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Card Survival: Fantasy Forest News

Patch Notes #11

Patch Notes #11

Hello everyone,

The patch notes for today.

[h2]Version EA_0.16:[/h2]

  • Reimplemented research time costs for all blueprints (data got destroyed in a merging accident -_- ).
  • Fixed a bug where you could eat food right before it burnt and still get charred remains.
  • Fermented Billberries now give a lot less thickness when added to Stews.
  • Bugs can now be Boiled and added to stews.
  • Fixed the spoilage durability of Dried Fireroot.
  • Rebalanced flint axe durability so players can get more uses out of them.
  • It is no longer possible to transfer Spirits into Reed Tunics.
  • You can no longer build separate Mud Huts inside Enclosures.
  • Smokehouses no longer affect players when in a different location.

We have decided to push the fixes to both the beta and stable branch for now and we think we'll keep doing so for a few days for now. Once most of the important bugs have been solved we'll switch to only updating the beta.

See you tomorrow!

Beta Branch and the Research Mode

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well.

[h2]Beta Branch:[/h2]

Today we're dividing the game into two different branches.

A stable main one and a public beta branch where we'll be releasing most of the new features and bug fixes.

Once features in the beta branch are looking good and stable we'll be moving them to the stable branch too.

To access the open beta branch you should do the following things:

1) On Steam, go to your Library.
2) Right-click on the game and go to "Properties".
3) In properties, go to "Betas"
4) Select "openbetabranch" in the "Beta participation" dropdown list.

If you want to go back to the main branch, you can select "None" in the Beta participation list.

[h2]Research Mode:[/h2]

In the Beta branch there should now be 4 available modes to play.

- Quest Mode: The one we've been using so far.
- Research Mode: The old one from Tropical Island.
- Mixed Mode: Basically quest mode, but with the ability to research quests too.
- Free Mode: Same as in the stable branch. We'll probably be removing this mode in the future as it's more of a temporary measure and it adds clutter, but for now it stays.

There's still work to be done to balance the Research Mode but the base is there. We'll be tweaking blueprint research codes throughout the week. :)

That's all for now.

See you tomorrow!

Patch Notes #10

Hello all!

Today our patch notes are small because we've mostly been working on the Research Mode, which, by the way, is ready!
We'll be using tomorrow for testing it more thoroughly and we'll be releasing it on a public beta branch with the next patch notes.

[h2]Version EA_0.14:[/h2]

  • You can now use fat as trap or fish bait.
  • Building a tanning pit or a cellar expansion now produces dirt.
  • Added description for the antler.
  • Antlers can now also be used as shovels to build cellars and tanning pits.
  • Stone Axe now consumes less stamina to craft.

That's all for now.
See you tomorrow!

Patch Notes #9

Hello everyone!

Here are the patch notes for today:

[h2]Version EA_0.13:[/h2]

  • - Added a brightness and a contrast slider in the options.
  • - Limited how much fat/fireroot/garlic etc. can be added to food (only 1 of each can be added to a food item).
  • - Bugs can now be cooked.
  • - Improved warnings for river floods (stat help and raised alert levels).
  • - Added a small help section to ovens.
  • - Added Cauldron to the Water Filter.
  • - Fixed a bug that was causing baskets to self-destruct.
  • - Fixed a bug that was causing baskets to reset their spoilage when placing them.

Have a good day/night everyone and see you tomorrow!

Patch Notes #8 and Japanese Translation

Hello everyone!

We hope you're doing well.

In addition to the usual Patch Notes, we have some news for both our Japanese players and the players that have been waiting for the Research Mode.

As of today, Card Survival: Fantasy Forest should be available in Japanese. We're glad to welcome Japanese players on board, we hope you will enjoy the development of this game!

Regarding Research Mode (CS:TI's Blueprint System), we already have a working version on our side but we still need to test, polish and properly integrate it to Fantasy Forest. We'll be doing this over the weekend.

And now the Patch notes:

[h2]Version EA_0.12:[/h2]

  • Fixed a bug where starting a new game in Free mode and then loading a different game in quest mode would make quests invisible.
  • While being in flooded areas, your Leather Trousers and Leather shoes will no longer get wet if you are holding them in hands or inside an equipped bag.
  • Basket and Hand Basket now have have separate Spoilage and Quality.
  • It is no longer possible to place a Storage Pot with Water inside the inventory of a Clay Bowl.
  • Stone Axe can no longer cut Logs into Pieces.
  • Enclosure no longer allows you to build mud hut improvements.
  • Mud Hut Expansions no longer take up space.
  • Making twine with Spindle can no longer take less than 3 minutes.
  • Log traps now return their log when dismantled.
  • Fermentation Bins can no longer hold spirits.
  • Waterskin is no longer enchantable.

That's all for now.
See you tomorrow!