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  3. Milo Demo Update & Leaderboard Reset

Milo Demo Update & Leaderboard Reset

Milo Demo v.0.20.02 Update & Leaderboards Reset

Congratulations to the top scorers @.thetrueginger for surviving 20 waves! @s.f.sorrow for get a score of 600 in the basketball minigame. I wonder if anyone can top these scores? :thinking:

- fixed cultist ragdoll collision to be more performant
- changed some physics actors to be more performant
- fixed issue with rat navigation query to thrown rat food
- fixed multiplayer crash from damage pop-up numbers
- reduced lifetime of some blood spatter fx
- reduced size of blood hit decals
- increased speed of ticket counter

- increased the speed of the throw grenade animation
- turned off nanite for meshes in the scene. redid LOD's for performance
- lowered cultist melee attack damage 50->48
- lowered cultist max sprint speed
- increase cultist health scaling magnitude 1.1 -> 1.15
- adjusted blood particle fx per weapon
- removed all cloth simulation for performance