2. News
  3. Hotfix Hotfix

- Fixed a bug where some non-interactive decorative buildings, meant to spawn outside the playable area in the Garage Cooperative, could appear inside it and overlap other objects.
- Fixed a bug where the UV grenade would not damage demons already in a stunned state.
- Fixed an issue where the Urban Camouflage from the Supporter Pack could display as Winter Camouflage.
- Fixed missing collision for trash inside vehicles, which could cause bandit bodies to clip into them after death.
- Fixed a bug where the crossbow would be unlocked at the start of a new game if it had been obtained in a previous playthrough.
- Starting a new game no longer resets previously selected player height settings, belt positioning, or hand angle adjustments.

- The range at which enemies can hear the player's walking and running sounds has been increased.
- Added several new decorative objects that can spawn outside the playable area in the Garage Cooperative.

Other minor fixes and adjustments.