1. Ratatan
  2. News
  3. RATATAN v0.2.20 Patch Notes

RATATAN v0.2.20 Patch Notes

  • Pyokorappa can now be selected.
  • Assault Cobun can now be selected. (Unlocking via Utility Enhancement will allow them to be used with other Ratatans too.)
  • Lances are now dropped by enemies.
  • Phase rewards now rarely yield two or more Cobun.
  • The save data screen layout has been adjusted.
  • The button design for moving between the sortie and inventory screens in the Rataport has been changed.
  • The Ratatan's in-game jump behavior has been adjusted.
  • Multiplayer stability has been improved.
  • If any player disconnects while in game, everyone will be returned to the title.
  • If an error occurs, it will be displayed on the screen in large red letters. (It would be very much appreciated if you could send a screen shot of the error screen along with the log when you report a bug.)

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using attack commands.
  • Fixed a bug that caused knocked back characters to keep sliding during multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the mob enemies to leap from side to side while moving.
  • Fixed a bug where mob enemies would continue chasing Cobun.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the screen display to break when repeatedly pressing the back button while on the sortie screen.
  • Fixed a bug that can cause a series of similar terrain or enemy placements.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when returning to the Rataport from a level.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause other players in the Rataport to become irresponsive during multiplayer.
  • Fixed several bugs related to network synchronization.

【Pyokorappa】 (VA: Sally Amaki)

Character Traits:
  • Sharp-tongued, they have a pretty overbearing attitude toward others.
  • But they're actually deeply lonely and care about everyone.
  • They often regret their actions and cry their eyes out when they are alone.

Assault Cobun:
  • Pyokorappa's Cobun.
  • Pretty handy with a lance.

Something that likely caught your medama in this update is the implementation of the long awaited Ratatan, Pyokorappa, and the Assault Cobun.
The Assault Cobun is a lance user and the second in the vanguard class, but while it attacks aggressively with its lance from a certain distance, it does not have as high HP as the Soldier Cobun and is vulnerable to being shot.
It's an aggressive class that can keep attacking without taking damage by utilizing the formation command and pulling them back near your Ratatan as needed, so please give it a try.
We are also working on fixing bugs as needed based on the reports we receive. The fixes are being made in order of severity, starting with crashes, freezes, and anything blocking player progress.
Alongside this, we are also working on improving the synchronization of Ratatan's online multiplayer, but this is still in progress. We have confirmed that some problems may occur as a result of a combination of multiple factors, and will likely require a little more time.