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  3. Patch note v.

Patch note v.

[h2]New Content[/h2]

1. Weapons Added

  • AUG A3 9x19 Para SMG Olive
  • AUG A1 STG77 5.56x45 Assault Rifle Olive
  • AUG A3 STG77 5.56x45 Assault Rifle FDE
  • AUG A3 CQB 5.56x45 Assault Rifle FDE
  • AUG A3 RIS 5.56x45 Assault Rifle Black
  • Mosin-91/30 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
  • Mosin M38 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Carbine Rifle
  • Mosin "Obrez" 7.62x54R Bolt-Action Pistol
  • SVT-40 7.62x54R Semi-Automatic Rifle

2. New Iron Sights
  • CA Ironsight FFS Black
  • CA Ironsight FFS FDE
  • CA Ironsight FFS Olive
  • CA Ironsight FRS Black
  • CA Ironsight FRS FDE
  • CA Ironsight FRS Olive
  • All iron sights are detachable and foldable

3. New Muzzle Attachments
  • AUG 5.56x45 Muzzle Adapter

4. New Magazines
  • AUG 9x19 MP88 Mag (25-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large, Mag Pouch Medium, Mag Pouch Small, Faster Rifle Mag Holster)
  • AUG 5.56x45 Mag (30-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large, Mag Pouch Medium, Faster Rifle Mag Holster)
  • AUG 5.56x45 Mag (42-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large, Mag Pouch Medium, Faster Rifle Mag Holster)
  • SVT-40 7.62x54R Mag (10-Round) (Compatible with Universal Pouch, Mag Pouch Large)

5. New Scopes
  • Mosin PU 3.5X Scope (For Mosin-91/30 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle)
  • SVT PU 3.5X Scope (For SVT-40 Semi-Automatic Rifle)


[h2]Map Updates[/h2]

1. Suburb
- Added terrain elevation to central farmland, reducing flat areas and adding cover.

New areas:

  • Wyeth Manor (Central farmland)
  • Small Warehouse and Construction Site (West farmland)
  • New Wyeth Farm Key Room.

  • Improved lighting visuals inside the shopping mall.
  • Minor loot adjustments in various locations, including the shopping mall.
  • Added new tasks related to these areas

3. Dam
  • Improved visibility along the east-west road at the harbor.
  • Fixed an issue where an excessive amount of loot spawned in certain areas.
  • Minor loot adjustments in various locations

4. Metro
  • Redesigned certain transparent windows.
  • Prevented items in bomb rooms from being looted through walls.
  • Reduced grenade spawns.
  • Increased spawn rates for Malyuk 7.62 in the "Officer's Room" key room.
  • Improved loot quality in the "Data Storage" key room


  • Ammo Extraction: Added the ability to remove bullets from magazines by holding the "B" key.
  • End Screen: Redesigned the post-match results screen.
  • SCAV Cooldown: Now calculated after match completion.
  • Slightly increased item spawn rates in high-tier crates.
  • Added cover to certain extraction points.
  • Improved collision for scopes and some attachments.
  • Adjusted flashlight brightness to fix overexposure


[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]

1. General
  • Fixed duplication bugs with conveyor belts and reloading machines.
  • Fixed an issue where jumping during extraction could cause players to fall through the map.
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to see through walls.
  • Fixed a bug causing the LH250 helmet visor to duplicate.
  • Fixed abnormal behavior with long-distance display of password doors.
  • Fixed issues with weapon firing power not affecting unarmored areas.
  • Fixed attachment misplacement on grip slots causing clipping issues.
  • Fixed laser visibility issues when aiming at long distances.
  • Resolved missing kill and bullet information in the end screen.
  • Fixed armor durability always showing 60/60 in the shop

2. Suburb
  • Fixed floating and clipping models.
  • Fixed terrain issues west of the motel causing movement problems.
  • Fixed lighting issues in certain buildings.
  • Fixed gaps in some mall models.
  • Resolved issues where players could get stuck in certain areas

3. Dam
  • Fixed terrain issues causing players to fall out of the map.
  • Fixed sliding slope issues allowing players to clip into models.
  • Fixed a cliff corner near the power station where players could enter terrain

4. Metro
  • Fixed invisible walls blocking bullets in some areas.
  • Fixed incorrect floor collision in the medical area.
  • Resolved ceiling clipping issues allowing players to see upper floors


[h2]Battle Royale Updates[/h2]

  • Store rotation updated.