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ContractVille News

Update 0.7 - Roof & Porch

[h3]Hello contractors! [/h3]
It is with great pleasure that we present to you the Roof & Porch update.
We think ContractVille has taken an important step forward with this update.
Before moving on to the update notes, you are invited to watch the video we prepared for this update.

[h3]Along with the Roof & Porch update, I would like to announce that we are participating in the Steam Spring Sale and you can gift ContractVille to your friends for 1 week with 33% discount![/h3]

Start Mar 13 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)
End Mar 20 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)

We have brought 2 roof types to ContractVille and with dozens of different options, you can build unique roofs. We took care to make the gameplay mechanics so that you can decide freely.
The look of the houses you build in ContractVille is much more beautiful with this innovation and we hope you like it!

[h2]Roof Decorations[/h2]
Once you have built your roofs, you can decorate them with windows and chimneys. This adds a very nice color to the look of the roofs. We have included many roof and window products and you can customize each of them individually.

Another much desired and expected feature: Porch. All of its materials can be purchased at the Blossioum Store, where you can choose between small, medium and large sizes. Just like the roof, windows and chimney, the porch is fully customizable and offers plenty of variety.

[h2]Plenty of Variety and Unlimited Creativity[/h2]
Roofs and porches complete the garden update, and all this together paves the way for building a wide variety of houses. With this update, we feel like you're closer to building your dream house.

[h3]New Features are not limited to these![/h3]

[h2]NPC Characters Renewed[/h2]
After the 0.6 update, we wanted to continue with the visual changes and we have renewed the NPC Characters. Now you can see better looking NPCs as you walk around the city.

[h2]Fog Added[/h2]
Fog has descended on the city! With this change, we aimed for a visually more beautiful and optimizationally beneficial development.

[h2]Visual Enhancements and Optimization Improvement[/h2]
We made some changes to the graphics settings.
Accordingly, the new settings are as follows: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Epic

With this change, we've made a lot of optimization improvements and improved the game's appearance in the lowest quality.
We will continue to visually refresh and improve ContractVille. In the previous update, we updated the roads, trees and general colors. This update includes optimization improvements, NPC Character revamps, texture quality improvements, and more.

If you would like to follow our social media accounts, you can find "More Ways To Connect" section below.

Update 0.6 - Preparation for Roof & Porch Update, Bug Fixes and Discount

ContractVille is participating in the weekend sale with a 20% discount. You can gift it to your friends!

Start Feb 27 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)
End Mar 2 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)

Hello Contractors!
Our work on the next major update, Roof & Porch, is ongoing, and we are feeling the excitement of approaching version 1.0. While our early access process continues, we are continuing to fix bugs, and we thank you very much for the bugs you have reported to us. In addition to our bug fixes, we are introducing the subbasement in this update to give the houses being built a more beautiful appearance. Additionally, we aim to make the game look better with the visual changes we have made in the city.
Along with these, I would like to share an image related to the Roof & Porch update with you. This update will be released very soon, and we will provide you with more detailed information about the gameplay.

[h3]Roof & Porch Update will be released on March 13th.[/h3]

An image of the Porch from the next update

Now the buildings will have a sub-base. This is part of the current update. Unfortunately, the houses you have already built will not be updated in this way. The new houses you will build will have a view.
  • Houses currently under building can be problematic, so there's a workaround you can take to avoid being affected.
    We have opened a beta version called “old_public_0.5.2.3”. By joining this, you can complete your houses without any problems.

    You can access detailed tutorial about this issue: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2698780/discussions/1/594016333228680969/

    Once your build is complete, you can revert to the current version, as your new builds will not have any issues. Your save files will not be affected in this case. You need to use the save from before you received the update.

[h2]City Adjustments[/h2]
The appearance of roads and trees has changed, and in general the color of everything in the city looks more beautiful. These colors are more vibrant. We hope you will like it.

[h2]Bug Fixes & Improvements[/h2]
[h3]Building & Construction Fixes[/h3]
  • Exterior Cladding Colliding Warning Inconsistency: The warning message "Colliding with other wallboard!" now only appears when attempting to install Exterior Cladding over an already placed wall, rather than just hovering over it.
  • Exterior Cladding Installation Over Windows: The game now properly blocks Exterior Cladding from being installed over Triple Windows (Type 4).
  • Exterior Cladding Missing SFX: Added or adjusted the volume of missing SFX for Exterior Cladding installation and demolition.
  • Scaffold Placement Mode Collision: Improved scaffold placement logic to prevent collision issues when stacking scaffolds.
  • Scaffold Stacking Issue: Adjusted scaffolding behavior to prevent stacking inside each other instead of correctly snapping into place.
  • Covering Stairs with Tiles: Fixed an exploit allowing tiles to be extended over stair gaps.
  • Railing Remains on Stair Ghost After Save/Load: Fixed an issue where railings remained visible after removing stairs and reloading the game.
  • Tiling Count Issue: Fixed an issue where breaking tiles reduced the count inconsistently.
  • Amount of Inner Wall Inconsistency: Resolved an issue where players could not complete inner wall construction due to missing placement options.
  • Ceiling Painting Color Inconsistency: Fixed an issue where ceiling painting could be completed with different colors than initially used.
  • Invisible Wall and Wall Insulation Issue: Adjusted structure handling to prevent issues related to invisible walls and insulation placement.

