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  3. Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.1

Operation Food to Gold - Version 1.1

Update - Version 1.1

Auto Gambling
- Can now turn on Auto-Gambling. It will only stop if you hit the jackpot. Good luck!

- Increased Moniques gold bonus in the merch store from 5 to 15.
- Fixed a bunch of french language mistakes in her dialogue. Mon-Ma to just cherie. Thank you Prinny.

- Decreased the requirements to feed her.
Old, going from level 1-2-3-4
Essence 100 – 1000 – 10k – 100k
Globbloppers: 5-10-25-50
Essence 60-600-1200-6000
Globbloppers: 2-5-10-20

Thank you RemboW and Abby!

The Blob is the start and Blobberina is supposed to be the end. That's why she does not have any bonuses tied to her. If you unlock her, you have beat the game, which makes sense story wise, which nobody has seen yet since it was impossible to unlock her. Before it would have taken a year to unlock her and thats just insane. Now it's more around 1-2 Months of playing. For an idle game, that's not much.

Thank you all for a great launch and all your support!
Have fun!