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  2. News
  3. Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.7

Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.7

**Changelog Milo Demo v.0.16.7**

- removed flying particle tickets
- removed corpse target particle fx and light
- improved visibility of highlighted cultist in "Follow Orders" minigame
- increase zombie base health and reworked scaling health
- increased volume of plank sounds and miscellaneous foley sounds
- increase vision blur duration from nearby blasts
- reworked cultist sprint speed and scaling
- increased duration of nighttime
- adjusted Kar98 ADS FOV placement
- fixed (hopefully) some cultist outline bugs
- fixed (hopefully) annoying cultist sprint bug
- changed cultist sprint scream sound concurrency settings

known issues: player clipping, issues with navigation (especially with rats), collisions in environment affecting movement etc.