Patch V0.104 in testing branch
This build in testing branch of the game.
[h2]Bug fixes:[/h2]

- Added new FPS limit options: 90, 120, 140, 165.
- Game now works on delta time instead of fps.
This means that even if the game is played at a lower FPS (due to lags or the peculiarities of some processors) than it should, everything inside the game will happen at the same speed. In simple words, FPS does not affect the speed of the game.
Please report any bugs you encounter.
[h2]Bug fixes:[/h2]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the crumbling block to fly through workers and enemies without destroying them.
- Fixed a bug where the crumbling block could destroy nearby workers.
- Fixed a bug when recycler interface doesn't response to gamepad input.
- Fixed a bug when building/turret destroy window didn't consume "accept" verb.
- Fixed text issues in laboratory menu(upgrade description) and platform selection menu (trait names).