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Spectre Divide News

Spectre Divide Update | February 25 | Patch Notes


[h3]Now Available On PS5 + Xbox X|S[/h3]
  • Spectre Divide is now available for free in the PlayStation Store and Xbox Store
  • Added support for console crossplay
    • PC to console crossplay is currently being explored for the future

[h3]New Map: Canal[/h3]
Explore winding waterways and a massive Fast Recall platform in our first map set within the Shadows district of Breakwater.
  • Canal is available in Casual, Ranked, and Customs

[h3]New Sponsor: Monark Tactical[/h3]
Pull off daring escapes and huge Duality plays with our 9th Sponsor, Monark Tactical!
  • Sovereign Shell
    • Instantly protect yourself with a shield that slows you over time. Reactivate to end early.
  • Crosswall
    • Deploy a T-shaped wall that blocks vision. Aim towards the ground to deploy it closer.
    • ALT FIRE: If Crosswall is prepared on your Spectre, reply the wall from your Spectre instead.
  • Siphon
    • Fire a wave of energy that passes through terrain. Enemies hit temporarily have their health drained. If at least one enemy is hit, you and your Spectre gain health.
    • You can overheal to 125 HP using Siphon.
[h3]New Economy & Buy Menu[/h3]
  • Reworked user interface and visuals for the Buy Menu
  • Removed pre-made “Weapon Pairs” and “Weapon Tiers”
    • You can now buy weapons for each body individually to create your own custom loadouts
    • Total number of weapon combinations increased from 20 → 56
  • Reworked prices for all weapons to account for the removal of pairs
    • Sidearms - You
      • M2 Carbon - Free
      • M10 Brat - $200
    • Sidearms - Spectre
      • Shiv - $200
      • Duster RX6 - $500
    • Primaries - You
      • M17 Bouncer - $500
      • M25 Hornet - $500
      • Buzzsaw RT40 - $800
      • M49 Fury - $1,100
      • Tempest - $1,300
      • Berserker RB3 - $1,700
      • Blackout - $2,400
      • Reaver - $2,400
    • Primaries - Spectre
      • Harpe - $700
      • Trident - $800
      • Whisper - $900
      • M18 Drummer - $1,100
      • Cyclone - $1,200
      • Crusader - $2,200
      • Prototype-OP - $5,000
  • Increased the price of Heavy Armor from $900 → $1,000
  • Added new automation to handle edge cases that could previously result in weapons expiring in the Team Inventory incorrectly
  • Added helpful alerts that display during the Buy Phase when the Buy Menu is closed.
    • Alerts may appear when:
    • Your teammate requests a weapon
    • The round is about to begin and you haven’t purchased a second weapon
  • Removed the “Quick Buy” tab
[h3]New Movement & Sprint[/h3]
  • Added Sprinting
    • You cannot shoot while sprinting
    • You can reload while sprinting
    • Your footsteps are louder when sprinting, but the distance at which you trigger enemy Spectre Warnings is unchanged
  • Changed default keybinds for movement on PC
    • Sprint now defaults to Shift
    • Walk now defaults to Alt
  • [Dev Note] We’ll be closely monitoring the effectiveness of sprinting on across all platforms over the coming days and making adjustments as needed
[h3]New In-Game Communication[/h3]
  • Added new, automated voice-over callouts that play when you:
    • Spot an enemy
    • Eliminate both bodies of an enemy
    • Run out of ammo
    • Get hit by certain abilities that inflicts status effects, such as a blind
    • Are the last player alive on your team
    • Only have one enemy remaining
    • Only have 30 seconds remaining in the round
    • Surrender a match
  • Added a new setting for “Gameplay VO Chatter” in the Audio tab
    • Use this to adjust the amount of automated voice-over that you hear from your teammates
  • Improved the Ping system.
    • You can now ping both enemy and friendly utility
    • You can now confirm pings from your teammates
[h3]New Main Menu Features[/h3]
  • Updated the visuals, animations, and audio across many parts of the Main Menu
  • Added Match History, accessible via the Career tab in the Main Menu
    • Review your past matches, as well as Ranked points won or lost
    • [Dev Note] We’ll be expanding the Career tab with more features including player stats in an upcoming Season 1 update
  • Added a new Contracts Hub, accessible via the Main Menu
    • Review your Weekly & Daily Contracts for the season
  • Added the Season 1 Battle Pass, with over 70 levels to unlock
  • Added a rotating Message of the Day to the Main Menu
[h3]New Ranked Season[/h3]
  • Reset all Solo, Team, and Crew rankings for Season 1
  • Distributed Season 0 rewards for Solo, Team, and Crew rankings. You can equip your new weapon charms from the Weapons tab in the Main Menu

