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  2. News
  3. Beta Branch and the Research Mode

Beta Branch and the Research Mode

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well.

[h2]Beta Branch:[/h2]

Today we're dividing the game into two different branches.

A stable main one and a public beta branch where we'll be releasing most of the new features and bug fixes.

Once features in the beta branch are looking good and stable we'll be moving them to the stable branch too.

To access the open beta branch you should do the following things:

1) On Steam, go to your Library.
2) Right-click on the game and go to "Properties".
3) In properties, go to "Betas"
4) Select "openbetabranch" in the "Beta participation" dropdown list.

If you want to go back to the main branch, you can select "None" in the Beta participation list.

[h2]Research Mode:[/h2]

In the Beta branch there should now be 4 available modes to play.

- Quest Mode: The one we've been using so far.
- Research Mode: The old one from Tropical Island.
- Mixed Mode: Basically quest mode, but with the ability to research quests too.
- Free Mode: Same as in the stable branch. We'll probably be removing this mode in the future as it's more of a temporary measure and it adds clutter, but for now it stays.

There's still work to be done to balance the Research Mode but the base is there. We'll be tweaking blueprint research codes throughout the week. :)

That's all for now.

See you tomorrow!