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  3. Solace Inc. v1.7 - Chrono Corp Update

Solace Inc. v1.7 - Chrono Corp Update

Hey gamers! The Chrono Corp update is finally here!!

Solace Inc. v1.7 features a brand-new mode where you can play as Solace Inc.'s rival, Chrono Corp! This isn't just new playable characters, this new mode fundamentally changes how the game overall is played! (It's practically an entirely different game!)

While playing as Chrono Corp:
  • Troops are recruited through cost at any time instead of levelling up
  • Level up bar is replaced with an energy bar that builds up when collecting gems
  • Instead of upgrading actives and passives, Chrono Corp can buy and use Potions, which provide a quick temporary effect, and Artifacts which provide permanent global effects like passives do
  • There is no maximum amount of troops and you can recruit multiple of the same troop, however troops will perish instead of being stunned
  • Troops, Potions, and Artifacts all have rarity values (Common, Rare, Epic, & Legendary)
  • Research upgrades troops individually instead of globally
  • ...and more!

This update also features some new content, such as Week 7 (4 new missions!)

One of the missions is an art gallery featuring artwork by yours truly, and some fanart people have sent me!

alright gang it's time to lose our life savings

There's also new recruits, new alternates, blah blah blah you get the idea, new stuff!! Go check it out now!!

I'm pretty excited for this one, been working on this update for a while and am glad at how it's turned out so far. Thank you to the folks who played the prerelease builds, I appreciate the feedback! If you encounter any issues, feel free to DM me on Discord (@aplove) and I'll try to have stuff worked out asap.

Thank you for playing! Cheers!

Solace Inc. v1.7 Changelog

- Added Chrono Corp Mode
+ Major gameplay changes while playing as Chrono Corp
+ Troops are recruited through cost at any time instead of levelling up
+ Level up bar is replaced with an energy bar that builds up when collecting gems
+ Instead of upgrading actives and passives, Chrono Corp can buy and use Potions, which provide a quick temporary effect, and Artifacts which provide permanent global effects like passives do
+ There is no maximum amount of troops and you can recruit multiple of the same troop, however troops will perish instead of being stunned
+ Troops, Potions, and Artifacts all have rarity values (Common, Rare, Epic, & Legendary)
+ Research upgrades troops individually instead of globally
+ Chrono Corp Mode is unlocked after beating mission 4
- Added Week 7 (4 new missions)
- Added new recruits, alternates, and fusions
- Added new synergies
- Added new minibosses
+ Solace Inc will appear as a miniboss while playing as Chrono Corp
- Added breakroom/mission dialogue
- Added option for stacking upgrades
- Added Discord rich prescence
- Added achievements
- Added 18+ DLC exclusive content/changes
- General bug/crash fixes