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Ale Abbey News

Patch Notes for 27/02/2025


[h3]Balancing Adjustmentsโš–๏ธ[/h3]
  • Reduced brewing duration for most ale styles, with a greater impact on late-game recipes
  • Allowed same-name recipes without losing a letter at the end of the string
  • Changed icons on archive tabs

[h2] Bugfixes [/h2][hr][/hr][h3] Rooms ๐Ÿš๏ธ [/h3]
  • Fixed an issue that allowed full-height furniture to be placed in positions already occupied by two other furniture pieces
  • Fixed stairs not being buildable if the maximum number of rooms was reached
  • Fixed missing control to remove or add storage-type rooms
  • Fixed an issue preventing storage rooms from being demolished after building and removing furniture inside
  • Fixed a bug where demolishing a room with a monk inside could leave them in an incorrect state
  • Fixed freezes caused certain saves being stuck on the loading screen
  • Fixed save-corrupting bug that allow two cooking stoves to be placed in the same room by moving one from another Refectory

[h3] Tools ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ [/h3]
  • Fixed an issue where cleaning tools became unavailable when a maintenance locker was sold after cleaning had begun
  • Fixed an issue where maintenance tools were not deactivated upon pressing Escape
  • Fixed interaction getting stuck in cleaning mode

[h3] Monks and co. shenanigans ๐Ÿคช [/h3]
  • Fixed incorrect reporting of a monk brewing the same recipe twice in a row
  • Fixed cooks attempting to use stoves that were missing in the refectory during eating
  • Fixed dinner tables, cooking stoves, and beds being sellable or movable at the start of an eating or sleeping phase
  • Fixed a freeze caused by laymen trying to return a cart incorrectly when an ale order expired
  • Fixed abbots no longer being selectable if their bed or desk was sold while abbot selection was available
  • Fixed an issue preventing more than one abbot bed or desk from being built
  • Fixed excess of abbot candidates in saves that had too many, allowing abbot selection to proceed in previously broken saves
  • Fixed abbots getting stuck and not working in certain cases
  • Fixed issue where credit was not given for already having an active abbot when starting the Abbey Ale style unlock task

[h3] Ale & Brewery ๐Ÿบ [/h3]
  • Fixed missing update of ale fair price after the ageing/lagering process is completed
  • Fixed barrels in the brewery not being removed properly on load if said ale was already being carried in front of the abbey
  • Fixed an issue where ale orders expiring while ale was being transported to a cellar barrel could cause errors
  • Fixed brewing ales breaking state due to previous game errors
  • Fixed brewer animation breaking if laymen finished carrying goods to the boiler while the brewer was eating
  • Fixed the Abbey Ale unlock task being completed with an ale of a lower quality
  • Fixed brewing ingredient bags incorrectly piling up by the merchant when ingredients were already in storage
  • Fixed fermentors not being demolish-able if laymen were actively carrying ale from them

[h3] Sales & Markets ๐Ÿ“ฆ [/h3]
  • Fixed accepted bartering offers incorrectly removing the full cost of ingredients instead of the discounted cost
  • Fixed sales carts getting stuck in front of the abbey and failing to deliver orders
  • Fixed issue where a sales cart was not returned when an ale expired before laymen were assigned to transport it
  • Fixed markets UI failing to open under certain specific edge cases
  • Fixed incorrect quantity values displayed in the selling panel after delivering an order
  • Fixed misplaced unlock orders in the reputation bar of the markets map

[h3] Miscellaneous [/h3]
  • Fixed major lag issue caused by sudden changes in ale composition
  • Fixed erroneous mood complaint about brewing the same recipe twice in a row for Fermentines
  • Fixed error that appeared when too many furniture items of the same type were built
  • Fixed minimap update after demolishing a room
  • Fixed game freezing when dismissing a layman during ale loading onto the sales cart
  • Fixed issue where abbey upgrade UI was not appearing immediately when it should
[h2] UI Fixes & Improvements[/h2][hr][/hr][h3] Brewing UI [/h3]
  • Fixed incorrect refresh of the "Pay and Brew" button in brewing creation
  • Fixed masking issue in the ingredients scroll view that caused graphical glitches
  • Removed unnecessary dialog box when exiting brewing creation without making changes
  • Fixed incorrect tooltips for monk traits if the monk had never brewed a recipe
  • Fixed the possible misbehavior of UI sliders tied to stuck input (sliders moving by themselves)
  • Fixed the tooltip of Litter in the research tree showing instead the text for capacity

[h3] Recipe Creation UI [/h3]
  • Added an arrow icon for ingredient sorting
  • Disabled entries for fruit and spice varieties if the corresponding technologies were not researched
  • Fixed error displayed in the dictionary for trait tooltips
  • Fixed display of ingredients inside the recipe UI

[h3] Personnel & Monastery Management [/h3]
  • Fixed incorrect monk count and personnel list when hiring a monk at night
  • Allowed for longer monk names
  • Fixed tooltips for traits in cases where monks had never brewed a specific recipe

[h3] Miscellaneous UI [/h3]
  • Fixed pantry warning panel when ingredient capacity overflowed
  • Prevented coin icons from erroneously intercepting the mouse cursor in order negotiation
  • Disabled room buttons when the maximum number of rooms was reached
  • Added and modified localized texts


Thank you for this brew-tiful launch ๐Ÿป

Hey brewers!
We're at the end of the release week. What a rush that was! But we're not done just yet...
As we begin the Early Access journey, allow us to share some great news with you ๐Ÿ‘€

[h2]A VERY POSITIVE start![/h2][hr][/hr]
Since last Tuesday, we have gathered over a hundred reviews from some of you, our new junior brewers. With that many reviews, we hit a very positive score (currently fluctuating between 85 to 95%)๐Ÿคฉ
We read each review and all of them are either funny, constructive, or kind. For that reason we want to say:

Your dedication and support help us shaping the road ahead! Earlier this week, we already deployed a patch answering some of your main concerns. We plan on continuing to listen and improve the game with you and thanks to your feedback!