[h3]Navigation & Interaction Fixes[/h3]
  • Forest Navigation Inconsistencies: Fixed unstable navigation paths that could suddenly disappear or shift directions.
  • Office Navigation Inconsistencies: Improved navigation path generation in the Office area.
  • Invisible Wall and Wall Insulation Issue: Investigated and made adjustments to prevent an invisible wall issue affecting planner-built structures.
  • Player Stuck on Ball Spawner at Basketball Court: Players will no longer get stuck between the ball catchers when switching modes after collecting all spawned balls.
  • Taxi "I am Stuck" Issue: Resolved an issue where pressing the "I am Stuck" feature during a taxi ride before the black screen transition would cause the screen to remain stuck.

[h3]UI & Store Fixes[/h3]
  • Online Store UI Issue: Corrected UI miscalculations where product and shipping costs were not displaying the correct total.
  • Online Store Price Calculation Errors: Fixed an issue where item purchases resulted in significantly incorrect charges.
  • Finish Sign Modal / Tool Wheel Interaction: Resolved an issue where opening the Tool Wheel while interacting with a Finish Sign could cause UI elements to become unresponsive.

[h3]Physics & Object Interaction Fixes[/h3]
  • Trolley's Physics Stuck in Active State: Addressed inconsistencies causing the Trolley to behave unpredictably when unpacked on top of another object.
  • Trolley Client Interaction Issue: Fixed a bug where spamming the “E” key to control the Trolley caused it to become stuck in the client’s hands.
  • Parcel Demolish Phase Take Out Furniture Requirement: Fixed an issue where the mission required five additional furniture pieces to be removed beyond the actual count.
  • Double Door (Exterior) Material Inconsistency: Fixed material inconsistencies affecting certain Double Doors (Exterior) regarding Door | Frame and Door | Detail.
  • Camera Angle Distortion: Fixed an issue where moving the camera away while sitting in the barber’s chair caused the camera angle to be incorrect after getting up.

[h3]Environmental & World Fixes[/h3]
  • Visual Inconsistencies: Addressed multiple visual inconsistencies in various areas of the game world.
  • Underground Trash in Office Area: Repositioned two underground trash items that were uncollectable and corrected floating/clipping trash in the Office area.

[h3]Garden Fixes[/h3]
  • Garden Path Fixes: Multiple bug fixes and improvements to Garden Path mechanics.
  • Garden Store Fixes: Multiple bug fixes and improvements to the Garden Store (Blossium Store).

And other minor bug fixes implemented.

Update 0.5.2 - Fence Gates

Dear Contractors!
We’re thrilled to introduce our brand-new fence gates—13 in total—alongside crucial bug fixes following the Garden update. While we continue to improve your Garden experience, we're also hard at work on the upcoming Roof & Porch update.
In the meantime, don’t miss out on our ongoing Garden Update event in our Discord community. Join us for all the details and to share your feedback!

  • Grass Area Selection: You can now adjust the size of the area to remove when digging up grass by using the mouse wheel.
  • Road Snap Enhancements: Roads can now snap seamlessly to each other.
  • Fence Dragging: Fences can be dragged and placed by holding down the mouse button.
  • Polish Language Support: Polish (Polish) has been introduced to the game. Serdecznie witamy polską społeczność! Życzymy Wam wspaniałej zabawy!
  • Fence Gates: A total of 13 fence gates have been added, one for each fence type.


[h3]BUG FIXES[/h3]
  • Role Permissions: Several malfunctioning role permissions were completely revised and fixed.
  • Build Tasks: The bug where beds were counted multiple times, resulting in extra rewards, has been resolved.
  • Localization Updates: German translations have been updated.
  • Quest Rewards: The issue causing quest rewards to increase excessively when Garden items were added has been fixed.
  • Flowers Falling Underground: A bug causing flowers to drop beneath the ground when nearby objects were packaged has been addressed.
  • Path Issue: An unusable path bug was fixed.
  • Fence-Path Placement Bug: The error allowing fences to be placed on paths has been corrected.
  • Garden Optimization: Performance improvements were made specifically for the Garden area.
  • UI & Other Bugs: Several UI issues and various minor bugs have been resolved.

