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Dragonero News

Version 1.0.3

[h2]Various UI Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevent to select an ability during battle (now you can select more than 8 abilities). Thanks to @Silly Clown for the report;
  • Fixed Dungeon Navigation with Mouse;
  • Improved readability of the changelog;
  • Fixed the size of the talker panel during Dialogue;
  • Improved readability of various panels.

[h2]Gameplay fixes[/h2]
  • Improved battle stats balance
  • various minor fixes

Thank you!

Welcome Scout!

First of all, we want to thank you for your support and passion for Dragonero, our first project.

The week after the release was intense and, after a short rest, we started working again with the very useful feedback you sent us. If you would like to get in touch with us you can write to us through the Community Hub or through our server Discord.

Any feedback is helpful and we are collecting them to better plan the next patches, starting with improving the UI and readability of interfaces and text. We will make a roadmap public in the coming weeks.

We are determined to improve Dragonero and make it the best game possible in the coming months, with continued support and updates.

An initial update is available as of today.


  • Changed Purple fonts in cutscenes.
  • Improved readability of notifications
  • Improved readability of dialog scenes
  • Improved readability of narrative scenes.
  • Improved readability of timer changes in dungeons
  • Improved readability of events in world map

First UI update and readability

First minor update, more will follow based on feedback received.


  • Changed Purple fonts in cutscenes.
  • Improved readability of notifications
  • Improved readability of dialog scenes
  • Improved readability of narrative scenes.
  • Improved readability of timer changes in dungeons
  • Improved readability of events in world map

Japanese language bug has been fix

Fixed a bug that prevented Japanese ideograms from being shown correctly
Fixed a bug with damage text in battle
Fixed a bug with the characters description text

Dragonero - The Rise of Draquir is out now!

Embark on an epic adventure, explore dangerous dungeons and engage in riveting combat.
The future of Erondàr is in your hands.


In the future, prepare for the arrival of Master Mode, which will allow you to create and share your dungeons and campaigns with the community through the Steam Workshop.

We look forward to hearing your opinion about the game, you can write to us in the Community HUB.

Khame adwerte nàu oméa!