  • Adjusted thrown projectiles to feel snappier and more responsive
  • Added unique hit confirmation UI when damaging enemy equipment
[h3]Ryker Industries[/h3]
Over Season 0, Ryker proved itself as the premiere pick for intel gathering and controlling space. We aren’t taking away its ability to lock down a site with utility, but we are making that a more costly strategy.
  • Hull Mine price increased from $200 to $250
  • Arc Sentry price increased from $200 to $300
  • Opening a door with Ryker’s Wave Scan embedded in it will now destroy the Wave Scan
[h3]Morrgen United[/h3]
Morrgen has been a popular pick since launch and fills an important role as our only Sponsor with free smokes. For that reason, we’ve opted to increase the price of Hidden Grasp and leave Smoke Shift untouched to maintain its focus on vision denial and exciting Duality plays.
  • Hidden Grasp price increased from $200 to $300
[h3]Umbra Reconnaissance[/h3]
Umbra was our weakest launch Sponsor and is considered one of the hardest Sponsors to play due to the complexity of Pulsefinder’s enhanced abilities. By increasing the size of both Recon Wing and Glare Burst, Umbra should feel more forgiving and exciting to play.
  • Recon Wing radius increased from 7m to 8.5m
  • Glare Burst width increased from 4m to 5m
[h3]Ghostlink Collective[/h3]
As players became more familiar with Spectre, we saw Dupe’s effectiveness decline, particularly at higher skill levels. We’re nudging down the price to better align with its current power level. We’re also giving Partition a longer duration to help Ghostlink better compete with Morrgen for the primary “smoker” role.
  • Dupe cost decreased from $250 to $200
  • Partition duration increased from 8s to 10s
[h3]Muu Robotics[/h3]
While Muu was a fan favorite during Season 0, Hyperdome was underperforming as a defensive tool, especially during full buy rounds. We’re increasing the health of the shield to give players more opportunities to pull off aggressive Fast Recalls and keep teammates safe.

We’re also making two adjustments to Dazzler. Previously, enemies that were within line of sight and range of Dazzler would be flashed regardless of where they were looking. The tradeoff was that Dazzler wasn’t a “true” flash and instead distorted the vision of enemies hit. Enemies looking away from Dazzler will now be flashed for a shorter duration, but have more of their vision block than before
  • Hyperdome health increased from 150 to 300
  • Dazzler covers more of the screen, but can now be turned away from
[h3]Vector Dynamics[/h3]
Vector is generally performing as we want it to, but we’re making small adjustments to improve the feel and consistency of the Sponsor.
  • Dual Amp fire rate buff increased from 15% to 20%
  • Vector Wall height increased from 3.5m to 4.5m
  • Vector Wall width increased from 6m to 7m
[h3]Pinnacle International[/h3]
We’re maintaining Pinnacle’s ability to throw several grenades each round while cutting down on back-to-back grenade spam.
  • Splinter Grenade max charges reduced from 2 to 1
  • Splinter Grenade recharge time reduced from 75s to 45s

