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ContractVille News

Update 0.3.3 - Port Town Renewal & Winter Sale

[h2]Winter Sale and Giveaway[/h2]
[h3]Hello, dear contractors! [/h3]
We are happy to participate in the Winter Sale with 36% discount!
Enjoy the game with your friends!

Start Dec 19 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)
End Jan 2, 2025 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)

We're also launching a giveaway on our Discord server to celebrate the Winter Sale with 5 keys.
All you need to do is visit the #event channel on our server.
Start Dec 19 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)
End Dec 26 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)

[h2]What's New?[/h2]

First of all, I would like to tell you about a few new features in this update.
To summarize, we continue to work on Garden Update and Controller Support and are focused on bug fixes. In this update we fixed a lot of bugs and introduced a new feature, App positioning. We believe the Main Menu update now better reflects our game. And we transformed Port Town into a more aesthetically pleasing locale.

[h3]Port Town Renewal[/h3] We encourage you to enter the game to experience its new look!
We thought Port Town needed to look cleaner, tidier and more modern and we think you'll like these new changes.
The roads are now wider and the land looks more beautiful.
Sample images so you can see the changes and the difference more clearly:

[h3]Updated Main Menu[/h3]

We thought the video playing in the main menu should reflect the game better and we think it looks better now. And change is always good!
On the right side you can see what we have developed and are developing in the “What's New?”, “In Development” and “Planned” sections.
On the bottom right we have added a note about how important reviews are to us. Really important. When you write a review for us and recommend us to your friends, you're helping our game reach more people, and we appreciate that!

[h3]Customize Your Tablet[/h3]

Now you can change the position of apps on your tablet screen as you like! Press and hold and drag an app. It's that simple!

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
We read all the bug reports you send us, and in this update announcement we wanted to tag the people who first reported bugs to us as a thank you.
We would like to thank you, our dear players, for reporting all the bugs to us.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can send us any bugs you find via Discord, Steam Discussions and email. We list them all and work to fix them.
[h3]Stability and Performance:[/h3]
  1. Fixed an issue causing the game to freeze and crash after completing planning on large parcels.
  2. Addressed crashes occurring when starting the “Go Green” mission. @adam4 via Discord
  3. Resolved black screen and crash issues when the server player was a passenger in a vehicle.
  4. Fixed a bug where ending a Logistics Mission or Contract without a personal vehicle inside the vehicle would cause the game to become unresponsive or crash.
  5. Resolved an issue causing the game to become unresponsive when a passenger client quit while the server was driving.
  6. Fixed a glitch occurring after aborting a demolish mission and starting a new one in the same area, which could lead to crashes and building regeneration errors.
  7. Resolved random teleportation issues when saving/loading the game inside a vehicle.
  8. Various SFX, VFX, and visual glitches have been corrected to improve overall stability and presentation.

[h3]Missions and Objectives:[/h3]
  1. Fixed progression issues in the Clean Water Campaign and Green City Initiative missions when the server was driving. @animeartist88 via Discord
  2. “One Brick At a Time” side quest with Mixer 2 is now completable. @AlmightyLootius via Discord
  3. Resolved issues preventing the start of demolish phases in contract missions. @CenozoicLover via Discord
  4. The planner no longer allows an erased interior floor without producing an error, preventing construction phase complications.
  5. Fixed a bug allowing the demolish phase of Parcel Missions to be completed prematurely via the Property Information panel after save/load.
  6. After completing the “Standing on two feet” quest in co-op, the last objective (“Upgrade Storage to Level 1”) no longer remains stuck on the client’s HUD.
  7. Late-joining clients now correctly see mission progress and can no longer repaint already painted walls.
  8. Aborted missions no longer remain listed as active in the tablet’s mission section. @Airbus101 via Discord
  9. In demolish missions, missing or miscounted furniture items no longer block mission completion. @coder2000 via Discord
  10. For missions allowing any chosen paint color, the purchased color now correctly appears crossed out in the Mission Needs list. @Tom | xRetroWave via Discord
  11. The “Please clear the parcel area” warning no longer appears erroneously after starting a new demolish mission in the same area where one was aborted.
  12. The client planner no longer causes the Planner’s cabin to become a “Ghost” state, which previously prevented construction.
  13. Late-joining clients now see the correct mission progress and no longer receive “There is no mission in this room” warnings.
  14. The client can paint without triggering incorrect “Someone is already painting” messages.
  15. Fixed a bug where save/loading a glass wipe task would cause the glass to appear clean and the task would not progress. @vanya

