues with the Steam version of "FREEDOM WARS Remastered":
Frame rate drops or stuttering during gameplay, unstable operation, or game freezes.
Under certain conditions, the game does not start correctly.
We are currently working on a fix and will provide updates as soon as they become available. In the meantime, you may be able to avoid these issues by taking the following steps:

Issues with Frame Rate Drops and Crashes During Gameplay
If your PC is running Windows Version 24H2 (OS Build 26100.2605), we have confirmed issues with instability, such as frame rate drops and game freezes during gameplay. We are currently investigating a fix for this issue.

Issues with Game Not Starting
You may be able to avoid this issue by following these steps:
・Please refer to this FAQ and try the troubleshooting steps provided:   

・If this doesn't resolve your issue, please try the following:
 Install the Update for Visual C++ 2013 and Visual C++ Redistributable Package - Microsoft Support updates: Download the "x64.exe" file for your language from the official Microsoft Support page and install it.
 Check if the game's exe file is in the installation folder: Go to Steam Library > Right-click FREEDOM WARS Remastered > Manage > Browse Local Files. Ensure that "START.exe" and "start_protected_game.exe" are present in the folder. If the exe file is not in the folder, it may have been quarantined by your antivirus software. By setting this title as an exception or excluding it from monitoring in your antivirus software, you may be able to restore the exe file.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused to our players. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve these issues.

FREEDOM WARS Remastered is out today!

[h2]Your Panopticon is calling. Choose how to fight—and deal with the consequences.[/h2]



Launch Livestream Today!

Attention Sinners! Join us later today to celebrate the launch of #FREEDOMWARSREMASTERED with special guest Vampy Bit Me!

Don't miss out on game code giveaways for the glory of the Panopticon!

Twitch: twitch.tv/bandainamcous