  • Improved directional footstep audio to help with pinpointing enemy locations
  • Added new escalating kill sound effects to all weapons
  • Updated the Main Menu music
  • Updated visuals for all character faces
  • Updated visuals for all base weapon models
  • Updated splash art for all maps
  • Added additional loading screen artwork
  • Added loading screen tips with mostly helpful gameplay advice
  • Improved third-person death animations
  • Improved the third-person pose of Spectres
  • Added a new Victory Screen animation
  • Updated environmental art in many areas
  • Added additional Santai-themed details to Attacker and Defender Start
  • Added a blimp that travels around and advertises Santai to the people of Breakwater

  • Improved client performance
  • Upgraded anti-cheat systems
  • Improved matchmaking and region select
  • Adjusted Mill, Commons, Metro, and Skyway to remove some tricky 50-50 angles that were especially tough to clear
  • Slightly reduced weapon field-of-view zoom levels, making it easier to walk while aiming down sights without losing situational awareness
  • Updated the in-game round timer. If you defuse the ZEUS with less than 5 seconds left, the time remaining before the ZEUS would have exploded will be shown at the top of the HUD
  • Added a button in the Practice Range to make the target bot run back and forth in a line
  • Improved the Surrender function and addressed its minor bugs
  • Further reduced the prices of outfits and weapon skins in the Store
  • Added support for Steam Achievements, Xbox Achievements, and PlayStation Trophies
  • Automatically granted all players 4 outfits for free: 04, Prince, High Performance, and Primal
    • [Dev Note] If you purchased any of these skins on PC during Season 0, please send a message to our player support team using this form for a full SP reimbursement.

[h3]BUG FIXES[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug where projectile trails would sometimes briefly show the wrong origin location
  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t see the sniper scope overlay if you transition to spectating a teammate who’s already scoped
  • You’ll no longer remain stuck in crouch position if you tap crouch repeatedly
  • Fixed an issue where several equipment items could be used during the pre-round
  • Fixed a bug where Bloom’s Swarm Grenade could get stuck bouncing infinitely on specific surfaces
  • Fixed a bug where multiple players entering/exiting Morrgen’s Hidden Grasp could cause the device to become visible early than intended
  • Fixed a few bugs where the progress UI for various equipment items (e.g., Ryker’s Wave Scan, Muu’s Dazzler) could stop updating in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where Ghostlink’s Partition could be deployed in the wrong orientation in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a few map instances where Ghostlink’s Partition would sometimes fail to deploy flush with the ground
  • Fixed a bug where Muu’s equipment wouldn’t play a subset of their adorable mechanical animations
  • You can no longer animation cancel Umbra’s Enhanced Flash with Enhanced Reveal
  • Ryker’s Sentry Turret can no longer be placed beyond your vertical reach
  • Fixed an issue where Umbra’s Recon Wing could get into a ‘stuck’ state
  • Fixed a bug where deploying a Hex Barrier at an invalid map location could hide your hands in rare circumstances
  • Fixed first-person animation pops related to deploying some equipment items (e.g., Ryker’s Wave Scan)
  • Fixed third-person animation pops related to certain Sponsor equipment items
  • Fixed a bug where mantling while using offhand equipment could cause animation weirdness
  • Fixed a few third-person animation issues related to planting the ZEUS
  • Fixed a bug where a Prototype-OP holstered on your back could appear partially invisible
  • Fixed a bug where after planting the ZEUS, your hands could be hidden in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a few bugs where attempting to join a full or stale party could leave you in a broken state
  • Improved muting and blocking functionality, fixing a number of minor issues
  • Fixed an issue where the Goryokawa outfit could sometimes cause your weapons to be stowed in the void
  • Fixed a number of issues related to Tutorial progression under poor network conditions
  • Fixed a few memory leaks and improved the overall memory footprint
  • Fixed a number of rare crashes