[h3]Vehicles and Transportation:[/h3]
  1. Fixed bug where fuel pumps and power plugs could be plugged into the trailer. This bug was also affecting the carrying capacity of the trailer. @Laserian via Steam Discussions
  2. The trolley in the E-Car-Go now properly handles items, preventing them from floating after a save/load. @towwey via Discord
  3. Generators placed side-by-side in the E-Car-Go no longer cause visual inconsistencies and can be retrieved. @patchadams via Discord
  4. The Small Generator now behaves correctly when picked up with the Trolley while running; cables detach as intended.
  5. Improved item loading in vehicle trunks, ensuring items can be placed and retrieved in proper order.
  6. Fixed a bug where boxes could be taken from underneath another box, resulting in visual stack errors. @Mantauran via Discord
  7. Finishing a mission in the E-Car-Go no longer causes the vehicle to “jump.”
  8. Improved handling of items placed behind vehicles, ensuring they remain properly visible and accessible.
  9. Fixed visibility issues with recycled bins on TLO Mango for late-joining players, ensuring proper synchronization. @Sparks via Discord

[h3]Construction, Demolition, and Building Mechanics:[/h3]
  1. In Parcel 3, the problem of 1 wall that could not be demolished after demolition has been solved. Thus, the planning and construction phase can begin. @NatteCavia via Discord
  2. Cladding can no longer be stacked on top of itself multiple times for progress counting.
  3. Fixed issues where indestructible walls blocked construction in certain parcels.
  4. The client can now paint ceilings during Build missions without triggering “Someone is already painting the wall” warnings.
  5. Corrected an issue where some ceilings did not appear during construction missions. @mildanek via Discord
  6. Saving and reloading the game during the Demolition phase of the Parcel Quest was causing the Demolition phase to be completed via the Property Info panel and the Planner and Mortar Mixer to become accessible early, even though there were still concrete blocks around. And construction could not be started. This bug has been fixed.
  7. Corrected ladder recognition in specific tasks, ensuring items are counted properly for “Take out the furniture” goals.
  8. A bug allowing two players to place tiles simultaneously has been resolved.
  9. Resolved a flaw allowing stairs to be placed side-by-side incorrectly.
  10. After installing stairs during a Build mission and then saving/loading, the client can now interact with the stairs without requiring the server’s intervention.

[h3]Tutorials and User Interface:[/h3]
  1. A tutorial was added for quickly transferring boxes from the vehicle depot to the drop point using Shift.
  2. Added a tutorial explaining the “Mission Needs” section on the tablet store screen.
  3. Corrected certain naming conventions within the Mission Needs section.
  4. Fixed a bug that caused Mission Needs to not work correctly in different languages.
  5. The search bar in the tablet’s store page now yields more accurate results.
  6. After canceling an Auction, blocked funds are now correctly refunded.
  7. The Office Customization/Upgrade section now properly applies purchased upgrades.

  • Fixed a bug where waste could be disposed of in the Compactor.
  • Placing a box on a rug no longer causes the rug to disappear. @Mantauran via Discord
  • The Water Mill Wheel Box no longer disappears unexpectedly.
  • Boxes placed in the office garage no longer disappear when set down.
  • Improved item snapping to ensure objects align correctly.
  • Minor bug fixes have been implemented.
  • It’s no longer possible to infinitely duplicate trash due to a bug, and that issue has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused trash to hover in mid-air during recycling on the client side has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused multiple boxes to appear when placing a box on top of a recycling bin during recycling has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused trash on the ground to disappear after exiting and re-entering the game while the client’s trash bin still contained trash has been fixed.