Do you want to help us building a better Abbey? Then leave a review!

As you might have guessed, Steam reviews are vital for any Steam release. Not only does it help shaping the next updates, but it also does a great job at letting beer-brewing fans that we may have something for them!

[h2]What's next?[/h2][hr][/hr]

We're sure you all are waiting for an Early Access roadmap, but we're still in the thick of the release at the moment. Once the dust has settled, we'll be able to share our long term plan leading to a 1.0 release. But that doesn't mean we do not have anything to show today!

Here are a few things to expect in the weeks to come (mostly based on your feedback!)
  • Key mapping and remapping. Adding keys for missing features like fast forward time.
  • Slight redesign in recipe creation and brewing time to speed up the earlier ones, leading to a general increase of the impact of the Fermentines' skills
  • Smarting-up of the way Fermentines' stats improve based on their tasks
  • Adjusting the satisfaction of early hired monks
  • Adding missing notifications and adding proper reaction to notifications clicks
  • Allow to see which monks are hired as researchers and custodians and also the details of those to be hired
  • UI changes to cover for texts overflow in localized languages
  • Redesign of the UI for ales stored in barrels and preventing from occluding furniture interaction
  • Various bugfixes and polishing
  • And more...
Until those updates hit the shelves, and to discuss or suggest upcoming features and content you can join our community of brewers on our different socials: (feel free to share your worst best beer names with us).

Discord | Twitter | Instagram

We hope to see you there!
Thank you again for enjoying our game ๐Ÿ’›

- The Ale Abbey Team


Patch notes for 20/02/2025

Hey brewers!
Here comes the first major patch for the game! The team has already worked extensively and patched many game breaking issue already (See previous patch). But there is a chance some of them might be in hiding still, so let us know if you spot one!
Most of them have been found thanks to you. So, we appreciate your help in making Ale Abbey the best experience possible. ๐Ÿ˜‡

[h3]Rooms ๐Ÿš๏ธ[/h3]
  • Fixed roofs appearing inside the rooms after building them on all available spots
  • Fixed the ability to build more rooms when there is no more available spot

[h3]Tools ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue regarding the cleaning tools becoming unavailable when the locker was sold after the first cleaning had begun
  • Fixed an issue with the maintenance tools not being deactivated upon clicking Escape

[h3]Monks and co. shenanigans ๐Ÿคช[/h3]
  • Fixed cooks trying to clean tables that have been sold or moved to another room
  • Fixed the game freezing due to laymen being dismissed while working (ex: bandit bonus)
  • Fixed a save corruption issue caused by laymen bringing ingredients to the storage room
  • Fixed the Abbot selection interface not being clickable anymore if the bed or desk they were in has been sold previously
  • Fixed an issue where the Old Ale task was marked as incomplete when retiring a monk

  • Fixed an issue with the opening of the markets UI in several specific edge cases
  • Fixed the major lag issue caused by suddenly changing your ale composition
  • Fixed the deliveries cart being stuck and not returning if an ale expired before being loaded on the cart

[h2]Minor changes[/h2][hr][/hr]
  • Fixed some missing and unlocalized texts
  • Fixed game freezing due to layman being dismissed when loading ale onto sales cart
  • Fixed tool-tips for traits in case of monks never having brewed a specific recipe
  • Fixed error in saves caused by special traits
  • Fixed the display of ingredients inside the recipe UI
  • Added missing images in the research UI
  • Allowing for longer Monks names
  • Allowing same name recipes without loss of a letter at the end of the string
  • Changed icons on archive tabs

[h3]Previous patch[/h3]

  • Fixed "To the cellars" to not attempt to auto-store your beer if there are no empty barrels
  • Fixed the recipe creation to not get stuck by adding ingredients in a specific way
  • Fixed the "ready" icon at the end of a brewery to not bug when specific conditions are met
  • Removed the wishlist button in the main menu


Ale Abbey - Day 0 patch

  • Fixed "To the cellars" to not attempt to auto-store your beer if there are no empty barrels
  • Fixed the recipe creation to not get stuck by adding ingredients in a specific way
  • Fixed the "ready" icon at the end of a brewery to not bug when specific conditions are met
  • Removed the wishlist button in the main menu

It wouldn't be a proper release without a Day 0 patch! Our cold ales had to wait, we had some major bugs to fix, and here we go! Both of the first 2, the big ones, will also fix the problem on existing saves.



Play Ale Abbey on Steam Deck

Hey brewers!
Are you looking to play Ale Abbey on Steamdeck? We have some tips for you.

The full compatibility will be available later down the road. Meanwhile, here are the commands to play in the most optimal way!

And don't forget to get the game while it's on sale!