  • Getting fixed in our first patch
    • If you’re holding thrown equipment when your inactive Spectre is killed, you’ll unintentionally equip your weapon.
    • In rare circumstances, vaulting can leave you in a state where you’re no longer able to turn. Vaulting again will correct this.
    • On PS5, logging into the game can take ~20 seconds
  • General
    • Sponsor descriptions in-game don’t reflect their latest balance changes
    • In rare circumstances, you may spectate a teammate planting a ZEUS that is invisible except for its ink outlines
    • On console, you may not see your voice comms broadcasting. Unplug and replug your headset to relink with voice chat.
    • On console, you can get stuck in the Main Menu if you swap tabs while unlock items in the Store or Battle Pass. Press ‘Back’ (B on Xbox; O on PS5) will usually get you unstuck.
  • PC Only
    • If you’re on Windows 11, and you’re sometimes receiving a ‘This application has hung’ error, try disabling ‘Optimizations for windowed games’ in Windows (more information on Microsoft’s Support page)
    • With the introduction of Sprint, some key binds may have been affected. Double-check that your Sprint and Walk keys are bound.
    • Sometimes when you start a match, ultra widescreen will no longer be active. Toggling the setting will re-activate it.
    • Steam achievements won't be available at launch (2/25) but stay tuned!
  • Xbox Only
    • In rare circumstances, Ryker’s Hull Mine won’t visually respond to being shot (even if it’s destroyed on the server)
    • Redeeming the 'Flashpoint Bundle' on Xbox while in-game won't immediately show the new items. They will appear after re-opening the game.

Spectre Divide | Season 1: Flashpoint Launch Recap

Hey everyone, with Flashpoint just around the corner, I wanted to take a second to say thank you on behalf of the entire Mountaintop team.

Since we launched on Steam, we’ve read through thousands of your reviews, comments, and messages. Your passion and your critical feedback energized us in a major way.

We’ve spent the last five months pushing ourselves and taking risks to create the best version of Spectre Divide.

We’re celebrating the launch with a ton of freebies and awesome competition, so make you don’t miss out.

We’re all-in on this moment for Spectre, and we hope to see you back in Breakwater this week.

- Nate, CEO of Mountaintop

Launch Week Hype!

[h2]Cyberlord Melee - Free Login Reward[/h2]

Login during the first 48h of Flashpoint’s launch to receive the Cyberlord Melee for free!

Get ready to rack up some seriously stylish takedowns with one of our most cutting-edge skins yet. After logging in to Spectre Divide, you'll automatically be granted the Cyberlord Melee which can be equipped in the Weapons tab of the main menu.

This promotion ends on February 27th at 9:00 AM PT | 7:00 PM CEST, so don’t miss out!

[h2]Flashpoint Twitch Drops[/h2]

Pick up more Spectre Divide Twitch Drops than ever before.

Starting with the launch of Season 1: Flashpoint, we’re bringing back Twitch Drops category-wide with 5 new rewards:
  • Communa Logo Spray
  • Five Stars Logo Spray
  • Drone Gun Charm
  • Mako Buzzsaw Weapon Skin
  • Cold Blooded Outfit
Ready to start unlocking everything?These Twitch Drops will be available through March 11th, so you’ll have plenty of time to gear up.

[h2]Prices Changes & More Free Outfits[/h2]

We're giving players more access to awesome cosmetics and customization options than ever before.

Whether you're checking out Spectre for the first time with the launch of Flashpoint or you've been a long-time Santai competitor, it's never been easier to gear up in style.

We're reducing the prices of our store cosmetics and DLC even further, and all players that purchased SP or either DLC pack before these price changes will automatically be receiving 5,600 SP ($50 of currency). We hugely appreciate everyone who supported our team early on and we're excited to pay that forward.

We're also giving ALL players 4 outfits for free!

Moving forward, everyone will be receiving immediate access to 04, Prince, High Performance, and Primal. This is not a limited time promotion—the outfits will stay available to all new players from now on. No grinding, no gimmicks, just quality gear.

For PC players that purchased any of these 4 outfits from the store before Season 1, we'll be giving you a full SP reimbursement for any currency you spent on a cosmetic that is now free. This also applies to anyone who purchased the Mako Buzzsaw, since that will be available for free as a Twitch Drop soon.

Just message our Player Support team using this form!

