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  3. Next Fest Mini Update 3

Next Fest Mini Update 3

Continuing with the theme of the last mini update, todays update introduces another way to protect your soldiers from being attacked.

With these new ways to protect your soldiers, tomorrows update will focus on bringing up the threat of losing soldiers.

[h2]Cloaking Beacons[/h2]
Introducing an all new tower, the cloaking beacon!

This new later game tower will provide a cloak to nearby towers, making them invisible to all enemies. This means they can no longer be attacked while the cloak is active. Enemies can target the cloaking device still, so keep it safe!

[h2]New Turret Art[/h2]
The turret upgrades have been given a fresh coat of paint! No longer will all your turrets look the same.

This is just a small sample of the new art! Check it all out in game for yourself!

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
- Turret Armor Piercing upgrade tree has been removed
- Sniper turret has been given increased Armor Piercing & Damage
- Fast Turret & Twin Turret has been given increased RPM
- Crab enemy has been given an additional point of armor & a slight health decrease

There are many other bug fixes and improvements as well, such as fixing the bug with med kits not being available.