1. Voids Vigil
  2. News
  3. Patch v11.4

Patch v11.4

//misc changes
- Settings - Resolution: 2 new resolutions have been added: 2560x1440, 3840x2160.
- The enemy health reduction in Sector 0 has been increased to 30% (from 25%). In sector 1 they now have a health reduction of 20%, and 10% in sector 2.
- Campaign Reconnexus: If the Elementless Shop Emporium is available but hasn't yet been visited then there's now a tip text saying that Emporiums can be revisited.
- Campaign Reconnexus: If you have 2 Power Cores left and there's an Encrypted Stranger on the map who sells a Power Core then there's now a tip text to tell you.
- Rogue Convergence - Vulium Sector: During the swarm Observums will now spawn instead of Bobooms (so the element feels more distinct).
- Rogue/Campaign Survival: The base weapon damage reduction is now increased based on the Difficulty.
- Special Room - Haul Transmitter: When hacked it will now show a line of text (so you know exactly what it does).

//bug fixes
- Campaign Reconnexus - Difficulty 7: The End Boss map icon could sometimes not spawn.
- Campaign Reconnexus - Difficulty 5/6: You could sometimes be
- Campaign Reconnexus: Shops could sell you a passive item you already have.
- Vampire Survivor class: When offered the Voids Vigil weapon the usual passive item couldn't be given.
- Dronengineer shop: There was a chance of him offering an Element Drone whose Element doesn't appear in that Difficulty.
- Mega Fortify weapon trait: It was giving +1 stat per second (instead of +3).