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Spectre Divide News

Dev Q&A #02 | Sponsor Balance and In-Match Communication Improvements

Hey everyone, BopNSwap back with our second Flashpoint Dev Q&A. Excited to dive into meta updates for sponsors and communications improvements.

Sponsor Updates

Overall, we’re super happy with where Sponsor balance landed for our launch season. All the Sponsors are viable picks and no win rate is too far out of wack. That said, we wanted to bring down the power of our best performers slightly and buff up the underperformers to shake up Season 1’s meta. We’ve particularly focused on adjusting our trap abilities which have significant map control gains for low investment.

Let’s dive into all of the changes!


[h3]Ryker Industries[/h3]
  • Hull Mine price increased from $200 to $250
  • Arc Sentry price increased from $200 to $300
Over the last few months, Ryker proved itself as the premiere pick for intel gathering and controlling space. We aren’t taking away its ability to lock down a site with utility, but we are making that a more costly strategy which should put some pressure on Ryker’s weapon and armor power if they want to fully lean into the controller role every round.

[h3]Morrgen United[/h3]
  • Hidden Grasp price increased from $200 to $300
Morrgen has been a popular pick since launch and fills an important role as our only Sponsor with free smokes. For that reason, we’ve opted to nudge down Hidden Grasp and leave Smoke Shift untouched in order to maintain its focus on vision denial and exciting Duality plays.

[h3]Pinnacle International[/h3]
  • Splinter Grenade max charges reduced from 2 to 1
  • Splinter Grenade recharge time reduced from 75s to 45s.
We want to maintain Pinnacle’s ability to throw several grenades a round, but we specifically wanted to reduce grenade spam and grenade chaos. We hope players will be more intentional about the locations they want to clear, while still feeling like Pinnacle is a strong entry fragger option.


[h3]Umbra Reconnaissance[/h3]
  • Recon Wing radius increased from 7m to 8.5m
  • Glare Burst width increased from 4m to 5m
Umbra was our weakest launch Sponsor and is considered one of the hardest Sponsors to play due to the complexity of Pulsefinder’s enhanced abilities. We are moving some additional power into the core abilities that don’t rely on a Pulsefinder combo. By increasing the sizes of both Recon Wing and Glare Burst, Umbra should feel more forgiving and exciting to play. Keep in mind that a 1.5m increase to radius is quite a large change to the overall circle :)

[h3]Ghostlink Collective[/h3]
  • Dupe cost decreased from $250 to $200
  • Partition duration increased from 8s to 10s
Ghostlink’s Dupe is an exciting ability that’s core to the identity of the Sponsor. As players have become more familiar with the game, we’ve seen Dupe’s effectiveness decline, particularly at higher skill levels. We nudged down the price to better align with the current power level of the ability. We’re also giving Partition a longer duration to ensure it is a strong pick for vision-denial and to help Ghostlink better compete with Morrgen for the “smoker” role.

[h3]Muu Robotics[/h3]
  • Hyperdome health increased from 150 to 300
  • Dazzler covers more of the screen, but can now be turned away from
While Muu remained a fan favorite during Season 0, Hyperdome was underperforming as a defensive tool, especially during full buy rounds. Increasing the health of the bubble shield should give players more opportunities to pull off aggressive fast recalls and keep teammates safe.

We’re also shifting around the power of Dazzler a bit. Previously, enemies that were within line of sight and range of Dazzler would be flashed regardless of where they were looking. The tradeoff was that Dazzler wasn’t a “true” flash and instead distorted the vision for enemies hit. Enemies looking away from Dazzler will now be flashed for a shorter duration, but it will block more vision than it did previously.

[h3]Vector Dynamics[/h3]
  • Dual Amp fire rate buff increased from 15% to 20%
  • Vector Wall height increased from 3.5m to 4.5m
  • Vector Wall width increased from 6m to 7m
Vector is generally performing where we want it, so we’re making small adjustments upwards to improve the feel of the kit and help it be a little better across the board.

[h2]No Changes[/h2]

[h3]Bloom Technologies[/h3]
  • 🐝 All is well in the hive.

Communication Updates

Another Flashpoint announcement we shared was that a number of improvements are coming to our in-game communication systems. Similar to the Sponsor updates, there was much speculation on what this would look like in practice. Let’s cover a few different aspects of what we’ve been working on here.

[h2]Gameplay Chatter[/h2]

While the game feels exciting and dynamic in gunfights, it could sometimes feel empty outside of those moments, especially if teams weren’t on voice comms. We’ve added a number of new situational voice lines that you’ll hear outside of combat to liven up the gameplay space.

Characters can now make call-outs automatically when spotting enemies, getting kills, and fully eliminating an enemy. Additionally, automated voice callouts will identify enemy sponsors, so you’ll more easily and more often know what Sponsor you’re up against!

We’ve also added callouts for other key moments in the match such as “last player alive” and ZEUS detonation timing.

These changes should give you a better sense of what’s happening around the map without your teammates having to verbally say what they’re doing at all times. We hope this is particularly useful for teams playing without voice comms enabled. And don’t worry - we’ve put cooldowns in place to ensure players aren’t getting spammed with voice lines from teammates.

[h2]Ping Improvements[/h2]

Building on our desire to add more non-verbal communication options, we’ve expanded pings to be more dynamic and useful:

  • Ping an enemy’s Arc Sentry to remind your teammates that they need to avoid getting detected.
  • Ping your own Patches to encourage your teammates to run over for some healing.
  • Ping a weapon on the ground to call dibs.
  • Ping a teammate’s ping to let them know the message was received loud and clear.

We’re excited about these changes and will be continuing to look for more opportunities to improve player communication in future seasons.

