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Drill Core News

Drill Core is now Steam Deck Verified! 🚨

[h2]Greetings, Platform Managers! [/h2]

The Board of Directors are pleased to share that Drill Core is now officially Steam Deck Verified! This means you’ll be able to monitor your mining operations constantly, without the need for pesky breaks, straight from your Steam Deck!

We look forward to seeing your productivity and profits soar now that you can manage your workers on the go.

Best regards, Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors

Patch V0.104 in testing branch

This build in testing branch of the game.

  • Added new FPS limit options: 90, 120, 140, 165.
  • Game now works on delta time instead of fps.
    This means that even if the game is played at a lower FPS (due to lags or the peculiarities of some processors) than it should, everything inside the game will happen at the same speed. In simple words, FPS does not affect the speed of the game.
    Please report any bugs you encounter.

[h2]Bug fixes:[/h2]
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the crumbling block to fly through workers and enemies without destroying them.
  • Fixed a bug where the crumbling block could destroy nearby workers.
  • Fixed a bug when recycler interface doesn't response to gamepad input.
  • Fixed a bug when building/turret destroy window didn't consume "accept" verb.
  • Fixed text issues in laboratory menu(upgrade description) and platform selection menu (trait names).

Patch v0.103 is live

Fixed a silent crash after a splash screen if gamepad is connected and steam input enabled for it.
Fixed a bug when switching to 2x speed or back doesn't affect speed of dwarf miners.

Patch v0.101 is live. Balance changes.


Dwarf carrier speed increased from 2.6 to 3.0.
Dwarf bomber explosion time decreased from 3.4 to 3.2.
Now the Eclipse event and the Polar Night event cannot occur more often than once every 5 days (before debuffs).
Chance of double event was decreased on the higher difficulties.
Arachnor hp and Ice Warden hp was increased on the higher difficulties.

[h3]Cavernous planets are a little easier now:[/h3]
Hatch block time between spawns was slightly increased on the higher difficulties.
Hatch block chance to spawn several cracks heavily reduced on the higher difficulties.
Monster Crack time to spawn slightly increased on the higher difficulties.
Lava Jet block now has maximum 3 jets instead of 4 on the Corebreaker difficulty.

[h3]Turrets balance:[/h3]
Fury turret duration of the applied fire effect was increased from 2.4 to 7 seconds.
Fury turret reload time was increased from 4.4 to 5.3 seconds.
Poison turret duration of the applied poison effect was increased from 2.1 to 9 seconds.
Poison turret reload time was increased from 2 to 3.7 seconds.
Fireworks turret range was decreased from 1000 to 850.
Automatic turret damage multiplier for enemies with more than 65% HP increased from 3 to 3.5
Drone reload time for Drones Turrets M2 has been reduced from 5 to 4 (drones shoot more rapidly).
Mining turret now has 10 mines limit instead of 7.
Mining turret' mines damage increased from 40 to 60.
Mining turret' mines explosion radius increased from 220 to 250.
Mining turret reload time increased from 6 to 13.5.
Weakening Laser Turret effect duration increased from 3 to 3.5

[h3]Abilities balance:[/h3]
Laser station damage increased from 10 to 13.
Rocket launcher(Active nighttime ability) rocket' damage increased from 30 to 35.
Turret expander now increases the firing range of turrets by 35% instead of 20%.

Drill Core is now 'Playable' on Steam Deck! 💥

Greetings, Platform Managers!

The HR Department is pleased to share that Drill Core is now marked as 'Playable' on Steam Deck! This should make it easier than ever to manage your workers on-the-go, further reducing the need for a work life balance for our exemplary employees.

Whilst Drill Core is not yet fully Steam Deck verified mainly due to some text being slightly smaller on the Steam Deck, we will be working towards full verification ahead of the 1.0 Release!

Best Regards,
The Drill Core. Inc Board of Directors