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Drill Core News


Greetings, Platform Managers!

We hope you have been able to keep up to date with our recent communications surrounding the newly discovered Jungle Biome, as well as our further internal memo regarding the harsh terrain and weather conditions which have been uncovered by our research team studying these new planets. Of course, reading communications from Drill Core Inc. is mandatory, so we’re sure you have endeavored to stay up-to-date with these developments.

As with all new properties planets, the Jungle Biome does of course boast its own diverse range of creatures, some of which have regrettably failed to respect our mining contracts. Please make note of the following information to allow you to best oversee your operations.

New Enemies

Our research team has identified 9 new species of bugs which may attack your workers in the Jungle Biome; whilst they were unable to isolate all of the relevant species, they were able to disclose some useful information about some of these new enemies.

The first new species you’ll likely encounter on Jungle Planets is the Flesher; these tiny enemies aren’t particularly durable, but they are fast and can overwhelm your defences in vast numbers.
Another creature you’ll want to look out for is the Stealer, identifiable by their long legs, which they may utilize to steal workers from your Platform if given the opportunity, lifting them skyward, and letting gravity handle the rest.
You’ll also want to consider how some of these new enemies may impact your defenses: Rootbinders will release vines on to surrounding turrets, slowing them down; Ghosters will become invisible periodically, meaning turrets will not be able to target them.

Please note that many of these new species do spawn Fleshers upon their demise; whilst they do not typically appear to have high HP, these creatures are fast, and in high numbers may pose a threat to the Core’s integrity, so it is important to have your defences optimized.
Any damage to a Platform Manager’s Core will be liable for further action from Drill Core Inc..

New Boss

The Sporelord has been classified as the apex predator of the Jungle Biome. All Sporelords spawn smaller subspecies of the same type upon death, rapidly escalating battlefield conditions.

Researchers tell us this particular Boss has various subspecies of differing appearances and abilities; the Invisible Sporelord periodically becomes invisible, so that turrets cannot aim at it; the Explosion Sporelord explodes after death, slowing down surrounding turrets; the Sniper Sporelord is able to attack from a much greater range jeopardizing your Core and workers from further away; and the Horde Sporelord creates more subspecies after death.
Due to the unpredictable nature of Sporelord encounters, Platform Managers should exercise extreme caution and ensure that all defensive measures are optimized before engaging.

Despite the inconvenience of hostile wildlife, the Jungle Biome presents unparalleled opportunities for resource acquisition. With appropriate risk mitigation strategies, these obstacles can be converted into manageable operational challenges. We look forward to seeing the results of your expeditions when the Jungle Planets become available next week. Ensure all equipment is optimized, and be ready to report findings to company leadership upon deployment.

For real-time corporate updates, follow Drill Core Inc. on Twitter or join our corportate communications channel on Discord.

Best regards and good luck,
The Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors


Greetings, Platform Managers!

Following last week’s URGENT company-wide internal communications, the Board of Directors would like to share with you new discoveries regarding the terrain you’ll be facing in the recently located Jungle planets within the galaxy.

As mentioned in the previous communications, all information regarding the discovery of the new Jungle Biome is strictly confidential, and covered by Drill Core Inc. employees’ NDA.

New Jungle Biome Blocks

As with all new terrain, the Jungle Planets you’ll be sent to from next week will offer new types of regular blocks for your Miners, each with differing strength levels. This will include both regular blocks, which will vary in their strength levels and impact how long it takes to mine them, and new unique blocks that have various special properties.

Unfortunately, our researchers are not able to isolate the properties of all 11 of these new blocks, but they include the boggish Swamp Block, which absorbs all resources that fall onto it so that they only become available for collection once the block is destroyed; the Acid Block, which periodically shoots jets of acid in various directions depending on difficulty; the Swapping Block, which occasionally switches positions with blocks adjacent to it; and the Cling Block, identifiable by the giant eye that resides in the middle of it, which is pulled to other blocks within a 4-block radius, killing everything in its path.