Thanks for reading and make sure to share more of your questions with us for future weeks!

We’ll see you in the new-and-improved Breakwater very soon,


DLC Update - Spectre Divide - Founder's Pack Retiring Soon

On February 14th, we are going to retire the Spectre Divide Founder's Pack DLC from the Steam store.

If you've already purchased this DLC, the removal will not affect the content or SP that you received from the DLC purchase. This will not affect the main game, Spectre Divide, at all.

Have questions or concerns about this? You can reach our Player Support team by visiting this link: https://support.mountaintop.gg/hc/en-us/requests/new

Dev Q&A #01 | Sprinting, Crossplay, and Boosted Buys

Hey everyone! BopNSwap here with a Dev Q&A -

Since announcing Spectre Divide’s first season, Flashpoint, we’ve received a number of questions about the new content and gameplay updates it’s bringing. From now through Flashpoint’s launch, we’re going to be taking some time each week to answer those questions and provide some insight into the work our team has been doing to breathe new life into Spectre.

This week we’ll be covering Sprinting, Crossplay, and Boosted Buys. Let’s get into it.


Let’s first cover the most common question on Flashpoint’s updated movement: “Why are you adding sprinting?”

When we first launched in September, one of the most common points of discussion was whether the game was “too slow.” Site-to-site rotations were frequently called out as a pain point for many players across our communities, as well as in Steam reviews. We tried to address this feedback by increasing forward movement speed when jogging with the knife equipped, but it still didn’t feel like a strong enough solution for the long-run.

After a lot of experimenting and playtesting, we eventually settled on sprinting. We found that it best delivered on a number of big wins that we felt were important:
  • You have another strong option for navigating the map, particularly when you’re down to a single body after losing your Spectre.
  • You have another tool to use in combat engagements, especially when someone is locked onto an angle.
  • The game just feels faster and more responsive overall, adding more dynamism to the core gunplay.
To be clear, Spectre Divide is still, at its core, a tactical shooter. There are still going to be many situations where walking stealthily is the better approach, and we’re tuning sprinting carefully to make sure it’s performing within our targets.

While sprinting:
  • You can’t shoot.
  • You have to “draw” your weapon again when exiting a sprint.
  • You make more sound than normal.
We’ll be keeping a close eye on sprinting with the release of Flashpoint, so make sure to let us know what you think once you’ve had a chance to try it out.

Console Crossplay

With Spectre Divide releasing on console, we’ve gotten a number of questions about our plans for crossplay. Let’s run through those now.

“What kinds of crossplay will be available when Flashpoint arrives?”
“Will there be controller support on PC?”
“Is there going to be cross-progression or cross-commerce?”

Crossplay between Xbox Series X|S and PS5 will be ready to go on Day 1. We considered this an essential feature for launch and have playtested this extensively.

With that being said, there will not be crossplay between consoles and PC initially. Implementing crossplay between consoles and PC is a more complex feature that we’re taking our time with to make sure we do it right.

We’ve also heard loud and clear that players want a clear philosophy for matchmaking when it comes to crossplay. We highly value competitive integrity and will be holding off on controller support on PC before we can cleanly solve for this.

Finally, there will not be cross-progression or cross-commerce. This is a large feature that is out of scope for console launch, but we’d love to revisit it in the future.

Boosted Buys

Lastly, many of you have asked about our plans for Casual queue: “Will ‘Boosted Buys’ be sticking around for Season 1?”

In short, no, Boosted Buys will be gone from Casual in Flashpoint.

After our PC launch, we frequently saw new players getting stuck in what the community often called the “Tier 3 Loop.” This referred to players force buying every round, resulting in them rarely ever playing with more expensive, and powerful, Tier 4 and Tier 5 weapons. While economy management is a major part of the skill curve of Spectre, it can be overwhelming for new players to learn with all the other mechanics like Sponsor abilities and Duality.

Our goal with Boosted Buys was to ease less experienced players into the core gameplay loop of a tactical shooter without needing to worry about the in-game economy. Receiving free equipment and additional income helped players experience the full breadth of the shop in each match. They were more often fighting at equal power levels with full armor, weapons and utility.

We also know that Spectre is at its most fun and strategic when players are regularly using their Sponsor abilities. Providing players with free utility every round encouraged them to experiment without feeling like they “wasted” money on a smoke or flash that could have gone towards a better pair of weapons.

While much of this was positively received by new players, this was definitely a divisive topic within our community. Based on our data, we believe Boosted Buys did help improve the onboarding experience for new players, but we also agree with the concerns players raised in regard to Boosted Buys reducing strategic decision-making in Casual and hindering new players’ ability to transition into Ranked.

We’ll be re-aligning Casual and Ranked in Season 1 and pairing it with a new buy menu that should reduce new player confusion.

Thanks for reading and getting hyped with us! Make sure to let us know what you’d like to see covered in future weeks, and we’ll see you back for the next one.

See you all in Breakwater,


Spectre Divide | Season 1 Dev Update - Welcome to Flashpoint


We're excited to finally share what we have in store for Season 1, including:

- Console Version
- Battlepass
- New Map
- New Sponsor
- Updated Buy Menu
- And MORE!

For the full details, watch the video above or read up on the blog post here:

Spectre Divide Update | December 10 | Patch Notes

  • If a cheater is detected in your match, the match will be canceled.
    • The match will end in a surrender/tie, and players will keep all player progress (Endorsements, Crew, and Contracts).
    • You will not lose SR if it cancels a ranked match.
    • A pop-up will show in the lobby screen after a match is canceled in this way.
  • We’ve made some underlying code changes in preparation for a ‘Region Selector’ feature. We hope to have this live soon!