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  3. Update Default Planner Update & Event Results

Update Default Planner Update & Event Results

[h2]Default Planner Update[/h2]

Good day, contractors!
Started on November 6th, our “House Planner Challange” event ended yesterday. And we have added the selected planners, the prize of the event, to the game by default.
Now you will be able to select one of the ready-made plans on the planner screen and start construction.

I want you to know that we loved the plans of everyone who participated and we had a hard time choosing. We decided to add 6 defaults each for small, medium and large plots.
Apart from that, we have now added ready-made plans for the building tasks in the missions.

I would like to share with you the winners of our event:
  • Berto, CenezoicLover, KattenIlluminatte, Nikolai Bukav, Rallef, TGM, Me, Consumer of Oxygen, ItsKVG, Miss-Ida, TheApocalypseKD, DJBLACKWOLF, Ersu, marleenryla.
We share the plans of some winners:

Thank you very much to everyone who participated!

[h3]Reviews:[/h3] We would like to remind you guys how important reviews are for us. They help us out alot and are very appreciated! Please don't forget to leave your positive/negative comments about our game on our store page! Your suggestions and warnings are very valuable to us.

Before moving on to bug fixes, I would like to quote the previous post:

Our game will be 20% off this weekend!


[h3]Player's Choise Survey[/h3]
The “Survey to develop the feauture of the player's choice” event on our roadmap starts today!
We've read and evaluated all of the suggestions you've sent us so far. We've taken note of the most requested suggestions and are very excited to add your choice to the game!
One of the 10 suggestions will be chosen by your votes and will be added to the game at launch.
  1. NPC Workers
  2. Skyscraper Construction
  3. Item Restoration
  4. Roof & Porch
  5. Car Modification
  6. Cement Mixer Upgrade & Cement Truck
  7. Wallpapers for Walls
  8. Planner Update
  9. Scavenger Update & Garbage Truck
  10. Recycle Center Update

You are invited to our Discord server to participate in the vote!
Visit the #event channel on our Discord server and cast your vote.

Now, we can move on to the bug fixes and improvements in this update.
[h2]Bug Fixes of Update[/h2]

  • Exterior Cladding and Tile Laying Update:
    We’ve improved the cladding and tile laying process, enhancing both visuals and functionality.
  • Trailer Sales and Renewal:
    Trailers can now be sold. Once purchased, they refresh every two in-game days in the store, allowing you to buy as many as you want!
  • Stair Placement Fixes:
    Issues with placing stairs after Save/Load have been resolved, including the problem where ceilings would automatically appear closed, preventing stair placement. This fix will not affect previous saves, so if you're still experiencing issues, we recommend restarting the build process.
  • Rug Packaging Fix:
    A bug where rugs would fall beneath the ground when packaged and thrown as a box has been fixed. This issue also led to "Stolen Furniture" errors, which have now been addressed.
  • UI Improvements:
    Various UI fixes and enhancements have been implemented to improve overall gameplay experience.
  • Some minor bug fixes