[h2]Flashpoint Season Overview[/h2]

In our Flashpoint announcement post, we shared how we’re reshaping Spectre Divide with the launch of Season 1. We aren’t simply delivering new content; we’re bringing big changes to the game based on the huge amount of player feedback we received during our initial launch. Let’s run through the highlights!

[h3]Improved Movement & Sprinting[/h3]

We've updated Spectre's movement to feel snappier and more responsive. You can now sprint to outmaneuver your opponents and speed up cross-map rotations.

Read more in our Dev Q&A #01 Blog

[h3]Reworked Economy & Buy Menu 2.0[/h3]

Farewell pre-made Weapon Pairs! With Flashpoint, you're now able to create your own custom weapon pairs on the fly using Buy Menu 2.0. Live the Duality dream by mixing and matching weapons to fit your needs.

Buy Menu 2.0 also now shows off our base weapon models in full detail, all of which have been completely remade for Flashpoint.
Read more in our Dev Q&A #03 Blog

[h3]Season 1 Battle Pass[/h3]

With over 70 levels of unique rewards all themed around the rival Districts of Communa and Five Stars, our first Battle Pass has it all. You can even unlock 24 of these items for free, including outfits, weapon skins, and accessories.

This Battle Pass also includes enough SP to cover the full cost of the next Battle Pass. Go infinite!

Check out more Battle Pass pics and the backstory of the Districts on our Season 1 website

[h3]New Map: Canal[/h3]

Dive into a brand-new map, Canal, inspired by classic anime of the 90s.

The winding waterway and massive fast recall platform create a combat playground that rewards strategic positioning and tactical execution.

Control midfield to unleash rapid assaults on either site, steamrolling the enemy resistance.

Read more about Canal on our Season 1 website

[h3]New Sponsor: Monark Tactical[/h3]

Pull off daring escapes and huge Duality plays with our 9th Sponsor, Monark Tactical!
  • Sovereign Shell: Stop bullets with your personal forcefield
  • Siphon: Steal health and scout enemy positions
  • Crosswall: Break up sight-lines and cause mayhem remotely
Read more about Monark Tactical on our Season 1 website

[h3]Match History & Career Tab[/h3]

Ready to flex your latest Ranked winstreak to your friends or look back at your wild Custom Match that went to quadruple overtime? We've got you covered.

Match History will be available in the new Career Tab of the Main Menu from Day 1 of Flashpoint, with even more features like player stats arriving soon after in one of our first patches.

[h3]Season 0 Ranked Rewards[/h3]

If you competed on PC before Flashpoint, you can look forward to some exclusive Weapon Charms. You'll receive 3 different Charms for free based on your best Crew Rank, Team Rank, and Solo Rank which can all be equipped to your weapons of choice.

We're wishing you all good luck in your upcoming Season 1 climb!

[h3]So Much More[/h3]

Thank you to everyone who’s supported Spectre since launch and gotten hyped with us for Season 1: Flashpoint. No matter what the future holds, the city of Breakwater has never looked better, and we can’t wait to get back into the competition with you tomorrow!

Spectre Divide - Season 1: Flashpoint | Launch Trailer (Coming February 25)


💥 Flashpoint drops February 25, 2025!

[h3]New Map. New Battle Pass. New Sponsor Kit. New Buy Menu. Hundreds of improvements, upgrades, and optimizations.

This isn't the Spectre you know- it's Spectre 2.0. A new era of Spectre Divide is about to begin – are you ready to forge your legacy?[/h3]



Shatter defenses. Break spirits. Monark lets you do both.

Monark Tactical will come to the Santai arena when Season 1: Flashpoint launches!

Dev Q&A #03 | Buy Menu Changes

Hey All, BopNSwap here, with our third Dev Q&A for Season 1: Flashpoint.

We’ve had a lot of questions around the new Buy Menu:
  • What’s changing?
  • Is it just a visual update?
  • Will there be new weapon pairs?

We’ve dedicated this entire Q&A to Buy Menu 2.0, which is a complete overhaul from what you’ve experienced previously. Let’s dive in!