Update 0.3.2 - Cement Mixer Lvl. II

Hello, dear contractors!
The Autumn Sale is about to start and we'd like to announce that ContractVille is participating in it! During the Autumn Sale 36% discount will be waiting for you. It's a good time to give it as a gift to your friends!
between November 27th at 10am PST (UTC -8) and December 4th at 10am PST (UTC -8)


Our Player's Choice Survey is ongoing on our Discord server and we are looking forward to fulfill your requests. We are currently working on the Garden Update and we will bring it to you soon.
Controller Support will be coming very soon. We ask for your patience for a completely seamless experience.
We have added “What's New?”, “In Progress” and “Planned” tabs to the main menu in the game.

Reviews: We would like to remind you guys how important reviews are for us. They help us out a lot and are very appreciated! Please don't forget to leave your comments about our game on our store page! Your suggestions and warnings are very valuable to us.

In this update, I want to tell you about two new features we're bringing to the game...

[h2]Gameplay Improvements[/h2]

[h3]Cement Mixer Level II[/h3]
We've added a new Cement Mixer to the game, bigger than the first one and with a capacity of 1600. You can pour your cement into two buckets of 800 each.

You can buy Cement Mixers at the back of the Hardware Store in Port Town. The in-game price of this new Cement Mixer is 55,000 dollars.

[h3]Furniture Store Update[/h3]
You will now be able to list items by brand in the furniture store. All you need to do is type the brand in the search field!

We've noticed that you've been frustrated by the bug issues you've been experiencing before major updates, so we've been focusing our workload on fixing bugs and crashes before making improvements.
For now, I'd like to share the bug and crash fixes for this update while we focus on bug and crash issues.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]

We are aware of the input problem and would like to say that we have largely resolved this issue.
If you are still having problems with this issue, please contact us via Steam Discussions, Discord or email.
Thank you for your understanding.

[h3]Gameplay Issues[/h3]
  • Logistics Mission Times Up Inconsistency: Resolved an issue where the game became unresponsive or crashed when the mission timer expired during a logistics mission.
  • Demolish Mission Building Regenerates: Fixed an issue where aborted demolish missions caused buildings to regenerate and become indestructible.
  • Passenger Quit Camera Lock: Fixed an issue where the vehicle became unresponsive, and the camera stuck when a passenger quit the game.
  • Parcel 2 Demolish Phase Missing Furniture: Fixed an issue where missing furniture prevented the completion of a demolish phase objective.
  • Send to Garage/Rescue with Passengers Inconsistency: Addressed an exploit allowing the use of "Send to Garage" and "Rescue" features with passengers present in the vehicle.
  • 1 Wall Can't Demolish at Parcel 3: Fixed an issue where the terrain deteriorated, and one wall remained undemolishable, blocking mission progression.
  • Fixed a bug where exiting the game with a passenger in the car would send players to different locations.

[h3]Interaction and Physics Issues[/h3]
  • Carpets Going Underground: Fixed an issue causing carpets to clip through the ground.
  • Trolley in E-Car-Go: Fixed an issue where items in the trunk floated and became unresponsive after placing a trolley in the vehicle.
  • Failure to Load Items in The Trunk of The Vehicle: Fixed an issue where items could only be loaded into the trunk by interacting from the sides, not the center.
  • Water Mill Wheel Box Inconsistency: Resolved an issue where the Water Mill Wheel box became invisible to other players when placed back after being held.
  • Trolley Falling Upon Release: Fixed an issue where trolleys loaded with furniture or electronics boxes fell through the floor or ground when released near or inside houses.

[h3]Visual and Structural Issues[/h3]
  • Medium-sized Default Plan Inconsistency: Resolved inconsistencies in ceiling shapes and overhanging ridges in medium-sized default plans.
  • Visual Inconsistencies in the World: Fixed various visual inconsistencies in different areas of the world.
  • Floating Airport Signboard: Resolved an issue where the airport signboard floated during the prologue sequence.

