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Contractors Showdown News

Patch note v.

[h2]New Content[/h2]

1. Weapons Added

  • AUG A3 9x19 Para SMG Olive
  • AUG A1 STG77 5.56x45 Assault Rifle Olive
  • AUG A3 STG77 5.56x45 Assault Rifle FDE
  • AUG A3 CQB 5.56x45 Assault Rifle FDE
  • AUG A3 RIS 5.56x45 Assault Rifle Black
  • Mosin-91/30 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
  • Mosin M38 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Carbine Rifle
  • Mosin "Obrez" 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Pistol
  • SVT-40 7.62x54R Semi-Automatic Rifle

2. New Iron Sights
  • CA Ironsight FFS Black
  • CA Ironsight FFS FDE
  • CA Ironsight FFS Olive
  • CA Ironsight FRS Black
  • CA Ironsight FRS FDE
  • CA Ironsight FRS Olive
  • All iron sights are detachable and foldable

3. New Muzzle Attachments
  • AUG 5.56x45 Muzzle Adapter

4. New Magazines
  • AUG 9x19 MP88 Mag (25-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large, Mag Pouch Medium, Mag Pouch Small, Faster Rifle Mag Holster)
  • AUG 5.56x45 Mag (30-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large, Mag Pouch Medium, Faster Rifle Mag Holster)
  • AUG 5.56x45 Mag (42-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large, Mag Pouch Medium, Faster Rifle Mag Holster)
  • SVT-40 7.62x54R Mag (10-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large)

5. New Scopes
  • Mosin PU 3.5X Scope (For Mosin-91/30 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle)
  • SVT PU 3.5X Scope (For SVT-40 Semi-Automatic Rifle)


[h2]Map Updates[/h2]

1. Suburb
- Added terrain elevation to central farmland, reducing flat areas and adding cover.

New areas:

  • Wyeth Manor (Central farmland)
  • Small Warehouse and Construction Site (West farmland)
  • New Wyeth Farm Key Room.

  • Improved lighting visuals inside the shopping mall.
  • Minor loot adjustments in various locations, including the shopping mall.
  • Added new tasks related to these areas

3. Dam
  • Improved visibility along the east-west road at the harbor.
  • Fixed an issue where an excessive amount of loot spawned in certain areas.
  • Minor loot adjustments in various locations

4. Metro
  • Redesigned certain transparent windows.
  • Prevented items in bomb rooms from being looted through walls.
  • Reduced grenade spawns.
  • Increased spawn rates for Malyuk 7.62 in the "Officer's Room" key room.
  • Improved loot quality in the "Data Storage" key room


  • Ammo Extraction: Added the ability to remove bullets from magazines by holding the "B" key.
  • End Screen: Redesigned the post-match results screen.
  • SCAV Cooldown: Now calculated after match completion.
  • Slightly increased item spawn rates in high-tier crates.
  • Added cover to certain extraction points.
  • Improved collision for scopes and some attachments.
  • Adjusted flashlight brightness to fix overexposure


[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]

1. General
  • Fixed duplication bugs with conveyor belts and reloading machines.
  • Fixed an issue where jumping during extraction could cause players to fall through the map.
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to see through walls.
  • Fixed a bug causing the LH250 helmet visor to duplicate.
  • Fixed abnormal behavior with long-distance display of password doors.
  • Fixed issues with weapon firing power not affecting unarmored areas.
  • Fixed attachment misplacement on grip slots causing clipping issues.
  • Fixed laser visibility issues when aiming at long distances.
  • Resolved missing kill and bullet information in the end screen.
  • Fixed armor durability always showing 60/60 in the shop

2. Suburb
  • Fixed floating and clipping models.
  • Fixed terrain issues west of the motel causing movement problems.
  • Fixed lighting issues in certain buildings.
  • Fixed gaps in some mall models.
  • Resolved issues where players could get stuck in certain areas

3. Dam
  • Fixed terrain issues causing players to fall out of the map.
  • Fixed sliding slope issues allowing players to clip into models.
  • Fixed a cliff corner near the power station where players could enter terrain

4. Metro
  • Fixed invisible walls blocking bullets in some areas.
  • Fixed incorrect floor collision in the medical area.
  • Resolved ceiling clipping issues allowing players to see upper floors


[h2]Battle Royale Updates[/h2]

  • Store rotation updated.

