1. Ale Abbey
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes for 27/02/2025

Patch Notes for 27/02/2025


[h3]Balancing Adjustments⚖️[/h3]
  • Reduced brewing duration for most ale styles, with a greater impact on late-game recipes
  • Allowed same-name recipes without losing a letter at the end of the string
  • Changed icons on archive tabs

[h2] Bugfixes [/h2][hr][/hr][h3] Rooms 🏚️ [/h3]
  • Fixed an issue that allowed full-height furniture to be placed in positions already occupied by two other furniture pieces
  • Fixed stairs not being buildable if the maximum number of rooms was reached
  • Fixed missing control to remove or add storage-type rooms
  • Fixed an issue preventing storage rooms from being demolished after building and removing furniture inside
  • Fixed a bug where demolishing a room with a monk inside could leave them in an incorrect state
  • Fixed freezes caused certain saves being stuck on the loading screen
  • Fixed save-corrupting bug that allow two cooking stoves to be placed in the same room by moving one from another Refectory

[h3] Tools 🛠️ [/h3]
  • Fixed an issue where cleaning tools became unavailable when a maintenance locker was sold after cleaning had begun
  • Fixed an issue where maintenance tools were not deactivated upon pressing Escape
  • Fixed interaction getting stuck in cleaning mode

[h3] Monks and co. shenanigans 🤪 [/h3]
  • Fixed incorrect reporting of a monk brewing the same recipe twice in a row
  • Fixed cooks attempting to use stoves that were missing in the refectory during eating
  • Fixed dinner tables, cooking stoves, and beds being sellable or movable at the start of an eating or sleeping phase
  • Fixed a freeze caused by laymen trying to return a cart incorrectly when an ale order expired
  • Fixed abbots no longer being selectable if their bed or desk was sold while abbot selection was available
  • Fixed an issue preventing more than one abbot bed or desk from being built
  • Fixed excess of abbot candidates in saves that had too many, allowing abbot selection to proceed in previously broken saves
  • Fixed abbots getting stuck and not working in certain cases
  • Fixed issue where credit was not given for already having an active abbot when starting the Abbey Ale style unlock task

[h3] Ale & Brewery 🍺 [/h3]
  • Fixed missing update of ale fair price after the ageing/lagering process is completed
  • Fixed barrels in the brewery not being removed properly on load if said ale was already being carried in front of the abbey
  • Fixed an issue where ale orders expiring while ale was being transported to a cellar barrel could cause errors
  • Fixed brewing ales breaking state due to previous game errors
  • Fixed brewer animation breaking if laymen finished carrying goods to the boiler while the brewer was eating
  • Fixed the Abbey Ale unlock task being completed with an ale of a lower quality
  • Fixed brewing ingredient bags incorrectly piling up by the merchant when ingredients were already in storage
  • Fixed fermentors not being demolish-able if laymen were actively carrying ale from them

[h3] Sales & Markets 📦 [/h3]
  • Fixed accepted bartering offers incorrectly removing the full cost of ingredients instead of the discounted cost
  • Fixed sales carts getting stuck in front of the abbey and failing to deliver orders
  • Fixed issue where a sales cart was not returned when an ale expired before laymen were assigned to transport it
  • Fixed markets UI failing to open under certain specific edge cases
  • Fixed incorrect quantity values displayed in the selling panel after delivering an order
  • Fixed misplaced unlock orders in the reputation bar of the markets map

[h3] Miscellaneous [/h3]
  • Fixed major lag issue caused by sudden changes in ale composition
  • Fixed erroneous mood complaint about brewing the same recipe twice in a row for Fermentines
  • Fixed error that appeared when too many furniture items of the same type were built
  • Fixed minimap update after demolishing a room
  • Fixed game freezing when dismissing a layman during ale loading onto the sales cart
  • Fixed issue where abbey upgrade UI was not appearing immediately when it should
[h2] UI Fixes & Improvements[/h2][hr][/hr][h3] Brewing UI [/h3]
  • Fixed incorrect refresh of the "Pay and Brew" button in brewing creation
  • Fixed masking issue in the ingredients scroll view that caused graphical glitches
  • Removed unnecessary dialog box when exiting brewing creation without making changes
  • Fixed incorrect tooltips for monk traits if the monk had never brewed a recipe
  • Fixed the possible misbehavior of UI sliders tied to stuck input (sliders moving by themselves)
  • Fixed the tooltip of Litter in the research tree showing instead the text for capacity

[h3] Recipe Creation UI [/h3]
  • Added an arrow icon for ingredient sorting
  • Disabled entries for fruit and spice varieties if the corresponding technologies were not researched
  • Fixed error displayed in the dictionary for trait tooltips
  • Fixed display of ingredients inside the recipe UI

[h3] Personnel & Monastery Management [/h3]
  • Fixed incorrect monk count and personnel list when hiring a monk at night
  • Allowed for longer monk names
  • Fixed tooltips for traits in cases where monks had never brewed a specific recipe

[h3] Miscellaneous UI [/h3]
  • Fixed pantry warning panel when ingredient capacity overflowed
  • Prevented coin icons from erroneously intercepting the mouse cursor in order negotiation
  • Disabled room buttons when the maximum number of rooms was reached
  • Added and modified localized texts
