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Free Original Soundtrack Demo Release!

Celebrating Over 1 Million Views on the PV with a Free Original Soundtrack Demo Release!

To commemorate Ratatan's Reveal Trailer surpassing 1 million views on YouTube, we will offer the "Ratatan Original Soundtrack Demo" as a free download!
The release is scheduled for December 25th (JST)!

Don’t forget to add it to your wishlist!


Ratatan Original Soundtrack Demo Tracklist


Fortrun's Theme



Pirates of the Paraddean Theme C&R Ver.



Bad Day on Yeehawler Mountain Theme C&R Ver.



Unite! Sea Shanty of the Swashbuckling Mantaneers



Draw! The Wild Ballad of the Thorn and the Raging Bull



Update #1

Ongoing Development

First of all, we are pleased to announce the successful completion of the alpha test.
Due to operational reasons, the number of participants for this test was limited to only 500, and it's a shame that not many people were able to participate. We apologize for this.
That said, we would like to report on the details of the test in the development update to follow.

As for future plans, the development team is currently preparing for beta testing.
If all goes well, the test will be conducted in February of 2025 and will be open to all beta access holders. The scope of the test will be expanded from the alpha, and we expect players to be able to experience up to Stage 3 of Ratatan.

We also hope to take part in the Steam Next Fest in February, 2025 as well, however it will require a demo in order to participate, so we need to figure out how to separate that from the beta test.

We'd love it if you could help us know how best to strike that balance between fulfilling your rights as a backer and the development of the title altogether.
Ratatan has only received this opportunity because of all your support, and our respect for our backers will never change.
Thank you for your continued support.

[h3]Development Update[/h3]
This is a report on the alpha test we conducted in November.
This test was limited to a maximum of 500 people.
The alpha ROM was tested with many glitches in multiplayer and other areas, and we believe that there were many areas where players could not enjoy the game properly. However, we were able to get a lot of responses through our survey. Thank you all very much for your help!

Survey Results
The survey was obtained in the same format as the Steam store.

122/127 (96% favorable)

Since the test participants consisted only of backers, we fully understand that favorable result might be a little biased, but we feel very encouraged that so many of you were able to recognize our hard work. As mentioned earlier, there are still a number of glitches and areas that have not been adjusted properly, which has shown us again that we must tighten our focus in our development efforts.

Feedback from Test Participants and Response Guidelines
We have identified several issues by analyzing the many comments we received. We have determined that not all of them require major adjustments, but simply a bit of polish. The following three major guidelines are used to guide our response to these issues:

  1. Remove inconveniences and absurdities
  2. Remove incomprehensibility
  3. Improve the rhythm command experience

Remove Inconveniences and Absurdities
The game was lacking in areas that were mainly caused by development reasons, and we're considering adjusting the following issues:

  • Hermit's beam attack and other big moves have been adjusted so that they are made in time with the rhythm.
  • Relax the rigidity of the rhythm command inputs.
  • When a rhythm command fails, make it possible to input the rhythm command from the next musical bar.
  • In the craft menu, implement a function to disassemble weapons and convert them into material items that can be used for crafting.

Remove Incomprehensibility
While we believe that a small tutorial is necessary, we intend to design the game so it can be played without a tutorial or explanation.

  • Reorganize the in-game UI to show if troop skills can be used in relation to the amount of MP remaining.
  • Adjust the in-game store so that an item's effect can be checked when hovering over it.
  • Review the response when a Ratatan is attacked.
  • Add wording to the description of material items in the inventory to indicate what they are used for.
  • Display the type and quantity of material items required for each item in the player enhancement menu, support desk menu, and crafting menu.
  • Add a guide highlighting interactable objects, items, and NPCs when approaching them at certain distances, etc.

Improve the Rhythm Command Experience
As a guideline for play after the beta, we would like to make it possible to realize various play styles by combining Ratatan x Cobun (weapon type) x Rhythm Command.

First of all, we are planning to give unique abilities (i.e. Ratatan abilities) for each Ratatan.

  1. Abilities that enhance the effect of specific rhythm commands.
  2. Abilities that provide a bonus for successful rhythm input, such as just-in-time inputs.
  3. Those that give permanent abilities, etc..

In this way, the abilities will vary from Ratatan to Ratatan. This is how we intend to individualize the play style of each Ratatan in the game.