Quick Patch v.

Fixed an issue where having too many items in the backpack could cause the game to freeze.

Patch Note v.

PatchNote v.

[h3]New Features[/h3]
Added interface notifications and sound alerts for friend game invites and messages.
Shooting range is now disabled when in a party.
Adjusted the weight of an item:
Silver Cup: 12kg → 2.2kg.
Improved descriptions for more accurate location information in English contexts.
Adjusted attenuation distance and volume for painkiller and loot box opening sound effects.
[h3]Bug Fixes
[/h3]Fixed an issue where players could fall through the ground near extraction points.
Fixed an issue where mission items could not be submitted correctly.
Fixed a text display error on collectible figure boxes.
Fixed incorrect sell prices for certain bullets.
Fixed a bug where upgrading the Intelligence Center to Level 3 caused the MICA item price-checking feature to disappear.
Fixed an incorrect preview image for the NTG mission medical report submission item.
Fixed UI display issues in the French localization where text exceeded limits in the mailbox interface.
Fixed a display error when the number of graphics cards in the Mine was zero.

Patch Note v.

1. Patch notes
- Removed Christmas Event
- Fixed Floating Issues: Resolved floating objects in MICA maps.
- Increased Boss Spawn Rate: Boss spawn rate increased in Metro.
- Door Visibility: Fixed doors in Map 3 that were not displaying properly.
- Mission Display: Addressed an issue where in-game missions failed to display most of the time.

2. Adjustments
- Footstep Attenuation: Tuned footstep sound attenuation settings.
- Scav AI Behavior: Modified scav AI to include a reaction time when spotting enemies at a distance.

3. Update Weapon
- Mosin-1891 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Rifle: Updated the Mosin rifle model and renamed it from “Mosin” to “Mosin-1891.” Fixed issues with the mechanical sights being inaccurate.

4. Bug Fixes
- Mission Issues: Fixed a bug where the task to mark four bodies could not be completed due to the fourth body near the staircase not being markable.
- MS2000 Marker:
- Fixed an issue where the MS2000 marker could not be placed on shelves.
- Resolved a bug where the MS2000 marker occupied excessive space on the recycling station conveyor belt.
- Fixed missing collisions between the recycling station conveyor belt and some objects.
- Weapon State Memory: Fixed an issue where the G3, G18C, SECA, and P250 did not retain their loaded state.
- Dam Map: Fixed a clipping issue with one crate.
- Metro Map:
- Fixed the lever in the control room that was not properly opening the iron gate.
- Slightly adjusted resources behind the iron gate.
- Safe Loot: Adjusted item spawns in safes.
- Key Room Issues:
- Fixed potential scaling errors for key room doors.
- Resolved an issue in the “Suburb” map where players could bypass a locked key room door. Loot in this key room has also been restored to normal.

5. Map Fixes
- Fixed map issues that caused players to get stuck.
- Resolved issues where players could fall out of the map.
- Motel Office Building: Fixed a bug allowing players to walk along the building’s outer edge to bypass the password room’s lock.

6. Vaulting Fixes
- Removed vaulting points that caused players to get stuck.
- Added missing vaulting points.

7. Battle Royale (BR)
- Rope Issue: Removed a misplaced rope near New Town that caused clipping issues.

Patch Note v.

- Fixed an issue where junk boxes could potentially duplicate items.
- Fixed an issue where the Christmas-themed water bottle could not be refilled.
- Attempted to address the fatal error crash issue.