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Pinhead Adventures News

Pinhead Adventures Revamped Patch 0.4.6

Some animation jank has been smoothed out
Money Magnet sound has been changed and lowered

Large Nests spawn rates have been adjusted. Spiker Nests spawn every 120 seconds. Swooper Nests now every 90 seconds. Spitter nests remain unchanged

Lil Green
Lab has been updated, should lead to better performance while in area
Statues underground are now activated from the substation earlier

All physics items have had their defaults for cost, and weight adjusted. Throwing damage now triggers earlier on most things
All weight plates have had their required weights adjusted
Each world will now spawn a World key when mostly completed. These are for use while at The Zino
All hardlight gates now have stairs leading up to them
Enemies have scaling vunerability
Spiker will scale from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds of damage protection, from max to 0 hp
Spitter will scale from 2 seconds to 4 seconds of damage protection, from max to 0 hp
Swooper will scale from 1 seconds to 2 seconds of damage protection, from max to 0 hp
Large Nests can now have their spawn times reduce over time, over the course of 3 hours

The Zino coming soon!
As always, feel free to follow us on X, Youtube, or here on the Steam forums!

Revamped 0.4.5

Pinhead and Orbo
Now have colored faces!
Tapping the dive button does a hop, holding dive now starts the slide
Fixed a bug causing the in air mode to jitter after being in the air for longer then 3 seconds
Fixed the damage from a fully charged single shot with the overcharger dealing the same damage as a fully charged explosive shot
Added an effect to the personal shield that triggers when hit by an overcharger explosion
Added a overcharged effect to overcharged gun shots and explosions
The gun will now start discharged upon crash landing
The Incineration Orbo Slot will no longer shrink or incinerate the player
The Incineration Orbo Slot will no longer move into orbo when coins are dropped
The Incineration Orbo Slot will now have the Incinerator coin display above it
The Ship Shield Generator is no longer incinerable

Lil Green
All the buttons at the substations now have signage indicating what they are for
Houses and buildings have been numbered/named

Big Purp
More of the puzzles have chances to be pre completed
Enemy nest locations adjusted
Some areas have been slightly reworked
There are less large nests inside the facility, but more single enemy spawns
Fixed the dark matter in the lab

Large nests will now spawn from each available part of the nest
Lowered the damage dealt by the gun to the weak point of the spiker nests

Vending Machine, Portable Upgrade Station, and The Book have had their Fov and Camera distance targets adjusted
Fixed Hardlight pickup collision for the Item Scanner and the Incinerator
Upgrade station and and Vending machine FoV triggers are now turned off when they don't have hardlight
Any completed objectives that are visible from space on Timeline 1 when the game is launched will no longer appear in the new timeline start sequence
Enemies will now have their animations paused if their location isn't on screen while they are roaming
The scroll box in the sound attributions menu will now start to scroll automatically after 5 seconds. Will loop back to the top after 7 seconds.

The Zino coming soon!
As always, feel free to follow us on X, Youtube, or here on the Steam forums!

Pinhead Adventures Revamped Patch 0.4.4

Moving platforms triggered by the player have had their timings normalized. 5 seconds to move, 3 to reverse direction upon leaving
Small spitter nests will no longer spawn pickups and new Spods when a nest is loaded in as broken
Fixed the stealth pin not turning off correctly right before you run out of stamina
When locked on, the camera will now look towards the reticle instead of the center of the target

Lil Green
The marker for the shield generator on Lil Green will now appear and be hidden correctly
Fixed a misconfigured statue shield on Lil Green (edited)

While the Incinerator is in an Orbo inventory slot, the slot holding the Incinerator will turn into an Incineration Slot if a valid object is currently held.
Placing the currently held object into the slot will incinerate the object and drop the coin value. Only works while the incinerator has Hardlight
While the Vending machine is on and in an inventory slot, any time Orbo presents his inventory he will automatically restock your hearts and batteries.
Amount of restocked items will be limited to how many respective coupons have been collected
While Orbo has the shield generator in his inventory, he will have a shield around him that damages enemies that enter it. Can fizzle enemies

The Zino coming soon!
As always, feel free to follow us on X, Youtube, or here on the Steam forums!

Pinhead Adventures Revamped Patch 0.4.3

The pause menu can no longer be opened during cutscenes
The camera distance when close to the Portable Upgrade Station or the Vending Machine will now zoom in
Increased the damage enemies take from hardlight discharges from 1 to 20, will now cause the enemy to fizzle
Fizzle effects updated
All Statues materials have been adjusted. Ap and 1 up materials have been swapped
Some assets have had slight material changes.

The sideways force applied to the player while sliding on a slopped surface is no longer applied while in the air

Orbo has a new animation set, and an updated face to match the style of the Pinheads
Directing orbo will now always require a short hold of the button to trigger the direct command
Orbo can be directed to move to a close point to him even if the teleport is on cooldown
When Orbo is hit, he will be launched further away and will teleport once he lands.
Adjusted some of the sounds that play during Orbo's hit sequence
Orbo will now look at the player as they approach him

Fixed collision on a staircase in blue tower

Lil Green
Adjusted rock material

The Zino coming soon!
As always, feel free to follow us on X, Youtube, or here on the Steam forums!

1st Patch of the year! 0.4.2

Pinhead Adventures Revamped Patch 0.4.2

The pinhead now has speed lines
Added a radial charge bar to the reticle that shows current sword or gun charge percent

Always presents upgrade kits
Hovers towards player while inventory is open
Extended Inventory range by 1 meter
Inventory no longer automatically opens, interact with him to open
No longer spits out Dark matter cells after gaining a new inventory slot
Now floats while collecting pickups
Can no longer move or be teleported while collecting statues
Invulnerable while collecting statues
Adjusted how the follow recall works, will no longer TP when the player is in the air, in combat, or going too fast
Simplified Orbo's flee logic
Protected from damage while and just after teleporting
Orbo will always teleport while directed in combat
When orbo is following, if he can't reach you his range to recall will be 15 meters instead of 150 meters
Orbo can now always be interacted with even when running from enemies
Orbo to Ship button in the pause menu will be deactivated while Orbo's teleport is on cooldown
Return to Orbo button in the pause menu will be deactivatred for a few seconds after teleporting to Orbo

When directing Orbo, the reticle will change colour based on if Orbo will teleport (purple, red when teleport is on cooldown) or walk to the location (orange).
Orbo can be directed to teleport while presenting if the direct button is held for longer than 0.3 seconds. This will close his inventory.

Each level has it's own style for hardlight bridge

Changed the Statue collection effect
Changed the Dark Matter Cell collection effect for Orbo

Fixed fallout collision across Estoria, Lil Green, and Big Purp

Fixed Fizzle out disappearing

All Tutorial Messages have been rewritten

All Part Socket Puzzles have the proper names and no longer read as "Part Socket"

All Nest Spawns have been aligned.
Spiker Nests 90s
Spitter Nests 120s
Swooper Nests 60s

Each major enemy now has speed lines. Careful!

The Zino has resumed development!
As always, feel free to follow us on X, Youtube, or here on the Steam forums!