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Milo News

Milo Demo Update v0.19.22

Milo Demo Update v0.19.22

- increased player base walk speed 250->280
- increased base cultist sprint speed 150->170
- QOL adjustments to leaderboards
- rat pathing improvements
- thrown grenade now spawns slightly higher to prevent unseemly camera clipping
- throwing grenade animation is much faster now
- fixed an audio bug with the basketball minigame
- adjusted camera shake for garand weapon fire
- adjust pistol DOF Focal distance in ADS
- adjusted sound attenuation for headshots (sounds grow fainter at greater distances)
- increased number size of crit damage pop-up nums
- disabled virtual shadow maps to improve performance
- converted all scene lights to be moveable (for nanite meshes)
- increased zombie damage 40-50 (player dies in 2 hits)
- zombie double swing attack has a 25% to occur
- increased knife attack impact sound volume

Milo Demo Update v.0.19.21

Milo Demo v.0.19.20 - v.0.19.21

- added an extra basketball minigame difficulty
- adjusted some weapon particle FX
- adjust rat particle fx and glow fx
- improved rats ability eat thrown food and to return to their previous behavior right after
- increased rat food lifespan 6 seconds -> 8 seconds
- changed font for damage pop-up numbers
- trenchgun increased number of bullets from 7-8
- rats are now more relaxing when following the player
- rats move to thrown food faster and eat it faster
- fixed issue where rats would not reliably eat thrown food inside the bonus room
- adjust basketball minigame SFX to help prevent audio bugs
- headshot damage numbers now display a different damage number color (same as critical hit)
- fixed issue where players with low-framerates couldn't purchase wall-buys
- purchasing wall-buys is now more reponsive (quicker)
- reverted damage pop-up number font
- fixed weird basketball backboard material that displays rain drops etc.
- bleed now applies after the first duration instead of immediately.
- bleed now triggers the damage flash effect on enemies
- made small adjustments in various blueprints to prevent null-accessor type crashes
- wall-buy wheel will show and purchase will work even if used during a weapon reload

Milo Demo Update v0.19.17

Milo Demo Update v0.19.17

- Leaderboards for Basketball and Highest Wave Survived both work now and update fine after a lot of testing.

Please let me know if there are any errors or discrepancies in what the leaderboards display. :heart: :MiloTitleGif: :traang_milo_gif:

Milo Demo Update & Basketball Leaderboard Reset

**Milo Demo 0.19.11 Update is Live** & **Basketball Leaderboards are reset**

- grenade can no longer be used instantly after leaving ADS
- weapon recoil adjustments
- minor cultist sprint speed and chance to sprint adjustments
- pistol accuracy now properly changes between ADS/non-ADS
- adjustments to all weapon accuracy (shooting hip-fire has a lot LESS accuracy now)
- lowered damage for trenchgun at close distance to target 1.35->1.2
- lowered bullets-per-cartridge for trenchgun 8->7
- basketball mini no longer incorrectly displays a ticket cost
- "Follow Orders" mission now occurs every other bonus room after wave 3. So you'll get the mission at wave 9,15,21,etc.
- rat food buff duration increased 60-120 seconds
- rat food lifespan lowered 10->6 seconds
- decreased chance for non-vanilla bodies to spawn 60%->40% (this means more bodys with powerups will spawn)
- rats acquired during run now start off as babies, they will grow with more food (currently this purely cosmetic and will change in the future)
- all rats now get a 8-second speed boost when any rat consumes food
- bonus round no longer automatically repairs all barriers
- updated basketball scoring so it incrementally reflects a higher score on the leaderboards

Over 1,000 Unique Demo Players!

I'm happy to announce another milestone for Milo:

Over 1,000 different accounts have launched and played the Milo Demo. Thank you all for the support. Here's to a great year ːsteamhappyː