[h3]Mission and System Errors[/h3]
  • Trash Compactor Level 1 Non-recycled Box Client Inconsistency: Fixed an issue where compressed boxes appeared incorrectly as waste on the client-side.
  • Between Compressor and Storage Warning: Resolved a warning issue that did not trigger correctly when moving items between the compressor and storage.
  • Demolish Take Out Stair Inconsistency: Fixed an issue where removing stairs did not count toward the mission objective, preventing mission completion.
Some adjustments and minor bug fixes have been applied.

Update Default Planner Update & Event Results

[h2]Default Planner Update[/h2]

Good day, contractors!
Started on November 6th, our “House Planner Challange” event ended yesterday. And we have added the selected planners, the prize of the event, to the game by default.
Now you will be able to select one of the ready-made plans on the planner screen and start construction.

I want you to know that we loved the plans of everyone who participated and we had a hard time choosing. We decided to add 6 defaults each for small, medium and large plots.
Apart from that, we have now added ready-made plans for the building tasks in the missions.

I would like to share with you the winners of our event:
  • Berto, CenezoicLover, KattenIlluminatte, Nikolai Bukav, Rallef, TGM, Me, Consumer of Oxygen, ItsKVG, Miss-Ida, TheApocalypseKD, DJBLACKWOLF, Ersu, marleenryla.
We share the plans of some winners:

Thank you very much to everyone who participated!

[h3]Reviews:[/h3] We would like to remind you guys how important reviews are for us. They help us out alot and are very appreciated! Please don't forget to leave your positive/negative comments about our game on our store page! Your suggestions and warnings are very valuable to us.

Before moving on to bug fixes, I would like to quote the previous post:

Our game will be 20% off this weekend!


[h3]Player's Choise Survey[/h3]
The “Survey to develop the feauture of the player's choice” event on our roadmap starts today!
We've read and evaluated all of the suggestions you've sent us so far. We've taken note of the most requested suggestions and are very excited to add your choice to the game!
One of the 10 suggestions will be chosen by your votes and will be added to the game at launch.
  1. NPC Workers
  2. Skyscraper Construction
  3. Item Restoration
  4. Roof & Porch
  5. Car Modification
  6. Cement Mixer Upgrade & Cement Truck
  7. Wallpapers for Walls
  8. Planner Update
  9. Scavenger Update & Garbage Truck
  10. Recycle Center Update

You are invited to our Discord server to participate in the vote!
Visit the #event channel on our Discord server and cast your vote.

Now, we can move on to the bug fixes and improvements in this update.
[h2]Bug Fixes of Update[/h2]

  • Exterior Cladding and Tile Laying Update:
    We’ve improved the cladding and tile laying process, enhancing both visuals and functionality.
  • Trailer Sales and Renewal:
    Trailers can now be sold. Once purchased, they refresh every two in-game days in the store, allowing you to buy as many as you want!
  • Stair Placement Fixes:
    Issues with placing stairs after Save/Load have been resolved, including the problem where ceilings would automatically appear closed, preventing stair placement. This fix will not affect previous saves, so if you're still experiencing issues, we recommend restarting the build process.
  • Rug Packaging Fix:
    A bug where rugs would fall beneath the ground when packaged and thrown as a box has been fixed. This issue also led to "Stolen Furniture" errors, which have now been addressed.
  • UI Improvements:
    Various UI fixes and enhancements have been implemented to improve overall gameplay experience.
  • Some minor bug fixes

Weekend Sale & Player's Choise Survey


[h3]Hello dear contractors![/h3]
We are revealing the surprise we mentioned in our previous announcement!
Our game will be 20% off this weekend!


Reviews: We would like to remind you guys how important reviews are for us. They help us out alot and are very appreciated! Please don't forget to leave your comments about our game on our store page! Your suggestions and warnings are very valuable to us.