Next, for Cobun, we will add specific effects to troop skills, such as making it easier to destroy forts and such, or to blow up enemies and cancel their actions, as a means of differentiating between vanguard, mid-guard, and rear-guard troop types. We would like to make changing troop types and skills more meaningful in terms of gameplay than we have before.

Finally, for the rhythm commands, organizing what each command does and clarifying its role will make the effect of including the appropriate rhythm command in each situation more precise.

Taken together, these measures will help to realize the combination of Ratatan and Cobun by correctly judging their play style and inputting rhythm commands. We are planning to implement each of these measures for the beta, and we hope that you will join the rhythm action in the beta version once again.

Now, this is not to say that all of the above will be addressed as described above. We will also be adding content, fixing bugs, and adjusting the matching system in preparation for the beta test.

Although there are only a few days left until the beta test is upon us, the team will do its utmost to deliver an even better experience.

RATATAN v0.2.20 Patch Notes

  • Pyokorappa can now be selected.
  • Assault Cobun can now be selected. (Unlocking via Utility Enhancement will allow them to be used with other Ratatans too.)
  • Lances are now dropped by enemies.
  • Phase rewards now rarely yield two or more Cobun.
  • The save data screen layout has been adjusted.
  • The button design for moving between the sortie and inventory screens in the Rataport has been changed.
  • The Ratatan's in-game jump behavior has been adjusted.
  • Multiplayer stability has been improved.
  • If any player disconnects while in game, everyone will be returned to the title.
  • If an error occurs, it will be displayed on the screen in large red letters. (It would be very much appreciated if you could send a screen shot of the error screen along with the log when you report a bug.)

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using attack commands.
  • Fixed a bug that caused knocked back characters to keep sliding during multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the mob enemies to leap from side to side while moving.
  • Fixed a bug where mob enemies would continue chasing Cobun.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the screen display to break when repeatedly pressing the back button while on the sortie screen.
  • Fixed a bug that can cause a series of similar terrain or enemy placements.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when returning to the Rataport from a level.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause other players in the Rataport to become irresponsive during multiplayer.
  • Fixed several bugs related to network synchronization.

【Pyokorappa】 (VA: Sally Amaki)

Character Traits:
  • Sharp-tongued, they have a pretty overbearing attitude toward others.
  • But they're actually deeply lonely and care about everyone.
  • They often regret their actions and cry their eyes out when they are alone.

Assault Cobun:
  • Pyokorappa's Cobun.
  • Pretty handy with a lance.

Something that likely caught your medama in this update is the implementation of the long awaited Ratatan, Pyokorappa, and the Assault Cobun.
The Assault Cobun is a lance user and the second in the vanguard class, but while it attacks aggressively with its lance from a certain distance, it does not have as high HP as the Soldier Cobun and is vulnerable to being shot.
It's an aggressive class that can keep attacking without taking damage by utilizing the formation command and pulling them back near your Ratatan as needed, so please give it a try.
We are also working on fixing bugs as needed based on the reports we receive. The fixes are being made in order of severity, starting with crashes, freezes, and anything blocking player progress.
Alongside this, we are also working on improving the synchronization of Ratatan's online multiplayer, but this is still in progress. We have confirmed that some problems may occur as a result of a combination of multiple factors, and will likely require a little more time.

Update #0

Hello Ratatan fans!

In case you missed it, Ratatan now has a store page on Steam!
We have finally made it to this point thanks to the tremendous support we received through last year's Kickstarter, and we would like to thank our fans again for all of that support.

We have been informing you of our development progress and will continue these efforts in the same manner going forward. We understand that some of you are new to the Ratatan community, so below is a list of our past updates. Please take a look if you’re interested, but bear in mind there are a lot of them!

Kickstarter Updates:

Development is currently in the alpha stage and testing is underway. Based on the results of that test, we will move on to developing the beta. Our policy is to work together with our fans in Ratatan's development, including its intermediate stages.

We would like for everyone to try Ratatan as soon as possible in order to gather more feedback and suggestions, and we thank you for your patience as we work towards that.

While you're waiting, we will continue to report on the development progress at least once a month. We would like to introduce concept art and skills, propose game ideas, and provide information on events, merchandise, and development of other multimedia.

Ratatan is a project that will continue to move forward together with its fans, and the entire Ratatan development team is feeling encouraged by your kind comments. We will continue to strive to make the game the best it can be, and we hope that you will join us as fellow members of the development team. And finally, don't forget to wishlist Ratatan on Steam!

The Ratatan Dev Team
