1. Pinhead Adventures
  2. News
  3. Revamped 0.4.5

Revamped 0.4.5

Pinhead and Orbo
Now have colored faces!
Tapping the dive button does a hop, holding dive now starts the slide
Fixed a bug causing the in air mode to jitter after being in the air for longer then 3 seconds
Fixed the damage from a fully charged single shot with the overcharger dealing the same damage as a fully charged explosive shot
Added an effect to the personal shield that triggers when hit by an overcharger explosion
Added a overcharged effect to overcharged gun shots and explosions
The gun will now start discharged upon crash landing
The Incineration Orbo Slot will no longer shrink or incinerate the player
The Incineration Orbo Slot will no longer move into orbo when coins are dropped
The Incineration Orbo Slot will now have the Incinerator coin display above it
The Ship Shield Generator is no longer incinerable

Lil Green
All the buttons at the substations now have signage indicating what they are for
Houses and buildings have been numbered/named

Big Purp
More of the puzzles have chances to be pre completed
Enemy nest locations adjusted
Some areas have been slightly reworked
There are less large nests inside the facility, but more single enemy spawns
Fixed the dark matter in the lab

Large nests will now spawn from each available part of the nest
Lowered the damage dealt by the gun to the weak point of the spiker nests

Vending Machine, Portable Upgrade Station, and The Book have had their Fov and Camera distance targets adjusted
Fixed Hardlight pickup collision for the Item Scanner and the Incinerator
Upgrade station and and Vending machine FoV triggers are now turned off when they don't have hardlight
Any completed objectives that are visible from space on Timeline 1 when the game is launched will no longer appear in the new timeline start sequence
Enemies will now have their animations paused if their location isn't on screen while they are roaming
The scroll box in the sound attributions menu will now start to scroll automatically after 5 seconds. Will loop back to the top after 7 seconds.

The Zino coming soon!
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