Please plan your mining operations accordingly, Platform Managers.

New Unique Events

As with all previous planetary discoveries, the Jungle Biome offers its own Unique Events which may cause challenges for your mining operations.
There are currently 3 planetary phenomena which may occur during your time on Jungle Planets: Tropical Rainstorms, which will temporarily increase block activity, Fungal Growth, which will force all bugs to move slower for one night, and Increased Humidity, which will make all blocks harder to excavate.
These conditions will undoubtedly be challenging, but the HR Department would like to assure all employees that lives lost owing to Drill Core Inc.’s mission and profits are greatly appreciated.

This ends this particular company-wide memo.
We’ll be sharing more information with you regarding the unique lifeforms you may encounter on the new planets later this week.

Don’t forget to follow Drill Core on Twitter or join our Discord for further updates!

With a bright vision for Drill Core Inc.’s future,
The Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors


Greetings, Platform Managers!

The Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors would like to alert all employees to recent developments made by the R ‘n’ D Department regarding the discovery of a new biome within the intergalactic system which Drill Core Inc. considers its base of operations.
We ask that all information disclosed within this memo is treated as private and confidential, and remind all employees that you are under an airtight NDA with regards to your mining operations.

New Jungle Biome

The R ‘n’ D Department has discovered an entirely new type of planet within our solar system, which boasts lush greenery and bountiful resources for all mining operations. Unfortunately, due to the unpredictable nature of…well, nature, this means some new surface blocks have been discovered which could make drilling a little less stable for your miners.

Our researchers are currently looking into the best ways of extracting resources from these new materials, and we’ll be sharing more information in a memo next week.

New Bugs

Of course, being a completely new ecosystem for our operations, Jungle planets will come with their own unique species of bugs which currently call this biome home.

The HR Department has asked us to advise all Platform Managers that, as with all previously-underutilised planets, local bug species may not be particularly welcoming to Drill Core Inc. employees. Thus we would like to remind you that whilst biodiversity is an important core value for the company, no infractions will be levied against employees who are forced to react defensively against hostile creatures.

New Core Development

To help facilitate your mining operations within the new Jungle Biome, the R ‘n’ D Department is developing new types of Cores for all Platform Managers. These will have various impacts on your operations, and we’ll be able to share more with you next week regarding their particular strengths (obviously we do not acknowledge, legally, any ‘weaknesses’ to Drill Core Inc. products or developed technologies).

That concludes this very important memo for the time being. As mentioned, we will share further developments throughout next week with you, Platform Managers, both on Steam and on Twitter and Discord.

With a bright vision for Drill Core Inc.’s future,
The Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors

Drill Core is Taking Part in the Real-Time Strategy Fest! 🚨

Greetings, Platform Managers and Real-Time Strategy Fans!

The Board of Directors is pleased to share that Drill Core is taking part in Steam’s Real-Time Strategy Fest 2025!

A comprehensive strategy is pivotal to success as a Platform Manager; between employee optimization, utilization of upgrades and weapons, handling local biodiversity, and maximizing profits, becoming a valued employee of Drill Core, Inc. challenges both micro and macro management skills.

We look forward to welcoming new strategic thinkers to our ranks in the coming days!

Best regards,
Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors

Patch v0.112 is live

Added new FPS limit options: 90, 120, 140, 165.
Game now works on delta time instead of fps.
This means that even if the game is played at a lower FPS (due to lags or the peculiarities of some processors) than it should, everything inside the game will happen at the same speed. In simple words, FPS does not affect the speed of the game.

Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the crumbling block to fly through workers and enemies without destroying them.
Fixed a bug where the crumbling block could destroy nearby workers.
Fixed a bug when recycler interface doesn't response to gamepad input.
Fixed a bug when building/turret destroy window didn't consume "accept" verb.
Fixed text issues in laboratory menu(upgrade description) and platform selection menu (trait names).