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Voids Vigil Full Release

Welcome back Voidseekers new and old.. the Void gapes to reveal its true splendour to you. Voids Vigil is now fully released and fully playable. The game has also had a stonking update (v11), with the changes listed below, so even olden seekers will see new sights to witness.

Enjoy! :]

The Campaign Reconnexus game mode has now been fully implemented. It includes all 7 Difficulties, Nightmare Mode, Campaign Survival, and now makes an appearance in Voidworld Trials too.

There's 3 new classes, the Dark Metaman, Pussy Purrer, and Salvage Stripper.

A new ultimate weapon called the Voids Vigil that has the power to erase enemies from time and space, and even bosses when its trait is upgraded.

7 new drone related Hats have been added and 2 new skin Colours (Pristine Sheen, Cursed Gloss). You can also now choose a Randomise option for the your Hat and/or Skin which randomises it each time you start a new run.

Some other Campaign Reconnexus game mode stuff...
- Map: Icons can now often not be connected to all its surrounding icons (to create more separate routes across the map).
- Map: A new special Sector has been added called Dormant Arena which uses the Survival Function level generation and has +50% enemy spawns.
- Map: A new Stranger event has been added called Core Seller who sells a Power Core for a nice price.
- Map: A new Stranger event has been added called X Marks The Spot who can reveal a hidden Treasure Hideaway Sector.
- Map: Various tweaks to the map generation.
- Map: The intro text has been replaced with a bottom text line, which is also used to show when you're low on Cores.
- Hats/Drones/Class unlock rooms can now also show in this game mode.
- End Boss - Difficulty 1: It now has 6 less Mini Eyes to poke out.
- End Boss - Difficulty 3: He will attack you with his Massive Balls less frequently now.

Some Clashful Cards game mode stuff...
- A 2 Player Mode has been added so 2 local players can give each other a jolly good bashing.
- When choosing where to deploy a Card it now shows which table spots it can attack.
- 9 new Cards have been added for the Blobbernought, Observum, and Ethereal Shade enemies.
- End Screen: Going to the Title Screen will now also open the Choose Game Mode menu.

Some Rogue Convergence game mode stuff...
- Nightmare Mode: During the Boss fight the usual Skullions will now also spawn.
- Nightmare Mode: Once the Swarm is triggered the spawn rate for Skullions is doubled.
- End Boss: The room will no longer spawn starting mines in regular mode, but will now always spawn them in Nightmare Mode.
- End Boss - Difficulty 2: It now has an extra Wall Laser and both Wall Lasers can now fire from the start (instead of only triggering when the boss is at 50% Health).
- Bosses now have a 20% reduction to Damage they suffer (so high Damage weapons do less).

Some Survival Function game mode stuff...
- For each additional sector after the second Swarm sector the damage enemies suffer is now reduced by 10% (to help ensure the run doesn't last a long time after the Swarm hits).
- Nightmare Mode: Once the Swarm sector has triggered the spawn rate for Skullions is doubled.

Other new stuff...
- 64 new achievements!
- Mega Booty Haulers have been added which give an extra +69% bonus when hacked over the normal version.
- 3 new special sectors have been added: Dataorious Directory, Hauliage Hub, Cog Producer.
- Mega enemies now also drop Huge Cogs.
- 4 new Encrypted Stranger events: Exotical Nanisseur, Dronerous Rigger, Vessel Mnemonic, Regenerative Environeer.
- 4 new Abilities: Swollen Balls, Chronos Snap, Mecha Gang, Hex Shard.
- 5 new Passive Items: Lucky Paw, Dash Reverseum, Blade Whirler, Haul Megatonia, Midas Fingerer.

Some Class Vessel changes...
- Errant Knight class: He now has a huge Barricade Shield (instead of 2 normal sized Shields).
- Tofu Chaser class: In the first sector the No Hit Score bonus is now 1111 (instead of 2222 so less need to restart if you don't get it).
- Elementless Forsaken: His Element stat penalty has been reduced to -33% (from -50%).
- Guild Merchant: His Body/Element stat penalty has been reduced to -33% (from -50%).
- Gunslinger Desperado: He can now upgrade his weapons (though still can't use Mega Weapons).
- Mental Alchemistal: His Body stats are now also boosted by the appropriate Element stats. When offered a Core to buy it will now always be an Elemental (instead of a specific Element).
- Malware Corrupted: The Max Health bonus for killing Hexxed enemies now also boosts your Max Energy too.

Some Shop related changes...
- Elamentalist shop: They now have less chance to offer an Element Chamber unless the Element stat is at least 5+.
- Device Repository shop: It now has a high chance to offer multiple unlocked items (in case you haven't unlocked many items).
- Master Baiter shop: It now has a high chance to offer multiple unlocked items (in case you haven't unlocked many items).
- Encrypted Stranger shop: The Cog cost for many of its event options has been reduced.

