1. Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection
  2. News
  3. QoL features, bug fixes and more

QoL features, bug fixes and more

The new patch (1.0.4c) includes:
  • Stability fixes. crashes should be less common now.
  • Summons are now ordered when you equip them. The summons in your active slots will always be at the top of the list
  • You can now set "favourites" in your summons. This prevents them from being discarded and has an extra utility with the next feature
  • You can discard all the "non-favourite" summons at once. This will give you all the materials from those discarded summons at the same time
  • Added a setting to disable "Combat Assist". Turning this off will make the character not turn to the locked target when using weapon attacks. Keep in mind that bows and Grimoires still will aim automatically to the target, as it's how those "tools" work.
  • Fixed a couple of issues when monsters learnt new abilities: sometimes the Tactics were changed swapping the new ability for one the monster already has. Also, loading a game overwrote the elements of new abilities with the monster's own element, so it wasn't possible for monsters to learn other element attacks after saving and loading a game.

We hope you enjoy these changes!