The Original Buy Menu

One of the major skill checks we want players to master is Weapon Breadth. We think FPSs are at their best when players are enjoying a variety of weapons, trying to discover the situations where each weapon excels to gain an edge and to outplay the competition.

Additionally, we wanted weapon pairs to lean into our unique Duality mechanic and force players to think differently about how they set up an attack or defense. Players need to think about their pair of competitors, using them both in the best combination of positions to compliment their round strategy. We also hoped players would get to live the Duality dream of covering their own OP body with a short ranged weapon as they get pushed.

A paired weapon system came with a unique challenge in that players could potentially have different weapon power levels on each body. For our first iteration, we really wanted to maintain power consistency when purchasing, so we grouped all pairs into Tiers where all weapons within a tier have similar power levels. This decision made it easy to understand your overall strength at a glance when making a purchase (e.g. Tier 4 > Tier 3) and to understand what you were up against mid-round.

The fallout of these goals was that the menu was more confusing than we liked for new players. While veterans learned the menu quickly, new players would struggle to wrap their heads around the pair concept. The original Buy Menu was simply not like anything seen in any other shooter in a way that added to confusion. On hover button state changes further exacerbated this problem. While we got many gameplay benefits, we paid a high price in terms of onboarding.

We eventually added a “Quick Buys” tab to the Buy Menu that could reduce cognitive load as a player was onboarding, but it wasn’t enough on its own.

With these pros and cons in mind, we set out to do better…

Buy Menu 2.0

Our new iteration of the Buy Menu will allow players to build weapon pairs on the fly. Players can choose any Body 1 weapon and freely pair it with any Body 2 weapon. Players will have way more freedom to craft the perfect pair that meets the needs of their strategy in a given round.

First and foremost, we’ve massively increased weapon pair choice and freedom. Always dreamed of a Bouncer + Crusader combo? Or a Reaver + Trident for you headshot fiends? Now’s your chance. We’ve gone from 20 pairs to 56 - all while making it easier to understand! You’ll have more chances to get creative, more direct control over the amount of money you want to spend, and far fewer moments where you feel stuck with a weapon that doesn’t pair with something that augments your strategy.

Mastering a variety of weapons is still a core tenant of this system, while also allowing you more opportunities to play your own way. We’ve relaxed the weapon power level restrictions, so you can now pair what was a Tier 1 weapon in the old system with what was a Tier 4 weapon. We’ve adjusted the prices of a number of weapons as well, due to the impact of this flexibility. You’ll more easily get one high powered rifle, but it will be harder to get the Crusader/Blackout or Crusader/Reaver pair to compensate. Additionally, the machine guns have come down in price, so Berserker fans rejoice :)

Second, we wanted to ensure that the menu was overall much, much easier to understand. Gone are the state-changing buttons and tier restrictions. We’ve split the UI into two halves (one for each body) which feels more intuitive and more naturally communicates the most important information players need. The weapons themselves have also had their models updated and are now shown in full color for easier readability.

Simply buy a weapon from the Body 1 section and another from the Body 2 section and you’re good to go (assuming you have enough cash!). The buttons more clearly reflect what you’re getting and how the system works, which should help onboarding and learning significantly.

We’re also making a number of changes that will help players at all skill levels avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information on screen, such as reducing the total amount of text displayed by introducing new iconography, and improving how your teammates’ current inventories are shown to you (hidden by default).

Third, the new Buy Menu is now “smarter” and it will help your team save money through the team inventory whenever possible. In the old version, you had to purchase a pair after a weapon was placed into the team inventory to get the benefits of the free weapon. The new Buy Menu will do this for you automatically whenever there is an opportunity to do so, saving you that hard-earned cash!

This updated menu should feel great to use on both PC and console, and we’re confident that the updated visuals and improved design will help players no matter which platform they’re playing on.

This feature will completely change the way you play Spectre and we can’t wait for you all to try it soon!

See you all in Breakwater (2.0) 🙂,
