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  3. We updated the Demo!

We updated the Demo!

The most important new feature is balconies instead of terraces. They can only be built at one of the edges of the hotel. That is, there are no more rooms that would block the entire column of cells vertically, making further construction on it impossible.

Now the elevators are upgraded gradually, little by little. You can choose which of the elevator specifications to improve - speed or capacity. The ability to improve elevators opens only after the appropriate step in training.

Also, the room icon on the guest wish panel turns green if there is currently a free room of this type. That is, now you don’t have to select a guest to see if there is a suitable room. This is especially convenient when the hotel is already pretty tall.

It is still important for us to hear your opinion about the demo. Please let us know what you liked and what you didn't like.

As always, we invite you to our Discord server to discuss the update - http://discord.gg/invite/9eHyYap and to subscribe to our page on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/developer/kishmish.