[h2]Player's Choise Survey[/h2]
The “Survey to develop the feauture of the player's choice” event on our roadmap starts today!
We've read and evaluated all of the suggestions you've sent us so far. We've taken note of the most requested suggestions and are very excited to add your choice to the game!
One of the 10 suggestions will be chosen by your votes and will be added to the game at launch.

  1. NPC Workers
  2. Skyscraper Construction
  3. Item Restoration
  4. Roof & Porch
  5. Car Modification
  6. Cement Mixer Upgrade & Cement Truck
  7. Wallpapers for Walls
  8. Planner Update
  9. Scavenger Update & Garbage Truck
  10. Recycle Center Update

You are invited to our Discord server to participate in the vote!
Visit the #event channel on our Discord server and cast your vote.

All suggestions are valuable to us and we will continue to follow and take note of your suggestions in the future. If your suggestion is not included in the survey, keep in mind that we may consider it later and keep sending your suggestions.

The other updates on our roadmap, Demolition Rubble, Garden Update and Controller Support, are still in development. We'll have more details on these in the coming days.

  • I would also like to inform you that Update is live! With this update we are announcing a few bug fixes and improvements, as well as the Default Planner Update.
Please visit the link for details: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2698780/view/7142240538544046128

[h3]Our Roadmap[/h3]

Update - Cargo Point Improvements

[h3]Hello Contractors! [/h3]
We are here with a smaller but more fun update to the game. Next week we plan to launch the “Players' Choice” survey with a little surprise. We plan to add the selected one to the game with version 1.0.

Before we move on to the update, I would like to continue with our reminders...

Event: We would like to remind you of an event going on right now: the House Planner Challenge! 🏡
You can make an impact on the game for all the players to enjoy! In this event, you can submit your very own house plan design!
And the winning designs will be added directly to the base game with the name of the creator listed with it, making it available for all players to use! We would love to see you guys submit your house plans!
You can follow all the information on the #events channel on our Discord server.

Reviews: We would like to remind you guys how important reviews are for us. They help us out alot and are very appreciated! Please don't forget to leave your comments about our game on our store page! Your suggestions and warnings are very valuable to us.

[h2]Trolley Improvements and Fixes[/h2]
Trolley is once again being updated and becoming more useful!
  • Fixed Detachment Issue: Resolved an issue where objects in the vehicle trunk would detach and remain suspended in the air if the trolley was in the trunk when the game was saved or loaded. This won't happen from now on but it won't affect already detached boxes. You have to put your boxes to vehicle trunk again.
  • Updated Interaction Texts: The interaction texts displayed on the trolley have been updated; the "Throw Object" option now appears correctly.
  • Easier Box Collection: Collecting boxes with the trolley is now easier. When you approach boxes with the trolley and left-click, you can collectively pick up the boxes in front of you.
  • Enhanced Trolley Functionality: The trolley can now pick up objects from vehicle trunks and cargo drop points.
  • New Leaning Animations: Added right and left leaning animations when using the trolley.
    Press 'X' to lean right. Press 'Z' to lean left.

[h2]Cargo Point Improvements[/h2]
For those who are tired of traveling!
  • Transporting items from the Cargo Point to vehicles is now easier. When you select an item or box and bring it to your vehicle, if you hold down the 'Shift' key while placing the item, the next box will automatically appear in your hands. No more need to go back and forth between the Cargo Point and your vehicle!

[h2]Other Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Cargo Timer Sync: Resolved the time discrepancy between client and server in cargo missions.
  • Ceiling Painting Issue: Fixed an issue where ceilings could not be painted in construction and decoration missions.
  • Repainting Ceilings: Fixed a problem where ceilings couldn't be repainted to a different color after being painted once in construction missions.
  • Staircase Ceiling Fix: Resolved the issue where ceilings in staircase areas couldn't be painted; these areas now automatically get painted the same color as the ceiling.
We have also implemented various improvements and bug fixes with this update.