Update 0.5 - Garden Update

We have prepared another video for the release of the Garden Update. You can watch it on our YouTube channel.

Hello dear contractors!
We are thrilled to present the Garden Update to you. This update brings us one step closer to completing our early access process. We hope everyone enjoys the Garden Update; especially those who love decorating will be delighted! After this update, we will be working on the Roof and Veranda Update.

We will also host a decoration contest on our Discord server alongside the release of the Garden Update. The 5 people who design the most beautiful garden will receive a Steam Key to gift to a friend. You can find more details in the events channel on our Discord server.

Now, let’s talk about what this update brings.

[h3]Blossium Gardens[/h3]

We have added a store where you can purchase garden products. This new store will be located in the northwest part of the city. Just like the other stores, there is a Drop-off Point outside. Of course, if you prefer, you can also order from the Online Store.

[h3]Placing Grass[/h3]

A garden wouldn’t be complete without grass! We have added 2 types of grass. One is tall, and one is short. We believe these will make your garden look even better.

[h3]Placing Paths[/h3]

You can now place garden paths tailored to your garden. There are 11 different types of paths. Choose whichever suits your taste.

[h3]Placing Fences[/h3]

We have added 26 new fences in total, 13 of normal height and 13 that are taller. You can surround your entire garden or fence off specific areas.


There are 29 different types of trees waiting for you. These trees will help your garden blend with nature.

[h3]Garden Furniture[/h3]

To enrich the usage of your garden or any outdoor area, we have added 4 chairs, 4 tables, 3 outdoor kitchens, and 36 different types of sofas. Set up your chair among the trees and enjoy your garden!

[h3]Garden Decorations[/h3]

We have added many decorative items to make your garden area look even more beautiful.
  • 8 Arches
  • 21 Barbecues
  • 3 Wind Chimes
  • 8 Fountains
  • 11 Pergolas
  • 28 Sculptures
  • 25 various decorative items (e.g. basket, bucket, barrel, heater, lawnmower, steel rake, bench, birdhouse, wheelbarrow, etc.)

[h3]Flowers, Pots, and Mixed Greenery[/h3]

To enhance the variety of plants and decorative elements in your garden, we have added many flowers, pots, and greenery.
  • 34 different Flowers
  • 7 Mixed Greenery Areas
  • 21 Flower Pots

[h3]Fireplaces and Lighting[/h3]

We have added 8 fire pits and 24 combined foliages you can interact with in the game. You can light the fire pits to warm yourself up. You can turn the lights on and illuminate your garden. Nights will now be brighter!

That’s all we wanted to share about the Garden Update for now. We hope you have a great time!

As a reminder, your reviews are very important to us. We read every single review and continue to develop our game together with you. Your support means a lot to us.

Feel free to share your suggestions on our Discord server, your complaints on the Steam Discussions section, and your feedback in the comments of this announcement.

Don’t forget to follow us on X, YouTube, and other social media channels. You are always welcome on our Discord server.

Update 0.4 - Garden Update Announcement & Controller Support

[h3]Hello contractors! [/h3] We're happy to say that we're bringing Controller Support to the game and announcing the Garden Update.
Controller Support is available now and we will be releasing the Garden Update on January 17th.

We know you've been asking for a Porch & Roof Update and it's in our plans. We will be working on this update very soon. In the main menu in the game you can see what we are working on and what we are planning.

We made a video for Controller Support and Garden Update, hope you enjoy it.


There's something I want to remind you! Our sale for the Winter Sale continues. ːsteamhappyː

End Jan 2, 2025 @ 10:00 (Pacific Time)

In the current situation with Controller Support, Steam Input disables the settings we set. Therefore you need to turn it off.
There are two ways to do this.
  • In the Steam client, click on “Steam” at the top left. Steam > Settings > Controller > “Disable Steam Input”
  • When you “Shift+Tab” in the game, there is a “Controller Settings” section at the bottom right. After opening it, you can disable Steam Input.

I'd like to talk about a few changes that came with Controller Support...

[h3]Character Customization Screen[/h3]

After the changes we made to the Main Menu, we thought the Character Customization screen needed a refresh as well.
This change was also applied to the Barber and Clothing Store.
With this UI change, we aimed to offer a more comfortable use.

[h3]Map Mark[/h3]

Map Marks can now be seen more clearly. We've noticed that some players can't see the Map Marks easily and we wanted to fix this problem with a small change.
We also updated a few Map Mark icons.

[h3]Clothing Store[/h3]

Clothing Store now has a new look.
We've made it more vibrant and more in line with the rest of the game.