Other miscellaneous changes...
- Nightmare Mode: Every 4 seconds there's now a flat 33% chance of spawning an extra Skullion (otherwise they were quite uncommon in earlier Difficulties).
- The cost of all Lure Enemy type abilities has been halved.
- Humongous Cogs ability: It can now transform Big Cog pickups into Huge Cogs.
- Missile Salvo ability: Its Damage is now increased based on the current Sector number.
- Freeze Shard ability: Its cost has been reduced to 10 (from 20).
- Lure Enemy abilties: The amount of kills needed to unlock the early enemy lures has decreased.
- Cog Enlarger passive item: It can now transform Big Cog pickups into Huge Cogs.
- Cog Sniffer Servomegatron Drone: It can now transform Big Cog pickups into Huge Cogs.
- Scrap Lobber weapon: Its projectiles life span has boosted by +66%.
- Miasmal Wobble weapon: Its projectiles life span has boosted by +33%.
- Trojan Doll passive item: The bonus damage now affects enemies suffering from any status effect (so not just Hex/Curse).
- Runner Tuner passive item: This now instead boosts the Damage/Precision of weapons sold at the Gun Runner shop by +50% (previously it just gave them Affinity upgrades).
- Spook/Blobify Traits: These will no longer trigger if the enemy doesn't drop any Cogs (eg Blobby).
- Frost Trait: This will no longer affect Elite/Mega enemies (since most have weird movement patterns).
- Knockback Trait: This will no longer affect Elite/Mega enemies (since most have weird movement patterns).
- Blossum enemy: They no longer spawn bullets when they die (to reduce bullet spam).
- Blobbernought enemy: Their Health has been slightly reduced.
- Mega Mineire enemy: Their Health has been reduced.
- Mega Snekouss enemy: Their Health has been reduced.
- Sector Systematiser enemy: Their Health have been reduced.
- Drone Depot room: They can now show up more than once (previously they were only used for the Drone unlocks so were capped to 1 per run).
- Defence Grid special room: It no longer increases how long Lasers will be active for.

And bug fixes...
- Settings: When using the CRT effect with the Steam Deck resolution the pixel scaling looked scuffed.
- Settings - Save Data: When deleting all progression it was also closing the game.
- Status Screen: When using a gamepad and viewing sub-menus in the Config screen pressing the Back button would also swap the category.
- If you were moving into a wall and started dashing then the dash could get stuck in the wall.
- Rogue Convergence game mode - Difficulty 6: The huge laser attack when firing straight right would cause a freeze.
- Rogue Convergence game mode - Treasure Chest room: When taking items some world objects weren't being instantly updated (eg Abilitious Heirloom).
- Survival Function game mode: When taking Trove items some world objects weren't being instantly updated (eg Shield Traitum).
- Psycho Possessed class: Possessing some classes weren't giving their class items.
- Dodgy Networker class: You could keep using the Contract Dealer even when you've reached 1 Max Health.
- Cog Gobbler class: The Stranger could offer a Contract Dealer class item (which could be used infinitely).
- Eggcellent Eggy class: In Survival Function when randomising your weapons it wasn't updating the world objects until you opened a Weapon Trove.
- Class Heritage Shop: If you take an Ability or Drone when you have no room for it then it would close the shop.
- Device Repository shop: All of its items could be locked.
- Bionica Ripperdoc shop: The Store Restockments passive item wasn't being triggered.
- Scav Junker shop: If the Store Restockments passive item was triggered then the item type wasn't being updated.
- Schematic Engraver shop: When offering an Astro Starstorm mega trait the icon was scuffed.
- Encrypted Stranger shop - Transference Elementaliser: There was a chance it could offer Elementless/Elementful stat boost.
- Humongous Cogs ability: It wasn't transforming Gold Cogs. Its description wasn't saying its value boost.
- Ionic Lazcannon weapon: If you had any Fire Rate boosts then it would slowly turn to face a new enemy target after firing.
- Ionic Lazcannon weapon: If you have a high Critical Hit chance as well as the Mega Vital trait and the Spook/Blobify Traitums, then it could create a lot of lasers.
- Quirksome Compiler weapon: It was doing a lot of damage if you had its Mega Trait upgrade.
- Lure Balliston ability: This wasn't spawning the enemies.
- Lure Mineus ability: If there were a lot of enemies then they would sometimes not spawn.
- Runner Tuner passive item: It could give weapons fractional stats. It didn't have a Survival Function specific description.
- Cog Enlarger passive item: Its description had the wrong percentage chance.
- Bulge Traitum: Many weapons were not being affected by it.
- Scatter Traitum: Some weapons were not being affected by it.
- Vessel Casket special room: Its base colour was always Argon coloured.
- Skullion enemy: They would still bounce off the edge of the screen when the exit portal opens.